Self Liberation from Fear, Worry, & Anger by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji - HTML preview

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The Fear Liberating Mantra

I am God’s property, no evil can touch me


The gift of courage

The fear liberating mantra is a gift of courage. It is the ace up one’s sleeve to use against fear. Having applied the six steps described in the previous chapters, if one is still fearful, the sure way to be liberated from fear is by opening the gift of using the fear liberation mantra. The mantra is


This mantra is not just mere words. It is the power of faith based on understanding of the truth. These words have immense power and hence form a mantra. While saying this mantra, put extra emphasis on the word “touch”.

By repeating these words you will feel confidence and power within you. The power of these words builds a protective wall around you. The intensity with which you pronounce these words determines the power it will generate within you. The more you repeat this mantra, the stronger your mind will become and hence negative vibrations will not get attracted towards you.

Why does this mantra have power ? Every word carries a certain vibration. These vibrations can give you health or push you towards disease.

In ancient times people followed the path of truth. If anyone cursed or blessed someone, his or her words would come true. This was because words had the power of truth. In recent times, words are used more to mislead than to convey truth and hence the power of words is depleting. As a result we see a life full of hatred, jealousy, fears, tensions, lack of integrity and weak willpower.

Understand the power of words and use them for the benefit of yourself and others. Do the following to enhance the power of your words:

Use positive words: Instead of saying, “Don’t shout!”, say, “Speak softly.” Instead of saying, “I have failed,” say, “I have not yet succeeded.”

Use inspirational words: Use words with hope in them. Words such as “I can”,“I must” or “I will”. Also words such as “I am fearless” “I am God’s property”, etc.

Do not be deceitful: Try to avoid lying as far as possible. Deceit snatches the power from our words, while truth enhances the power of our words.

Don’t swear: Stop using bad, abusive words.


Use words for the benefit of others: Words of prayers, blessings, hope and growth fill the world with a new power.

Every day leave your house with some positive thoughts: Know the power of “Happy Thoughts”. Keep repeating them throughout the day.

The Power of Happy Thoughts

Negative forces get attracted only to those people who are receptive to them. These people usually have a negative approach to things and are afraid within. Fearful and unhappy people tend to withdraw and have space within for negative forces to occupy. Fearless and happy people tend to expand keeping all the space filled with positive forces.

A fearful person is porous like a sponge. In a sponge, the water gets absorbed due to holes present in it. Don’t make yourself porous. Every time you feel scared, just repeat the mantra and all the pores in your body will get filled, leaving no space for fear.

Excerpt from a Seeker’s


conversation with Sirshree

Seeker : Sirshree, I fear doctors.
Sirshree : Is it actually the fear of injection? Seeker : No.
Sirshree : Then, why do you fear?

Seeker : I fear his bill. Do you have a cure for that?

Sirshree : Avoid falling sick.
Seeker : How?
Sirshree : Stop eating for doctors.
Seeker : Please explain.

Sirshree : Every time you overeat or eat when not hungry, you are eating for doctors. Use your fear of giving away your wealth to doctors by reminding yourself of this fear whenever you overeat.

Seeker : Oh. This is wonderful. I thought I should get rid of fears. Now I see something new...using the fear. Anything else I should do?

Sirshree : Drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and most importantly – keep HAPPY THOUGHTS.