Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA - Reality is Programmable! by Moorpheus H. B. - HTML preview

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2.7. Out of the Blue and December 21, 2012




In August of 2012, something happened that was literally out of the blue! I just finished a reading regarding the new moon and the start of a new moon cycle. In OCCOULIA, one of the Eight (8) Components is Divination. Divination is a way of reading from the quantum database, sometimes referred to as the "Book of Life" and "Tables of Destiny". Using Divination, you can get information regarding the past, present or future of anytime time line. In OCCOULIA each person chooses a Divination system(s) that works best for them. The Divination system I chose as my primary one is the tarot card system.


In August 2012, just prior to the upcoming new moon and new moon cycle, I choose the card "the Ace of Pentacles" to represent the prevailing energies of upcoming moon cycle. The interpretation of this card let me know that during this upcoming moon cycle, some type of opportunity will come to me seemingly out of nowhere. It would come out of the blue just like you see in the card above showing a hand coming out of the clouds offering a golden coin or pentacle. Sure enough, on the weekend just days before the new moon cycle I got a call from the administrator of a virtual world website I had contacted the day before.


For some time, I have been interested in creating and deploying a virtual world where people can meet and communicate within. I attempted to create a virtual world, but at the time it was too costly for me to create and deploy a virtual world. Also, I really did not know where to start and what were the possibilities. In August of 2012, I came across a website advertising virtual world space and hosting and decided to email the administrator of the service. In my mind, I did not really expect to hear back from him, but to my surprise, he contacted me back, the next day. I'm actually looking at my actual journal entry on that day, it says "It was Saturday afternoon, 8/11/2012 (12 noon exactly), that the hand came out the cloud and delivered my Ace of Pentacles!"   This was August 11, 2012 at exactly 12 Noon EST.


Finally my dream of creating a virtual world was becoming a reality. Little did I know the degree of trial and error I would have to go through to create a virtual world. Up until to that time, I had no knowledge of virtual worlds, Linux servers, etc. I was about to embark on a steep learning curve. A New vision quest had become under the auspices of "Sophia" (subconscious mind). The great and incredible vision quest of 2012 went from: 12 Noon EST. August 11, 2012 - 11:11 PM EST. December 21, 2012.


This vision quest took and showed me things that were incredible. Before I could run my own virtual world, I would have to learn Linux. Even the virtual world administrators did not want to install the virtual world on a Linux server. Not even with pay! I could not find anyone who knew how to or wanted to do it, so I ultimately accepted that I would have to do it myself! Wow, at one point I was wondered what had I gotten myself into.

Talk about trial and error? While trying to install "Matrix-Five" on the Linux server, I literally had to navigate my way through hundreds of errors, and hundreds of lines of code that I never seen before. I don't know how, but I literally attempted to run Matrix-Five hundreds if not thousands of times. Each time I got an error, I copy and pasted the error in Google and somehow managed to overcome each error while at the same time learning a little bit more about a Linux and virtual world programming. I literally "Googled" my way through thousands of errors and deployment attempts.


I will never forget the day when I went to run it expecting to see lines and lines of red error messages, and instead it went through and was running. I was so happy I celebrated! As I entered the empty virtual world I finally deployed, it was eerie. Here was a world I literally created and deployed where I actually had god powers. In fact it is literally called "God Mode!" In God Mode" I had "God" powers in this virtual world "Matrix-Five!" I was even able to enable a sun and control the movement of the sun, time, weather, everything. I began creating homes, shopping malls, movie theaters, classrooms, meeting halls, art galleries, meditation rooms in the clouds, etc.


During this time, "Sophia" taught me so much. She taught me the history of whole kingdoms, and told me I will build a kingdom and in fact a new world. It was at this time while meditating that "Sophia" told me something that blew my mind. Up until that moment, I had been wearing for over a decade a sterling silver medallion of the Olmec-Mayan calendar. This is the calendar that became famous because of the date December 21, 2012 (which comes from that calendar). I felt a strong connection when I wore it, but I did not fully know the connection until then. This was literally three weeks prior to the date, December 21, 2012.


"Sophia" told me that I was connected to that calendar in a greater way than I had ever imagined. Sophia told me that I must finishing working and launch "Matrix-Five" to the world on at exactly 11:11 PM EST. December 21, 2012! She told me that by launching it on exactly that day at exactly that time, it would both symbolically and actually announce the end of "Matrix-Four" (the previous world era, order, paradigm, and consensus reality) and initiate the beginning of "Matrix-Five." She said it was my destiny to do this and that the ancestors traveled forward in time, seen what I did, and then began to calculate time from that exact moment, backwards to themselves. Thus, strange to say, the past was calculated from the future. Even stranger was the suggestion that my actions on that day were connected to this date. It took my some time to handle this and reconcile this in my mind.


It was a struggle to fulfill what "Sophia's" request regarding the launch of Matrix-Five on December 21, 2012 at exactly 11:11 PM, but I did it. I launched it live via a live radio broadcast. It is recorded and documented what took place on that day (the full radio show recording is at the website if you wish to listen to it: I had to only approve fifty people at a time so that we did not crash the servers due to too many people coming into "Matrix-Five" at once (like we did the first time we launched the book and website).


All of this will make more sense as you read on. Suffice it to say that Matrix-Five virtual world is a key part of OCCOULIA University and its goal to initiate everyone into a new world that was born on December 21, 2012.