Seven Secrets to the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Your Heart's Desires by Isis - HTML preview

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 “You are Everything That Was, That Is, That Will Be.

Your Thoughts, Your Life, Your Dreams Are Coming True.

You are Everything You Choose to Be.

You are as Unlimited as the Cosmos.” ~ Isis




 At The Sacred Living Center, I focus on using a vibrational elevational tool. It’s an energetic attunement called Divine Light Awakening. A Divine Light Awakening empowers the person to repattern their vibrational alignment, release the Vortex of Negative Energy that may be surrounding them, while increasing their capacity to open up to receive all that is available to them in the Universe.

 Sometimes, however, a person encounters a great deal of resistance in their field to letting go and allowing themselves to “Vibe Up”. They resist it because they are still being sucked into an old Vortex of swirling negative energy patterns that still needs to be released.

 All right, what’s all this talk about resistance? If you haven’t heard the term “resistance” in regards to being a deliberate co-­­creator of your life and your reality, then we’ll start it right here with this.


  • Resistance is discord.
  • Resistance is life stalling out on you.
  • Resistance is a rut.
  • Resistance is sarcasm, cynicism, scoffing.
  • Resistance is going against the flow.
  • Resistance feels like anxiety, stress, fear or doubt.
  • Resistance is working hard, fixing yourself or the world,  because something is “wrong”
  • Resistance is you fighting the “good” fight
  • Resistance feels like pushing two-­­ton boulders up two-­­ hundred mile long hillsides
  • Resistance feels like you trying to push back
  • Resistance is disharmonious, feeling “out of tune” or   “out of sorts”


 Delighting, accepting and allowing is where you’ll begin masterfully co-­­creating in partnership with the Universe.

You can feel this in your core. Go ahead. Close your eyes. When you remember what it’s like to truly delight in something, you find yourself merging with it to experience it more fully. You are blown wide open to allow all good things to flow to you. That is the creative force of DeLight. When you are delighted, you accept and embrace... and you allow others to be as they are.

 When we experience a desire (whether we’re conscious to it or not), the Universe immediately grants that desire. Immediately. There is no latency. The latency happens when we are not in alignment with the delight of receiving that desire.

 We’re here in the physical plane on planet earth “experimenting with contrast” so we can evolve and expand as we grow in awareness. Each time we experiment with a contrast, we birth a new desire.

 Universe hears and grants all your desires, instantly.

 Isn’t that remarkable?

The issue occurs when we do not operate out of a Spirit of DeLight (that all powerful, creative force that is sooo uber attractive to the Universe).

 It’s like we manifested a DELIGHTFULL Celebration somewhere, just by having that new desire, and that delightful thing is happening whether we happen to be there or not.

 Our goal is to DeLighten UP to our very own



 There's a party goin' on right here

A celebration to last throughout the years

So bring your good times and your laughter too

We gonna celebrate your party with you


 Come on now, celebration

 Let's all celebrate and have a good time


 We gonna celebrate and have a good time


 It's time to come together

 It's up to you, what's your pleasure?

Everyone around the world come on!


 ~ Kool & the Gang

“The party’s goin’ on right here. Celebration is happen’ everywhere!”



 Close your eyes. Feel what it feels like to be a babbling brook, or a bouncy little breeze. Delightfully playing over stones and thrushes, accepting all that is in your path, caressing all, touching everything delicately and lightly, allowing your path to become the path of least resistance, weaving this way and that.

 DeLightFULLY Accepting & Allowing Life to FLOW, feels just like that. Doesn’t that feel amazing to you? Stretching you, tickling you? Delighting you?

 It all feels like natural ease, flowing with the DeLightFULL good vibes that keep lifting us up, up and away.

Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon?

Would you like to glide in my beautiful balloon?

We could flow among the stars, together you and I


 For we can fly, up, up and away

(For we can fly)

 In my beautiful, my beautiful balloon


 The world's a nicer place in my beautiful balloon

It wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloon

 We can sing a song and sail along the silver sky


For we can fly, up, up and away

(For we can fly)

 In my beautiful, my beautiful balloon


Suspended under the twilight canopy

 We'll search the sky for a star to guide us

If by some chance you find yourself loving me

We'll find a cloud to hide us, keep the moon beside us


 Love is waiting there, in my beautiful balloon

Way up in the air, in my beautiful balloon

If you'll hold my hand, we'll chase your dream across the sky


 ~ 5th Dimension

The challenge is that most of us don’t spend much time “way up there” in a wellspring of DELIGHT.

 We’ve been conditioned that “living up there” is “woo-­­woo” land. Where the “beatniks, hippies, and weirdos live.”

We’ve all heard someone start a sentence out with, “I don’t want to burst your bubble, but...” meaning, you really need to come back down to earth and “get real”.

 Well dear one, I’ve lived in the “real” world for a bit, and it practically, very nearly killed me. I think I’ll prefer to live up here. Where the Good Vibes Flow and the Celebrations are always happening!

 We’ve been raised that we have to “fight the good fight” to live in a perpetual state of tension, shallow breathing, resistance, and struggle. Honestly, learning the art of flowing with the currents and vortices of life may require a bit of rewiring and reactivating old ways of living and being (meaning the Old ways, before you came into the physical world).

 So baby doll, (that’s what my beloved Grandfather used to call me, even into my late twenties), I’m going to teach you how to spread your wings and fly. My Grandpa and father were all about bringing good things to life so I’m going to teach you what they taught me.

 Resistance is good if you want to build big muscles. Yoga is better when you want to build core strength, flexibility and learn to flow. Tai Chi is wonderful when you want to learn to dance with the flow of life.

 We create the state of allowing when we release resistance. Release resistance, and things hurt less. Release resistance, and accept things as they are, while focusing one what you really want to create and experience out of delight.

 Releasing all resistance is key to effortless manifesting, DeLightFULL success, effortless relationships, and DeLightFULL Living. You can learn more about DELIGHT in my book, DELIGHT, An Enlightened Path to Transforming Your Life, Spontaneously.

 Releasing resistance is what allows us to experience FULL vibrational alignment with DELIGHT, which is the creative force of the Universe. Then through that, our heart’s desires can become immediately manifested on our behalf.

 In other words, YOU can CHOOSE to let go of whatever’s keeping you out of a state of DELIGHT and ease.

One of the best ways to release resistance isn’t to fight it or try to “force” yourself to relax or allow. Honestly, what was taught to me is what I’m looking to teach you. And that is simply to receive Divine Light Awakenings and allow Divine Light & Divine Love to open you up naturally. Each Divine Light Awakening deepens your relationship with the Universe (You can replace Universe with any other name you happen to walk in alignment with. I personally operate best with that word as it feels encompassing rather than limiting to me.).

 The programs I teach at DeLight University is all about co-­­ creating in partnership and harmony with all while learning to let go so you can live in a perpetual state of awe, wonder and delight.


 I don’t tend to focus too long on life-­­stall-­­outs like resistance, but it does empower us to become aware of what resistance is and when we are Be-­­ing resistant.

 We are cruisin’ along, to our inner heart song, be-­­bopping along when all of a sudden something veers us off our flowing and glowing road. We might put on the brakes so to speak.

 We may feel one of our beliefs is being threatened, or we may feel something is “wrong” with life, a relationship, at work, or with ourselves. As soon as you feel that, you have just vibe-­­ shifted down way low into “resistance” and suddenly, your vehicle isn’t driving smoothly.

 Resistance is Lack. It Drains You.

DeLight is FULL of Flow and Life.

 As soon as you spot it, then you can learn a variety of techniques to vibe-­­shift back upwards into the state of DeLightFULL Flow.

 The beauty of stepping out of resistance is that as you do so, you’re stepping into A Life of DELIGHT. And that’s when things really start happening for you!


 The answer is surprisingly simple... Anything that doesn’t feel “right” or “good” to you. Anything that feels like anything on this list:

  • effort
  • struggle
  • pushing
  • suffering
  • lack
  • trying
  • hard
  • stress
  • anxiety
  • work
  • depression
  • doubt
  • should
  • coulds
  • ought-tos
  • nots, can’ts, won’ts
  • paddling upstream
  • forcing
  • fear
  • frustration
  • judgements
  • jealousy
  • angst
  • drama
  • anger
  • hate
  • tension
  • push-back
  • or anything else that  doesn’t feel “lifeaffirming” to YOU.

Take a good long look at the list above. Consider how much time you spend each day in the energy space of anything that feels like the above words.

 You may be really surprised after reading this list just how much of your daily life is spent in a life-­­stalling resistance, once you become conscious to it.

 Now, a lot of people might look at this list and suddenly get really stuck in the mud. “Wait a minute!” They’ll say. “I’ve got to get into my head and figure out why I’m doing this! I need to understand all this clutter and stuff that’s got me resisting to life!” And with that, they immediately want to dive headlong into therapy, coaching, motivational sessions, retreats, past-­­life regressions, to deal with what’s WRONG. So, they get so focused on what’s wrong with them, they get caught up in an even bigger negative vortex that then reflects to them all throughout their life all the things that are “WRONG”.

 Don’t do this. You need to catch this tendency now. Be aware of it and don’t let it happen to you. I did this for years. I spent eight years in therapy digging into every little part of my past. Never did a thing for me. When I was given the gift of DeLight, however, changed my life in the blink of an eye, and I never looked back! You don’t have to look back in order to keep going onwards and upwards. Just glance at your map, get clear on where you wanna go, and spread those beautiful angel wings of yours and start flying.

 It’s okay. There isn’t anything to stress about, anything to worry about, anything to fret about. Life’s GOOD. Real good! Are you breathing? GOOD! Breathe deeper!

 Are your eyes open? GOOD!

Open them wider.

 Can you smile a little bit? GOOD! Smile BIGGER.

Tell yourself “I love you!”

 Don’t be afraid of feeling down, depressed, or angry. We all have those days. You can still find something to DeLight in, and you can still be OK with you. No one is up 100% of the time, and if they tell you that, they are either on some serious drugs, or they are really not in tune with the energies of life.

What you can do, during those life-­­stalling moments, is reach for something that DELIGHTS you, no matter what it is. DeLight lifts you up. It’s not something you are craving, but something that your mind, body and spirit needs to feel in alignment and whole again. For me, that’s a big, tall glass of dark leafy greens and orange juice. It’s dancing to crazy loud music while I talk out loud and verbalize my emotions so I don’t hang on to them. Do whatever it is that DELIGHTS you!