SatChitAnanda: Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Humanity believes that happiness is a temporary thing. It comes and it goes. Life is a cycle of Joy and sorrow. We experience pleasure and pain, loss and gain, sun and rain and this happens again and again as we wake up each day to live our life. But the one who attains the state of SatChitAnanda experiences Bliss all the time. After the realization of the Truth and the Consciousness of who they truly are, they attain the state of Ananda, which is eternal Peace and everlasting happiness.

SatChitAnanda is not the pleasure that a child gets from eating an ice cream or getting its favourite toy. It is not a thrill that comes from success and achievement. It is not the result of wealth and money and all the things that money can buy. It is beyond happiness that comes from getting a Ferrari, a diamond ring or a branded handbag. It is beyond going to the Maldives or New York or even Antarctica. The Joy of SatChitAnanda is greater than what somebody experiences in the world's most luxurious cruise ship. The tranquillity is greater than all the Peace that comes from living in contentment and fulfilment. It is a Joy that transcends all sorrow, transcends all misery, pain of the body, suffering of the mind, and agony of the ego. What is this Ananda, one wonders! This Ananda is a Bliss beyond all this, a Bliss that exists in every moment, in every action, in every step and in every breath that we live.