Self Liberation from Fear, Worry, & Anger by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji - HTML preview

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The Prepaaaaared Wred Waaaaayyyyy ttttto be rid of Anf Anger

Ten measures to get rid of anger before anger arises

People think about the remedy for anger after getting angry. Ideally it should be that before anger arises, the remedy for anger should be found. That is why in daily routine life, keep practicing tolerance and patience. With the development of tolerance, anger immediately reduces. This book is the cure for anger before anger arises. Reading it repeatedly, contemplating on it and following its instructions is the remedy. After getting sick, people often think about exercise. But, a wise man starts exercising before falling sick. The wise don’t dig a well after feeling thirsty. Instead even before thirst arises, they make proper arrangements for water. Practice the following measures to get rid of anger even before anger arises.

1. Be receptive and attentive

Develop the habit of being in complete silence and peace every day for 15 minutes any time of the day. Keep the body steady. Fill your mind with happy thoughts and maintain slow rhythmic breathing.

Observing complete silence may not feel comfortable or enjoyable. But these 15 minutes shall teach you a lot. For the first time, you will be able to know your mind and its games. And getting free from wrong beliefs and notions, you will receive the blessing of peace. You can also meditate.

2. Take deep breaths

Make it a habit that with every thought of anger, you shall take a deep breath. Whenever you get a negative thought, take a deep breath and release it slowly. This habit will be beneficial for diffusing your anger as well as it will be good for your health.

3. Take a balanced diet (Like food, like mind)

Your mind is what you eat. Your mind becomes just like the food you eat. If your body is filled with spicy or heavy and cold food, then accordingly the mind within the body will also become restless or lazy and indolent. If your body is filled with balanced and light food, then the mind within the body becomes active, sharp, focused and calm. There is a deep relationship between the body and the mind. Don’t consider them as two separate entities. Consider it as one body-mind mechanism. Right from today, start analyzing the food being put in your body and make your mind strong and powerful. A balanced person eats such type of food that allows equal amount of blood flow from the heart to the stomach and from the heart to the brain. Always remain a little hungry. Don’t completely stuff yourself. Take less and balanced diet. Balanced diet is helpful in keeping the mind stable. In a stable mind, the fire of anger does not arise.

4. Get freedom from anger by exercise and other physical activity


The more you are physically fit, the more will your anger be employed in increasing your strength and completing your work. 5. Keep faith in the principles of life

Every creature of this earth has been created to lead a healthy life and to make progress. Keep complete faith in this rule. Anger is a conspiracy against nature and the laws of nature.

Make this a principle in your life: “Below one roof, two people shall not get angry at the same time.”This means that when your sister or brother, mother or father, wife or husband are expressing their anger, at that time, you don’t have to get angry. By following this rule, you can prevent many problems at home which arise due to anger. When out of two people, one controls his anger, then the other cannot continue his anger for long.When you make one rule and follow it, you will know the power of making principles in life.

6. Read spiritual books

The words of Tejgyan (Bright Knowledge) are your true companion. Your anger-filled mind can be controlled through the spiritual resources of Tej Gyan Foundation. Read spiritual books. Read religious books regularly and with full faith.

7. Listen to the truth

Make it a habit to attend spiritual discourses. Attend Satsang (the company of Truth) at least once a week. The words of Truth will eliminate the darkness of fear, depression, anger, and will spread the light of peace in your life.

8. Don’t use words that provoke anger

Don’t tell someone that you are looking sick and tired. Or that you always make mistakes. Your words may become the cause of anger or the root of disease for that person and for yourself. 9. Express your mind’s desire

Express freely and honestly what is in your mind and the reason for your anger to a well-wisher. This will help to cool down the flames of your anger. (Not being able to express your mind inflames anger).

10. Learn to forgive others

Learn to forgive others as well as yourself. If you forgive others, then are you not doing a favour on them. It’s a favour by you on yourself. Do yourself a favour. Learn to forgive others.