Self Liberation from Fear, Worry, & Anger by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji - HTML preview

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The Intelligent Way to be rid of Worry

The power of rational thinking

Man has been bestowed with intellect. But there are very few who use their intellect to maximum benefit. The question is not how much you use your intellect, the question is whether you use it at the right time, right place and the right way (rationally). That is why it is said that common sense is uncommon. Use of common sense or rational thinking is one of the easiest ways to be rid of worry. Just by thinking rationally on the outcome and the impact of a troublesome event, you can kill worry.

Once a businessman heard that something negative about him has been printed in the 'Times of India', a national daily. He got extremely worried about whether he will be able to face society. He even contemplated suicide. All he needs to do is to use rational thinking.

What Does Rational Thinking Have To Say? Rational Thinking (RT) : How many people read the 'Times of India' in your city?


Individual (IN) : About a hundred thousand (one lakh) read the Times of India.

RT : How many actually would read the whole newspaper? IN : Around 50,000.

RT : Out of those 50,000, how many would have registered what they read?

IN : Around 25,000.
RT : Out of 25,000, how many would know you by name? IN : May be around 5000.

RT : Out of them, how many can associate you by name and face, i.e. how many know you personally?


IN : Probably 500.


RT : Out of these 500 how many would have read it and continue to remember it after a week?


IN : Probably 250.


RT : Out of those 250, how many would have believed the news about you?


IN : Maybe 50.


RT : Out of the 50, how many people knowing it will impact you personally or professionally?


IN : Around 10.


RT : Out of these 10, how many will clarify with you as to whether the news is correct?


IN : Almost all will clarify. Now I understand how foolish I was to worry about it.


RT : Yes. And by the way, we did not consider the advantages that negative publicity has too. It is a great marketing tool. Thus if you rationally think about what are your worries, most of your worries will vanish.


Rationally examine your ‘musts’.

Most worries related to performance and people is because of a predominant belief – “I must perform well and get approval from others or else I am useless.” If you worry about your performance, rationally examine this belief. Ask yourself : “Is it really a must?” “How is it true?” “Is it written somewhere?” Once you are convinced that it is a mere belief without any foundation, you will see that your ‘must’ is entirely false. Change your belief to, “I like to perform well” or “I prefer to perform well” instead of clinging to “must”. Rationally check your other worries too. Is there a ‘must’ underlying those worries? Rationally examine that belief and let it go. Your worries will also go.