Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA - Reality is Programmable! by Moorpheus H. B. - HTML preview

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3.3. Man is the Microcosm of the Macrocosm / As Above, So Below


We have already shown that man is a computer (bio-computer). We will now show that man is an exact scale model of the universe and visa-versa.


When we look out into space, we are really looking into a cosmic mirror. All of the aspects and functions in man have their analogies in the universe. This is how ancient man learned about and understood the universe. As I said before, the universe is too vast in scale to be studied with human eyes, thus we use the science of analogy. An elder once asked "if you are in a room and you had to measure the ceiling but it was too high, what would you do?" The answer of course was you measure the floor under your feet. “As above, so below.” Through the science of analogy, that which is unreachable comes within grasp.


For instance, it takes the light of the sun 8 minutes to travel 93 million miles to the earth. Eight minutes just happens to be the same amount of time it takes your blood to circulate from your head to your toe. I once tried an experiment where I cut an onion and put it under my feet. It took exactly 8 minutes for the smell to reach my nose.

Now with modern telescopes, we are able to observe galaxies from a distance. In observing this galaxies and cluster of galaxies, they actually look very biological and organic. You can even make out what looks like eyes, nerve fibers, brain tissue, cells, flesh, fetuses, etc.

The universe even has electrical wires and cables in the form of billion mile long strands of plasma that carry electricity through and between galaxies just like the inside of an electronic device. The long strands of plasma are also just like veins and arteries.

The same way a computer has anti-virus programs and the human body has an antibody/immune program, the universe seems to have an anti-virus program as well. Believe it or not, the space shuttle actually activated this anti-virus program and filmed it.

The shuttle was laying out a 13-mile long tether (cable) in space to measure static electricity when the cable suddenly snapped discharging a great deal of electricity. As soon it snapped it was swarmed by hundreds of u.f.o.s which showed up as if to investigate and neutralize whatever caused the disturbance similar to how white blood cells respond to an immunological threat. (View "NASA STS-75 "Tether Incident" on YouTube:

All of this goes to prove the above equation man = computer = the universe. The universe and man all function and are in fact computers or “programmable machines”. The key thing is that like computers, both man and what we call reality or the universe is programmable. Man and the universe both have an operating system, which is programmable via a programming language. Based on this fact, I have developed OCCOULIA as a programming language which is able to program both man and the universe (reality).