Seven Secrets to the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Your Heart's Desires by Isis - HTML preview

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 “We cannot solve our problems from the same

consciousness that created them. We must elevate our

awareness.” ~ Albert Einstein


 They gain something out of focusing on negative energy, so they’ve become addicted to it. They continue to focus on it, perpetuating it outwards from their field into the world. The universe, being a mirror and a partner in co-­­creating their version of reality, continues to answer in like kind.


 To be addicted is to become mentally or physically dependent upon something or even someone. Addiction is denoting a person’s inclination or proclivity toward something, someone or some activity. What about the addiction to negative energy, negative emotion, negative thinking and negative speech patterns? Can someone really become addicted to negative energy?


 There are people who are not willing to redirect their focus to something positive, something that the heart truly desires. I myself struggled with this for a few years. I was trapped by my perceptions of victimhood.

 In fact, much of humanity is trapped by this life-­­negating addiction, unaware that it even exists. They believe the evidence that is appearing to them in the world around them is too real, too overwhelming to redirect their focus and uplift themselves out of an emotional addiction to negative energy and into a positive, upwards spiral of co-­­creating new realities.

 Cynicism, sarcasm, critique, defensive mechanisms, retaliatory remarks… these are all signs that one may have an inclination towards being addicted to negative energy. If they mostly look for things to criticize, complain about or can mostly only say negative things about most people and situations their mind is definitely have a Negative Energy Addiction, (NEA). NEA is a powerful addiction and can be extremely difficult to overcome. It’s programmed deep into the individual’s neural network patterns from an early age, usually due to a parental figure who also suffered with NEA.

 NEA is a mental and emotional virus that creates within individual a separation from something within himself that he is not ready to explore or come to a point of healing and mergence.

 At the heart of Negative Energy Addiction is a malfunctioning mental connection between how we get our needs met and how we express those needs to others or even to ourselves. Many people are addicted to the negative inner dialogue of self-­­debilitating information, generally because they have not been taught how to have a healthy inner relationship with themselves. Our inner dialogue is a combination of voices we’ve heard growing up throughout our lives, our parents, teachers, authority figures, even older family members.



 NEA creates a vortex of negative energy around the person, drawing to them life-­­depleting energies, people, emotions and situations. Such a vortex drains the life force of the person, leaving the individual feeling despair at not being able to meet their own desires in a healthy, functional way.

 Clearly, there are many things hidden at the core of Negative Energy Addiction. NEA as we previously stated, creates a vortex of negative energy. Eventually, drama, illness, crises are all manifesting in the person’s life. Part of the addiction here is to trigger a feeling of aliveness, rather than the numbness that Negative Energy Addiction typically leaves the person feeling. Triggering adrenal glands through emotional discord and heightened stress gives the person a rush of feeling alive. People who are trapped deep in the addiction of negative energy feel numb to life on so many levels. The adrenal rush becomes a much-­­needed source of energy, with unfortunate consequences.

 Our society continues to validate and perpetuate for us that this is the way we are supposed to live life

All our life we are given a variety of messages that our brains may choose to implant into our belief systems, triggering an addiction that becomes a self-­­fulfilling prophecy:

  • Watch out, or something really bad might happen to you,
  • Stay constantly aware or something might get you.
  • There’s a lot to fear in the world.
  • Someone’s always out to get us or take advantage of us.
  • People are greedy, angry, selfish and careless.
  • You are a victim of circumstances and cannot change your life.
  • You have to learn to cope with your problems.
  • You have to work hard.
  • Don’t be vulnerable, or you’ll get hurt.
  • There’s evil in the world and it will get you.
  • You cannot have everything you want.
  • Don’t be selfish.
  • If you don’t get there first someone will get it before you.
  • There isn’t enough to go around.
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • You have to struggle through life.
  • Life is hard and full of suffering.
  • You have to work harder if you want to prove your worth.
  • You aren’t worthy, so why bother?

 We live in a constant state of stress, anxiety and readiness for what might happen to us, what we “might” lose if something does happen, and it’s this chronic fear of risk that keeps us from taking action on focusing on our negative energy addiction, changing our focus to hit the target that will give us what we really want in life. I talk much more in depth about this in my book, DELIGHT.

 We cannot get what we want out of life, if we are so focused on the addiction to life-­­negating fear, anger, stress and worry.


 The “little me” is extremely attached to negative energy, to the extent that it will defend its right to be negative. It’s not uncommon to encounter an energy within you that is attracted to conflict or fear. How many times have you reacted negatively to a situation or a person in front of you? I know I have, more often than not?

 “Let’s face it, that’s just how reality is! There’s just so much WRONG in the world!” is the typical defensive reaction the “little me” has whenever a person addicted to negative energy and negative beliefs feels their right to be negative (or be addicted to negativity) is being threatened.

 Your “little me’s” addiction has its foundation in a life-­­negating, fear-­­based belief. In many cases the root belief goes something like – “There is something inherently wrong with me” which can easily translate to “There is something inherently wrong with life” which can then easily grow to “There is something inherently wrong in this world”.

 You may be able to relate to this pattern of living. In fact, I do this sometimes myself. There is a facet within us which attempts to defend this negative pattern out of a desire to ensure our physical survival. Certainly there is very real danger in the world, but fear and negativity? Those are choices.

 When we become more aware of a new desire – something that deeply delights us, it can awaken something deeper within us and we find ourselves excited, enlivened, impassioned at the  possibility of achieving it.

 Now, maybe we write it down on as a goal. Maybe we make a resolution. Maybe we set an intention for it, or pin it on a vision board. Maybe we even begin making plans for it…

 But then… slowly but surely… we become overwhelmed by negative thinking, second thoughts, fears, worries, and our newfound dream becomes colluded with the weeds of a garden we have allowed to become overrun.

 Even when we begin on the road towards our dream, along the way, we find ourselves sabotaging our own progress. Slowly the goal begins to slip aside as more urgent life-­­matters start to drown it out. We become overwhelmed having to react to all kinds of drama and crises that have cropped up all around us. We are shocked, wondering how on earth we could have possibly created these circumstances, unaware that we never cleared our garden before laying the fertilizer down for our new seeds to grow.

 We then spend so much of our waking hours berating ourselves for what is. We compare ourselves to what could be or should be for us, and get increasingly angry at ourselves and others around us for not achieving what is so obviously a simple thing.

 What becomes real for us? Our failure? Our sabotage? Or our real wants? Where we invest our most energy, our most focus, is primarily on our fears when we live in a self-­­perpetuated state of negativity.

 “Nothing ever works out, so why bother trying?”

What is for us is usually the absence or seemingly overwhelming mountain of impossibilities to achieve that thing we dreamed about. So we slide back down the hill to our warm, comfortable muck of “This is how it is.”

 We even blame others for our hopes getting raised only to be dashed: our teachers, the universe, God, our employer, our landlord, our spouse, our parents. Self-­­help teachers and coaches often bear much of that brunt. Especially those who teach Law of Attraction. “This stuff doesn’t work for me! It’s BS. This positive-­­thinking garbage is a load of hog-­­wash. I tried it once and it didn’t work!”

 Dear one, the only way something new can bloom in the garden of your world is if you clear out the muck, the debris, the spiders, the pests, and the weeds that cloud your mind and fill you with fear and loathing. Only then can the springtime of abundance bloom in your world. You reap what you sow, dear one. You must create space in your garden and tend it with tender, loving, positive care.

 Focusing all your attention and focus solely on what’s happening does NOT allow you to clear your garden and tend to it.

 Suspend your limited beliefs - even if just

temporarily, and entertain the possibility of a

new, wondrous and as of yet, undiscovered

miracle blossoming in your world.

 How do you go about achieving this?

 Step 1: Tap into your Creative Power to imagine and fantasize about the amazing things, the delightful things, the joyous things, the positive things you desire for your life.

 Step 2: You must use the power of choice, to CHOOSE to bring that image to life for you. How? Begin by delving deeply into the feeling of wonder and most importantly the feeling of DELIGHT you will experience when you manifest all these good, delightful and joyous things into your life. Focus on that feeling. Feeling delighted, excited to be alive, amazed by your ability to create anything at all you desire.

 Lose yourself to this moment of DELIGHT, now. It’s the most important feeling you can create, because it is the one energetic vibration the Universe cannot resist.

 While you are doing this, you are creating a new vortex to replace the vortex of negativity that may have surrounded you up until now. It takes time for the old vortex of negative energy to slowly dissipate, so negative things may still be affecting you. Do not focus on them as tragic, trauma or crisis points.

Turn those problems that arise into gifts of opportunity. Focus on what can be shifted, not on what is.

 By heading straight for DELIGHT, you are aligning with your heart’s desires while you are focusing on imagining it and visualizing it unfolding into your life. The more powerful imagination you have (which is just like any muscle, it needs to be exercised regularly), the more powerful of a vortex of energy will be created.

 Generally, we don’t often give as much air play to our deepest heartfelt desires as we do to our fears of being disappointed or we aren’t worthy of them. Often we are just so addicted to observing reality around us with a negative film over our eyes. We cannot see clearly what’s right in front of us.

 It is this kind of mental clutter which creates the reflection the Universe uses to manifest on your behalf. It can only bring to you what you ask of it. If you are asking a million clumsily constructed thoughts they have very little power. But a single, focused request, based on your most potent heart’s desires, launched through a vortex of delight, has a far more penetrating and powerful effect.


 You want good things, right? Amazing things? It doesn’t matter what you create, really, as long as you create from a space of what truly delights you. You do, however, need to be aware of what you are ingesting and receiving.

 Are you tuning into darkness, negativity, fear, horror, harm, unreality? Then this is what will be perpetuated back to you, in a myriad of ways. It could manifest itself as undue stress, adrenaline rushes and crashes, reactivity, anxiety, panic attacks, quickened reactions, anger.

 Your subconscious and your conscious mind works together to construct realities based on what they are fed and what they have come to believe will ensure your physical survival. They can only do this, based on the environment and information you choose to nourish them with.

 Whatever it is you ingest most of, like it or not, is absorbed at some level into your psyche and your energy field and eventually becomes a part of you.

 It is crucial, therefore to be equally mindful regarding what you ingest energetically, physically and emotionally, as it is to align yourself vibrationally with your intended desires.

 Above all, if you are focused on perpetuating negativity in any form, darkness in any form, cynicism or sarcasm in any form, be prepared that this is what will be reflected back to you.


 If you want to harness the power of the most powerful creative force in the Universe, you must operate yourself and align yourself through integrity with its vibration. This is what allows this creative force to manifest itself through us to create the momentum we need to achieve all we desire.

 Make yourself a beautiful, DeLightFULL reflection of reality, and it will beautiful, no matter the darkness that may be swirling around outside of you. This may seem a bit too positive, and I’m honestly not a particularly optimistic person. But I do know this. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, as a pragmatist, I do know reflecting a vibrational pattern that the Universe yearns to experience most will make you more attractive to it co-­­creating optimal life desires on your behalf than anything else.


 Expansion and DeLight. Expand yourself and DeLight yourself in all that has been brought to you, and you will be given all your heart desires. When all we do is observe, even if its to try to understand “the darkness, the shadows, the evils” of the world, we become obsessed with that, all our energy is consumed by it and we cannot redirect our energy to create something that truly delights our hearts. All that’s become important for us is the obsession of the darkness. Nothing else exists. And so nothing else can.

 Imagination is more important than knowledge…

 ~ Albert Einstein

 I cannot manifest abundance when I’m focused on all that I lack. I cannot manifest optimal health and unlimited energy when I’m focusing all the symptoms of what’s “wrong” with me. I cannot manifest unlimited creativity and passion for my life when all I am focused on is “solving what’s wrong”. I cannot manifest a house if all I’m worried about is how much it will cost.

 Nor can we manifest solutions to end poverty, eliminate slavery, end war, when we are focused on the hardships, horrors or atrocities of such.

 We can, however, co-­­create solutions that create a wellspring of abundance, well-­­being, freedom, peace, love and acceptance for all. What we focus on, we get more of. That’s the Law of Attraction in Action. When we focus on DELIGHTING ourselves and others, that activates all other Laws to operate fully on our behalf.

 If we yearn to create a major shift in the world because it truly delights our hearts to do so, the Universe will conspire with us to make this shift a reality, giving us opportunities to experience synchronicity after synchronicity.

 This is why you need to get off the “reality” channels on the TV of life. They aren’t serving you. They aren’t giving you anything but filling your mind with garbage that will not elevate your soul or empower you to step into partnership with the Universe to create all that you desire for yourself and others.

 How do you do this?

Become a master of sculpting your perception as if you were an artist. This way, you can interpret reality in a way that honors your dream and manifests it into your world, rather than impedes you and your progress.


 If you truly want to create change, then expand your dream and your desires to be large enough to encompass the world. This will usher in even more support and energy to focus on you and what you yearn to manifest in the world around you.

 If you want financial freedom, then this is what you need to give through DELIGHT to others. How? By expanding your dream to empower others to achieve their dream of financial freedom in some way. Kiva is one such organization that empowers you to support others in their dreams of freedom. Commit to a practice of giving because it truly DELIGHTS your heart and soul to do so. Feel how amazing and empowering and delightful it is to be able to give someone the gift that you are seeking. You have that power. You can give from that position of power, without the fear of lack.

 Do not focus on the fear of debt, the worry of debt, or the pain of debt. Instead, focus on how money is a tool through which dynamic relationships and partnerships can occur. Focus on how money is a powerful force that EMPOWERS you to create and share more DELIGHT with others. It is a tool that can be wielded with artistry and mastery to manifest any outcome you desire. That’s all it is. A neutral tool. All bills created are already being paid. Keep that focus on you’re your abundance to become a generator of abundance.

 Like a tree that bores fruit year after year, the first five or six years of it’s life it needs TLC, nurturing, and nourishment. It’s the same with anything. If you haven’t been tending your garden of abundance, it’s not going to give you a damned thing.

Energy flows where attention goes. If your attention is focused on all that DELIGHTS you in your life, you automatically create a wellspring of energy that continues to draw to you more things that delight you! The Universe cannot help but give you more and more things to see what you might delight in next!

 Once you lose your grip on your version of reality, watch out! Life will being to remold itself to your new perceptions. You become a wide open vessel for a powerful new way of living and being. The Universe will start filling you up with things that delight you because you’ve set the tone from within that this is what truly moves you from this point forward!