Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA - Reality is Programmable! by Moorpheus H. B. - HTML preview

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3.13. Principles of OCCOULIA (1-28)




Principles of OCCOULIA (1-28): Expanded


1.      What we call reality is actually an interactive computer simulation based on source code (programs) and the processing of source code.

Now to many people this may sound like some crazy science fiction type plot, but believe it or not, what we call reality operates based on similar and in many cases the exact same principles as modern computer virtual world simulations. As a result of creating a virtual world myself, Matrix-Five, I seen and even experienced firsthand these similarities. As a matter of fact, as a result of creating Matrix-Five virtual world, I gained the ultimate understanding of how what we call reality is a computer simulation.

Let me give a few examples of how very similar the creation and operating of the computer simulation virtual world I created called “Matrix-Five” and the creation and operation of this world is analogous. This connection and many of the following connections between this world/reality and computer simulations can actually be found in religion and science both ancient and modern. It is the “Secret of Secrets” of which this book is about, has been inserted all throughout man’s religion and science.

In the Beginning was the Word - Matrix-Five virtual world is based on source code and the running or processing of that source code on or in a computer (server). The code which was the basis of Matrix-Five is “source code” because I was able to read and write to (modify) the source code. The source code was written in words. These “words” or source code existed long before the actual virtual world “Matrix-Five” existed and was open for people to enter into via their avatars.

Because the source code was made up of words, I was able to directly read as well as modify and configure the code upon which the creation and manifestation Matrix-five will eventually come from. Thus the saying in the beginning of the “Bible” where it says “In the beginning was the Word...”
[x] The source code or “word” was the beginning of Matrix-Five virtual world, and in fact all simulations including the one we are in now!

The Big Bang – when scientists say that the universe came exploded from something smaller than the period at the end of a sentence, it does not make sense. But looking at it from the perspective of creating Matrix-Five, it makes perfect sense. The “big bang” took place when I pressed the “enter” key on my keyboard to run Matrix-Five. Prior to pressing the “enter” key, Matrix-Five virtual world did not exist (it was void, unprocessed source code) because it was not running yet on the computer. When I pressed “enter” to run it, it appeared out of seeming nothing and expands into this whole virtual world, which like this world/reality, it has been expanding ever since (Big Bang).

Noah's Ark, Many Versions – In many of the sacred religious myths and beliefs, the creator of this world created more than one version. In many beliefs, including the flood of Noah in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition, where it is believed that God grew weary of his creation and decided to destroy and create a new version. However he did decide to keep some things from the prior creation or version symbolized by Noah and his “ark”.

This reminded me of how many time I ran Matrix-Five, noticed errors, shut it down to fix the errors, made modification to the source code and started it back up again. Often times I created my own little “Noah’s ark” in the form of a special file to preserve some things that were good from a previous version of Matrix-Five. That file (or ark) allowed me to import those preserved things into the new world or version of Matrix-Five.


Just reading these stories of the big bang and creation myths did not make total sense until I actually created a world simulation myself, and then they made sense.


These are just a few examples showing the similarity of this world/reality and virtual world computer simulations. I will give more examples of these similarities and how this world /reality make sense when seen from the perspective of it being a computer generated simulation, as opposed to an objective reality.


That the world that we call is really a computer generated simulation has really come to prominence in the last few years and is being taken very seriously by scientists around the world. Below I will give some of the headlines of very recent articles and their links in the footnotes in case you want to read the full article.


1.      New York Times – Sunday Review 2/14/2014: “Is the Universe a Simulation?”

we are more likely to be living in a simulated world than the real one.[xi]

2.      International Business Times – 2/16/2014: “Is The Universe Just A Futuristic Simulation?” [xii]

3.      io9 – 10/10/2012: “Physicists say there may be a way to prove that we live in a computer simulation"[xiii]

4.      HAARETZ – 2/24/2014: “Finding meaning in a 'simulated universe’: Is the world merely a computer simulation whose code humans can crack?”[xiv]

5. – 2/21/2014: “Alternatives to the Big Bang Theory Explained (Infographic)”

“Implications found in quantum gravity and string theory tantalizingly suggest a universe that is in reality nothing like how it appears to human observers. It may actually be a flat hologram projected onto the surface of a sphere, for example. Or it could be a completely digital simulation running in a vast computer.”[xv]


2.      Man is the original creator of this computer simulation from another realm or capacity outside of this simulation.

This simulation generates what we call the physical plane, the physical universe. This simulation generates what has also seen called the plane of things made manifest, or what most call the “real world”, and is based on duality and 4 dimensions (height, width, depth and time). The realm outside of this simulation (reality) is what I refer to as the “plane of soul”.


3.      Man, true man is not the physical body. These physical bodies were created by true man to function as avatars in order that man may function inside and within this simulation we call reality.

This “physical plane” is a 4D reality (4 dimensions, length, width, height, and time) generated by the computer simulation we created. Our consciousness enters into this computer simulation that we call reality, via these bodies or avatars we created on the plane of soul and through which we play or learn in this simulation for 24-72 hour stretches of time. Once this limit is up these physical bodies were designed to go into sleep or hibernation mode (just like a laptop computer), while our consciousness (soul) returns to its source in the plane of soul.

Most of us think that we are our physical bodies. When people describe themselves, they usually describe their bodies. In reality, your physical body is just an avatar. You are really a unit of consciousness or awareness inserted into and operating an avatar just like the movie “Avatar”.

Again, this world which we call the “real world” is just a virtual reality program that you operate in via you avatar or body. The world or realm you return to when you sleep or upon death is the true “reality”. Think about it, if the conscious awake world we call “reality” is the real world, then why can you only stay in this virtual reality “game” for no more than 24-72 hours. After 24-72 hours, the true you (consciousness, awareness) must leave here and return to the true “real world”.


4.      This computer simulation we call reality is an educational / developmental program or simulation whose purpose is to teach us the “knowledge of good and evil” or duality via direct experience.

Today, many innovations are coming as a result of simulations. Because computing power has increased, simulations can be created to model real problems and real solutions.

Innovation Excellence – 2/21/2014: “Why Simulation is the Future of Innovation”

“That’s why the future of innovation is simulation.  Whereas before, we might sit amongst ourselves and decide how the world might work and test our ideas in the market, now we can test them in a virtual environment built by real world data at much lower levels of cost and risk.”

Thus it now makes sense why we would create a vast simulation (the one we are now in) in order to learn the “knowledge of good and evil” as discussed next!

5.      The eating of the “fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” was a parable that is symbolic of the agreement to enter this simulation and undergo this course of study in order to “become as gods, knowing good and evil”.

The last part of the simulation before the Grand Graduation (or Grand Transmutation) is symbolized by the reaching for and eating of the tree of life.



6.      The “fall of man” is symbolic of the soul or consciousness entering the physical body or avatar from the plane of soul.

It is call “falling” because we descend down the birth canal head first. This is symbolized also be the 5 pointed star with the head pointed downward. Soul descending into flesh or matter to become a “living soul”. From the perspective of the plane of soul, we literally “fall” into the flesh or physical realm via the “south gate” or birth canal (head first or 'headlong').



7.      Man entered this simulation from the plane of soul (Garden of Eden) not knowing and having no experience regarding duality (good and evil, yin and yang, positive and negative, etc.).

When we fall into the physical plane at birth, a chemical is released in the brain of the baby at birth (the “red pill” so to speak). This produces an altered state of consciousness and causes the baby to forget from whence it came from the plane of soul and begin its journey here in this simulation or physical plane. This is why when I looked into the eyes of my children as I escorted them out of the womb; they all looked high as a kite, LOL.



8.      Since what we call reality is really a computer simulation, this means it has an operating system and is therefore programmable. The operating system of this simulation is what is referred to as the subconscious mind.

OCCOULIA, the programming language consists of an eight (8) character “alpha-bit”, and 8 eight components. The eight characters are 8 basic geometric shapes all of which can be formed or shaped using the human hands. These 8 characters or “bits” are used to construct sigils or programs.

We first create a statement of what it is we want or are looking to accomplish in this simulation or reality. Then we convert that statement into a sigil using the 8 characters or bits. You can create your own custom sigil, and/or you can use the "Universal Sigil" and assign your statement to it.

Once the sigil or program is created it is “run” on the subconscious mind or operating system or the universe using the 8 components (methods) of OCCOULIA.

The 8 characters of the "OCCOULIA Alphabit" was the first thing “Sophia”, the subconscious mind or operating system revealed to me during the vision quest. She in a sense gave me a byte (bite) to eat, or you can say she gave me a “bit” to eat (8 bits to be exact).

From this byte or 8 bits, this whole system of both the OCCOULIA Philosophy and programming language is based, evolves or is extracted from. A whole way of life evolved from just 8 bits or 1 byte. This is the same way this whole universe or simulation began based 8 simple bits or 8 seeds forming an “ogdoad”.



9.      In order that we would play along with the “game” or go along thinking that this simulation was real, we designed our avatars in such a way that certain chemicals are released by these bodies / avatars at birth and during the course of the lifespan of the avatar which causes us to forget who we truly are from whence we came (Serotonin).

If we knew that we created this reality as a simulation designed to teach us the knowledge of good and evil, we would not play the game properly and learn the lessons we have to learn via experience if we knew the experiences were computer generated simulations. These chemicals that are produced and released at birth and during life are all variations of the red pill.

10. In OCCOULIA we measure and see our bodies in four dimensions instead of just the three dimensions we were taught to view and measure our bodies (which is missing the dimension of time).


Using the 3d image of yourself as a starting point, everything from you in the present to the last moment of your last descendent on the Physical Plane-Realm of Flesh (PP-ROF), is your descendent or future self, consisting of all of your descendants and all consensus reality programs passed down via code (DNA and OCCOULIA).


If we now attach your ancestral self, consisting of all your ancestors to your back and all of your descendent self, consisting of all of your descendants to your front, this is what you really look like measured in time or years.

Another way to look at your 4th dimensional body, not on such a grand scale, is to just look at your life up to now. Imagine someone doing time lapse photography for one 24 hour day. With all of the walking, turning, going left going right, at the end of the day the time lapse photography of you over the course of a 24 hour day would look like a long ribbon meandering, twisting and turning on itself. In fact, if this time lapse went over the course of your whole life, the lives of all of your descendants and all your ancestors, it will look like, DNA code.

Thus the lives encoded in the DNA actually take the shape of those lives it encodes. Our lives, with all of its twists and turns, form the twists and turns in the DNA as it encodes it. In other words, from a distance, your 4th dimensional body, looks just like your DNA code. In turn, this DNA code, form sigils. Thus your 4th dimensional body from a distance looks like a sigil. Yet, this “Sigil of 4th Dimensional Self” whose lines consist of time, can be modified. When the timeline you are on changes, this “Sigil of 4th Dimensional Self” also slightly changes shape.


We have the power to choose the timeline we are on by using OCCOULIA. When you change the timeline you are on, this also changes this “Sigil of 4th Dimensional Self”.

11. In OCCOULIA we exercise the ability to pick and choose the time line we are on using one of the "Eight Components of OCCOULIA" called "Divination."

Every choice or decision you make regarding your life generates a slightly different timeline. Even things as subtle as choosing whether to hold your sneeze or let it out will slightly modify the timeline you are on.

In front of you, you have an infinite number of potential timelines, yet you will only manifest one based on what you choose. There is a potential timeline where you win the lotto. There is another potential timeline where you lose your job in 2 weeks, etc. All of these time lines are potential. The question is how do you pick and choose what timeline you want to manifest?

In OCCOULIA we use Divination to do readings on various timelines, and based on those readings we choose the timeline we like best. We then write a program for that timeline. Out of all of the potential timelines in the source code, the one we choose and wrote a program for is the timeline that manifests. This is by writing a program for that particular timeline, we “observe” or process that timeline out of all of the potential timelines in the source code.



12. These avatars (physical bodies) we created for ourselves to operate in evolved and was developed after many prototypes were tried and recorded in the quantum database maintained by the subconscious mind (Book of Life).

This is why in the development in the womb the fetus passes through various prototypes in a sequential order, showing the various life forms in this simulation (prototypes of man). Our human avatars were endowed with godlike powers and admin permission in this simulation just like the admin of any computer simulation is endowed with. But these powers and admin status was buried deep in man and even disabled.

Thus we must literally hack ourselves to unlock and enable these godlike powers and admin features. OCCOULIA is the means by which we hack ourselves to enable and even increase our powers and admin capabilities.



13. Many of the mysteries, quirks and strangeness of the cosmic realms, earthly realms and quantum realms start to make sense when you realize that this so-called reality is a computer generated simulation.

This reality is generated as the result of the processing of source code. This source code in turn can be modified using OCCOULIA and when this modified code is processed again the reality it generates will be modified. Because the source code was modified, and the operating system (subconscious mind) is always processing the most recent version of the source code, when the modified source code is processed again, the modifications will manifest. What we call “life” and “living” is the result of processing code and is the processing of code itself (all of which is continuous like a "cron" job).

Speed of light – We are taught that the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second and that nothing in this universe/reality can travel faster than that. In an objective universe that exist on its own, why should there be such a limitation.

However, if this is a computer simulation, than just like the virtual world simulation I created called “Matrix-Five” simulations are limited by the processing speed of the computer (server) they are on and the processing speed of the viewer’s computer viewing the simulated world.

Could it be that the “speed of light” is the processing speed of this computer simulation which we call “reality?” It makes sense why nothing can go faster than light in this world. The speed of things in a simulation cannot exceed the speed of the computer running it.

Quantum Weirdness - (see above)



14. The 4 primary brain frequencies of man are Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta. The alpha state is the key to tapping into and hacking into to enable and utilize your godlike powers and "admin" capabilities in this simulation we call reality.

The alpha brainwave state is the most conducive to programming the subconscious mind. In the alpha state, you have admin access to both the conscious/ego mind and the subconscious mind at the same time. I refer to the alpha state as the perfect “programming environment”. While in this state you can facilitate communication between the conscious/ego mind and the subconscious mind, and establish a relationship conducive to future work in cooperation.

Through brainwave entrainment technology, we can put ourselves into different states conducive to different objectives via audio and video brainwave entrainment. By listening (audio in) and viewing (video in) to audio and video to which brainwave entrainment technology and techniques have been applied, they will eventually entrain or cause your brain to match and resonate the frequencies in those audios and videos. Thus through brainwave entrainment technology, you can literally control and modulate your mind the same way you would tune a radio to specific stations or frequencies. Governments use this same technology in their mind control programs, now for the first time the average person can apply this same technology to control their own mind. I always say, since the mind is controllable, if you don’t control your mind, someone else will and probably is!

Brainwave entrainment or "brainwave synchronization", is any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state (for example, to induce sleep), usuall