Self Liberation from Fear, Worry, & Anger by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji - HTML preview

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There is no need to live scowling with anger. It is necessary to let out the air. It is necessary to laugh and live.
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Temporary measures


The following are some temporary measures that will provide immediate relief when you feel angry: 1. Postpone

Almost everybody is an expert at postponing things to the next day. Instead of postponing your tasks, you can postpone your anger. If you need to be angry, tell yourself, “I will express my anger tomorrow.” Decide to do so and abide by your decision. If anybody has sweared at you or insulted you, then you must postpone your reaction to it. Give a delayed response. This delay is an effective and sure remedy to pacify the flames of anger.

2. Think about the consequence

Everyone spends a lot of time thinking about their eating habits. But hardly anybody spends time thinking about their thinking habits. Everyone thinks about what they are feeding their body with. But nobody thinks about what they are feeding the mind with and what is the consequence of what they are harbouring in their mind.
At the onset of anger, if you just become aware of the possible consequences of you raising the roof, then anger can be controlled easily. Cultivate the habit that whenever you are angry, you will ask yourself the following question: “What are the negative consequences of my anger?” This will help you get rid of anger.

3. Speak softly

Research has proven that if one speaks loudly or shouts, then the propensity of anger increases. Conversely, if you speak softly, then anger reduces. Extending this, whenever a person is angry with you, then you must speak softly. This will help in controlling your anger as well as the other person’s anger. It is difficult to do so, but not impossible. People have always encouraged anger. A is angry. He speaks to B in a loud voice. B retorts back loudly. A is angrier now, so is B. All that has to happen is the reverse. As B starts to speak softly, A’s nerves too calm down.

4. Look into a mirror

Look into a mirror whenever you are angry. By looking at your facial expressions which is not your usual self, you will become immediately aware and not wish to be angry. You will not like your own face. You can also look at a mental mirror. Whenever you feel angry, ask yourself the question, “How am I looking at present?” You will become aware instantly.

5. Drink cool water

Drink cold water when you get angry. It has been observed that when one is angry, there is heat produced in the body. By drinking water, the body heat will be reduced and anger will be pacified.
6. Count some numbers

Count numbers from one to ten and again backwards from ten to one whenever you are angry. By counting numbers, specially backwards, the focus of the mind shifts from anger to something else. Hence this works as a temporary effective measure.

7. Utilize the power of words

When angry, you can repeat some affirmations or chant some ‘mantra’. You need not say them out loudly, yet see to it that there is movement of the speech organs. This will enable you to get rid of anger very quickly. An affirmation that is suggested is: “I am cool, calm and composed.”

8. Utter the name of God

The other thing you can do is to utter the name of God or your Guru when in anger or visualize Him in front of you. This should give rise to devotion and hence anger will vanish.