Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA - Reality is Programmable! by Moorpheus H. B. - HTML preview

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3.5. The Observer Effect


Fundamental to contemporary Quantum Theory is the notion that there is no phenomenon until it is observed. This effect is known as the 'Observer Effect'. 1


The implications of the 'Observer Effect' are profound because, if true, it means that before anything can manifest in the physical universe it must first be observed. Observation causes the subconscious mind to process the source code of the observed item. The Observer Effect clearly implies that the physical Universe is the direct result of source code being rendered and processed by an operating system. The operating system of the universe and reality is none other than what is referred to as the subconscious mind. This was one of the most important revelations of OCCOULIA.


Quantum physicists also noticed that in studying sub-atomic particles, the particles behaved one way in one laboratory and a different way in another laboratory based on the preconceived notions of the scientists studying them. This caused some scientists to wonder whether they were studying these particles or actually creating them by their expectation. In other words, do we walk along the beach or do we lay the beach out in front of us as we walk along.


In the virtual world simulation I created called "Matrix-Five", an object is rendered in the world (manifests) as a result of your avatar viewing or "observing" that object. If your avatar or your representation in Matrix-Five virtual world looks in the direction where there should be a building, the simulation will detect you are observing and expecting to see the building. The simulation will then process code from the source code, and from the database it will re-construct the building where it should be. The rendering happens pretty fast based on the speed of your computer. With a slower computer you can actually see it gradually rendering.


The computer called the universe has a processor speed of 186,000 miles per second, or the speed of light. Thus it renders things so fast; you think it was always there. Also, since the universe also stores and works using a database as well, it can make that object persist as long as there is something living observing it.


Matrix-Five virtual world is a simulated reality generated from source code being processed by an operating system (in this case Linux). What we called reality is also a simulated or rendered reality which is the result of source code being processed by an operating system (the subconscious mind).


I once asked the students of OCCOULIA while we were sitting in our Avatars in Matrix-Five virtual world, this question: "If we all logged out of Matrix-Five right now and no one was inside Matrix-Five (in-world), would this shopping mall, movie theater, these stores, etc. in Matrix-Five exist?