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 “You don’t manifest what you want, you manifest what you reflect.

You manifest what you are.” ~ Isis


 DELIGHT is a simple, enlightened, effortless path to the spontaneous fulfillment of all that you desire. It’s the only path that consistently works.

 Why? Because DELIGHT is the creative force of the Universe AND it’s our most natural, relaxed state of happy anticipation.

Your Invisible Power to manifest anything you desire lies in your ability to DELIGHT in yourself, unconditionally. It’s not enough to love yourself. I know plenty of people who love themselves quite unconditionally, but still believe themselves to be less than worthy of all they desire, so they continue to hold themselves separate from that which they most desire. I myself have done this for years. Keeping myself separated because I didn’t believe I deserved all that I desired.

 Part of it comes from a belief that desire is somehow toxic, evil, or dirty. Or that desire is somehow negative or life-­­depleting.

Where does this belief that desire is bad come from? Well, early on in a number of religious cultures, including Christianity and Buddhism, there were a few mistranslations of ancient, sacred texts into our modern language. Many well-­­ meaning translators may have misunderstood the deeper meaning of the terms used for specific reasons. All words have an energetic charge, a resonating force of life. When we use the wrong word by accident in our speaking or writing, the entire meaning of a sentence or a passage can be changed.

 Desire is a life affirming yearning for something. Desire inspires us, drives us forward, and impassions us. Craving, however, is an addictive, desperate, cloying needy energy that drains us.

 Craving is the life-­­depleting force that creates negative consequences in a persons life. Desire, as ancient Tantrics have long known, is the catalyst through which all things may be realized.

 You must have a desire to discover if you want to be a researcher, an explorer, or a visionary. You must have a desire to achieve an awakening or enlightenment, if you want to embark upon a spiritual quest.


 Craving is what we feel when we are struggling with an addiction, be it an addiction to coffee, an addiction to sex, even addictions to drama or negative emotions such as depression or anger.

 Cravings lead us to feeling depleted. Desires lead us to feeling enlivened.

Delighting in yourself takes your unconditional love + your desire for wondrous experiences to a whole new level.

 As children, we never thought twice about experimenting with things that delight us to no end. Delight is such a powerful creative force. It manifests within us an invisible, unlimited power to transform, make or create any circumstance into an opportunity for spontaneous manifestation.

 You need to have to have a deep, unconditional love for yourself in order to DESIRE to DELIGHT yourself in life.

In my opinion, however, Love and Delight are inseparable, since the two core ingredients to make Delight for ourselves and share with others are Divine Light and Divine Love. When these two energies are woven together within us, we cannot help but desire with all our being to delight and inspire ourselves and share that delight and inspiration with everyone around us.

 Your sole focus right now, and from this point forward, is simply to DeLight yourself to no end. In fact, delight yourself so thoroughly that all barriers between your receiving what the Universe spontaneously fulfills on your behalf are dissolved.

 Whenever you embark upon doing something or choosing to react to something, ask yourself, “Does this delight me?” If you are completing a project or delving into something new, ask yourself, “Does this thoroughly delight me?” When you are taking on a new job or considering a career change, ask yourself, “Am I thoroughly delighted by the prospects of this opportunity?” If you are not, then perhaps it can become a catalyst for you to manifest a new opportunity that does delight you to no end!

 For me, writing this little book and developing this little mini course for you, has delighted me thoroughly!

You will be amazed at what you can create when you so DELIGHT yourself in life and the Universe. You’ll surprise yourself with what continually flows to you as coincidence, synchronicity and miracles.

 “According to the Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment. Just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you that elevates you towards a higher form of living.

 “The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things just don’t seem to bother you any longer. You become more and more light-­­ hearted and full of joy. Things begin to delight you endlessly. Laughter comes easily. Your sensitivity to “dark” or “bad” things or things “happening to you” starts to dissipate.

 “The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more cases of strategic synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point, where you begin experiencing magic and miracles in your life, which in turn brings you more delight, which in turn brings you more magic, more miracles, until you and the Universe roll over and over together, merging into an endless dance of ecstasy.”

 ~ Isis

Falling head over heels in DELIGHT with yourself is such a powerful, driving experience. Once you become more and more delighted with yourself, this experience begins immediately shifting your focus away from things that are going wrong in your world, to focusing on things, people and experiences that truly delight your spirit and tickly your fancy.

 Before you know it, your mind starts turning away from things that create stress, worry and fear, to things that create within you a sense of anticipation, excitement and of course, delight. Your mind becomes easily focused and tuned into these things because the positive reinforcement is so empowering and life affirming.

 Pretty soon your mind focuses on creating things that delight you. You focus only on delighting yourself, trusting that whatever delights you completely, will be a delight to others.

 You no longer concern yourself with the critique of others, because you realize criticism is the secret language of the universe telling you that you are on the right track and is simply a reminder to just keep asking yourself, “Am I thoroughly delighted with this yet?” If you are not, you’ll keep going back to the drawing board until you conceive of something so remarkable, so enlivening, something you are head over heels delighted by, that you’ll fill the whole world with your DeLight and you will find yourself richly rewarded with the desires of your heart because you followed what truly delights you best of all.

 Delight is such a catalyzing, creative force for us, that it expands us wide open to being able to express ourselves fully, to receiving all that we desire in our lives and to accepting things, circumstances and people unconditionally without reservation. We start to realize that everyone here is doing the best we can and together we can do amazing, wonderful things to delight and inspire one another as we reach for our potential, together.




 In the previous secret, we talked about releasing resistance, letting go of the life-­­stalls in our life and reshaping our perception of reality so that we can co-­­create a more ideal, desirable reality for ourselves. One of the most common sources of our own resistance we encounter in our daily lives is our own feelings about our Self.

 How we build a relationship with ourselves, how we talk to ourselves in our mirror, how we communicate with ourselves in our daily lives, will tell us everything we need to know about why things are or are not manifesting in our favor.

 Learning to build a deeply loving, trusting wholesome relationship with yourself is key to building a deeply loving, trusting, wholesome relationship with the rest of the universe. I often work with clients that have developed a way of talking to themselves that is so debilitating, abusive and unconscious that it has become their greatest stumbling block.

 When I teach masterful intuition and creating reality through strategic synchronicity, sometimes students speak up saying, “How do I know my intuition is right? I don’t trust myself.” “My intuition is never right, I don’t believe in it.” Or they say things like, “I’ve never been able to connect with myself to create anything positive my life.” All these statements are an immediate reflection into the quality of relationship they have developed within themselves.

 If you of all people cannot trust yourself, why would you expect anyone in any relationship to trust you? Trust is the first step in building a mutually respectful, loving, and honorable relationship with anyone and that trust begins within YOU first.

 Have you listened to how you talk to yourself? How you treat yourself? Do you hear what you say to and about yourself? If any person spoke to you the way you speak to yourself would you engage in any kind of a relationship with them?

 We have an average of 60,000 thoughts in any given hour, most of them are unconscious impulses and for some of us as many as 80% of our conscious and subconscious thought impulses are negative cycles, creating a vortex of negative energy around us.

 Certainly, not all negative thoughts are directed inwards at ourselves, but even negative thoughts that are directed externally towards something or someone is merely a reflection of our own internal dialogue towards ourselves. What we say about other people, things and circumstances, how we criticize, judge, condemn or reject is a sure sign of the quality of relationship we have developed within us.

 Notice the words you string together after the words “I am”, “you are”, “that is”, “he is”, “I should”, “you should”, “she is” or “this is”. What descriptors are you using? If you use multiple things that feel condescending, critical, judgmental, negative, or somehow demeaning, lowering, insulting or diminishing, this is a sure sign that your own internal relationship needs some serious rebuilding.

 Here are a few other phrases you might want to keep a watch out for:

  • “I should have said or done X different.”
  • “I should have known better.” (shoulding all over the place is basically shitting all over yourself. I have frequently done this unconsciously.)
  • “You are so stupid!” (The word stupid is one of those really toxic energy drains. It’s one of the worst words in our language and is banned from use in my home.)
  • “Why did I do that?”
  • “Why do they hate me?”
  • “What did I do to deserve that?”
  • “I am not smart enough.”
  • “I am not good enough.”
  • “I am to blame.”
  • “I always get it wrong.” (always and never are a highdrama words.)
  • “I’ll never get it right.”
  • “I am such an idiot.” (internal name-calling is highly toxic)
  • “I am not worthy.”
  • “Why would he/she/they want me?”
  • “People think I’m crazy.”
  • “Why would they like me?”

 These types of thoughts are life-negating affirmations.

 They are not serving you except to keep you in a negative vortex of addiction to drama, self-­­loathing, stress, depression and anxiety. If not checked, these kinds of thoughts can lead a person into a chronically dysfunctional state of existence.

 These are the kinds of thoughts that create paralyzing emotional states. They stall your energy-­­generating-­­engine. Something has to keep feeding the negative energy frenzy that’s swirling around in your head and around your energy field…

 The negative vortex surrounding you begins draining you and you have no way of restoring your energy levels, because you’ve separated yourself from your Invisible, Unlimited Power Source of Light and Love.

 All the while this life-­­negating energy that you created swirls around you drawing to you all the drama, the crises, the illnesses, the bad things that continue to affirm for you the kinds of thoughts you are thinking and the emotions you are feeling. This may be called a self-­­fulfilling prophecy. Such a life-­­ depleting vortex also draws to you energies and feelings from outside of you that trigger fear, panic, anxiety, stress, and paranoia. You don’t have the energy reserves to deal with all these things at once and you eventually run out of steam.

 Eventually, the negative energy vortex collapses in an implosion on top of you. This collapse comes in the form of a major wake-­­up call: like an accident, a health crisis, or a tragedy. In a community that has a vortex of negative energy swirling around it, this could result in a tragic catastrophe, war, drugs, gangs, or other forms of violence.

 This is the law of attraction in action when you allow negative energy to fuel you and drive you.


 At some level, we believe this is our safe space, our bubble that protects us from danger, from risk, from things that might hurt or harm us. However, that’s not the case at all. In time, this vortex will eventually consume us because it blocks us from our own life-­­giving source of love, light and delight.

 This kind of mental chatter is not in alignment with optimal, life-­­fueling, expansive things to come your way!

Very little that is truly lasting, uplifting and positive can get through a negative vortex that has been built for years surrounding you. You have to discharge the energy that is fueling it and draining you so you can restore yourself to wholeness and begin to fall head-­­over-­­heels in DeLight with yourself.

 How do you begin? You first begin looking within your field for something that DeLights you. Recognize that it is a reflection of something more magnificent and wonderful that lies sleeping within you, waiting for you to awaken it.


 Begin replacing negative emotional charges and negative feelings with new ones that feel much better to you. You cannot replace every thought you have, so I’ve come up with a game that my son and I enjoy playing together. It’s called the Happy Game (or you can call it the DeLight Game).

 The whole point of this game is to trigger yourself out of a life-­­ negating state of emotion and being up-­­leveling your vibration and emotional state into a life-­­affirming, positive state of joy and love.

 My son is only five right now so the word delight is a little difficult for him to understand just yet, whereas the word “happy” is easier for us.

 You start out by saying to yourself something that is simple, easy to feel delighted or happy about. My son and I begin with people in our lives who have made a difference to us. He likes to start out with “I’m happy about my family, because they make me laugh and give me good things to eat.” Of course, that makes me giggle and I’ll respond in like kind.

 If you cannot think of anyone, start with what you have inside you or on you right now.

 “I feel happy about… I have two eyes that I can use to see the world around me.” “A necklace I gave myself.” “My walk in the woods last week.”

 If feeling happy is too difficult a word for you, use the word DeLight.

 “I’m delighted by the butterfly I just saw outside.”

 If DeLight is too strong, choose to fee better because of something wonderful.”

 “I’m starting to feel better because I see a blue patch of sky”

“I’m starting to feel better because this necklace I gave myself was the symbol of my freedom from slavery.” (This is a very powerful one for me. After spending six months as a slave to a drug and human trafficker, this necklace reminds me every day of my freedom.)

 If it helps you, find a powerful symbol for you and keep it on you at all times to remind you of how far you’ve come.

“My walk in the woods helped me feel reconnected to life.”

 “My eyes help me see the beauty that’s inside me.”

Next my son and I will come up with some describing words that help us feel better about ourselves. We begin with “I am” or “I can”

 “I am divine.”

 “I am strong.” You have to be strong to survive all that has come your way, so far!

 “I am good.” Yes, you are!

 “I am special.” Oh yes you are!

 “I am a good helper.” (my son loves this one.)

 “I can walk (or crawl, or roll) with what life has given me.”

 “I can do anything.”

Next…our game up levels again. We begin by saying, “I feel good because…”

 And then we list one thing we did or learned out of our day. Even if it’s tiny. It doesn’t matter how small it is. There is no such thing as a small accomplishment.

 “I am good/strong/powerful because I did that!”

 “Woo-­­hoo! I did that!”

 “If I can do that, I can do anything!”

 “I know I can trust myself to be there for me.”

 “I am happy because I did that!”

 “I am happy because I had the talent/ability/skill to do that.”

 “I am feeling good because I believe in myself.”

 “I am GOOD.”

 Finally, we end our game by choosing something new to feel happy or delight ourselves with.

“Something I can DELIGHT in (be happy about) right now would be… “… now pick something that you really truly enjoy, it doesn’t matter how silly it is. In fact, the sillier it is, the more your inner child will love it.

 “Rolling down a grassy hill, swing on a swing, slide down a slide, blowing bubbles, dancing to music.” If you cannot get out and actually do it, imagination is just as good. It’s what I used to do when I was locked away. Imagination is so important.

 Imagine yourself as a child doing something you so delighted in and did well at and smile.

 “I delight in me!”

 “Everything is going to be GREAT, because I am GREAT.”

 Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

Now you are much more in alignment with what you are looking to create in your life. From this uplifted space, you can create your desires and manifest them into your life. You are beginning to close down the negative vortex surrounding you and up-­­leveling your vibrational energy. It takes commitment to do this, and until it becomes subconscious, you’ll have to play with this every day for a while.

 Remember, you got really good at creating a negative vortex to the point its now unconscious.

 The really good news is this: you can learn to master creating a DELIGHTFULL Vortex to draw to you all good things!




 For many people loving themselves is a real challenge. So this is why we focus on DELIGHTING in yourself. It really takes the pressure and the focus off the word love, which can be a loaded word for many people.

 Love comes in a variety of flavors and unless you were taught with very healthy parental guidance as to what unconditional love really looks like; you might not have a clear understanding.

 A lot of parents grew up believing that love is tough. Love is hard, Love is pushing and forcing. Love is controlling, demanding, pushy, invasive.

 This is why I choose to teach people to fall head over heels in delight with themselves, first. Along the way of learning how to delight yourself, you learn about self-­­acceptance, self-­­love, and self-­­worth. Those things unfold for you naturally as you learn how to truly delight yourself in life.

 Delight in your accomplishments, Delight in your creations. Delight in how your body moves. Delight fully in every part of your body. Delight in your eyes, in your mouth, in your nose, your ability to feel, taste, touch, hear or see. Delight yourself in yourself. Delight yourself in your strengths and your weaknesses.

 This delight in yourself will be reflected in a unique otherworldly glow that you will develop about you, a unique radiance in the energy that you are cultivating around yourself.

 Delighting in yourself unconditionally is one of the most powerful secrets you’ll ever learn about. No one else teaches this. And it is utterly life-­­changing.


 Simple. Find something, anything at all that really tickles you to no end. And do it. The trick here is to do it fully on without the inner critic laughing at you. This is the key, it becomes more about you losing yourself completely in the moment of sheer delight and no longer worrying about appearances, facades, critique or judgment.

 Challenge yourself to find a way to delight in life every single day. Even if all you do is jump rope, ride a carousel, or wear funny hats. Do something really goofy and laugh out loud. Even if you are by yourself. Some of my students have created DeLightFULL Groups that get together weekly to make this a part of their habit. It’s often easier to delight yourself when that DELIGHT is shared with others. And nothing is more infectious or DeLightFULL than a group of giggly, laughing people!

 Don’t worry about making a spectacle of yourself. No one’s judging you but you. All the other people out there… guess what. They are more worried about your judging them than they are about how they judge you. They secretly want to have as much fun in life as you are having… but they are trapped in their own negative vortex of inner criticism and judgment… and that my dear is what judges others… the negative energy vortex… so don’t get caught up in it.

 Create your own wellspring of DeLight, joy and happiness and good things will come your way, over and over again.

You don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations about what you should be or should do. Give up thinking there’s anything wrong with you. Give up the shoulds, the have tos, the got tos.

 Everything is RIGHT with you! Everything is RIGHT with the world! Nothing needs your fixing! Nothing needs YOUR saving! You can be more powerful of an advocate for change when you create a whirlwind of passion, love and delight that inspires others than you can by focusing always on what’s wrong with you or what’s wrong in the world. The more positive our focus, the more empowered, wonderful solutions we can create.

 Live an empowered life above the fold. Stop suspending belief about yourself. Get good and deep inside of you and start giving yourself the gift of your unconditional approval. Don’t look for that approval anywhere else. Love yourself, accept yourself and all that you are.

 There is no such thing as weakness, faults or problems. All those things are merely perceptions, imperfections in the glasses you use to view your life and yourself. You are just as you are. What you are and who you are is just wonderful, just as you already are.


 There is no need to be a victim. You no longer need to fight to be a survivor. Elevate yourself above the survivor mentality and strive for total acceptance of yourself and all you are creating within yourself. There is nothing to overcome, nothing to achieve, nothing to do and nothing to be but to release, achieve joy, make and do things that delight you, and be you own kind of special wonderful.


 There is no race, there are no shortcomings, there is nothing holding you back because there is no endpoint. You are immortal, infinite, beautiful, and wonderful. Everything you need is already inside of you.

 The best place to be is RIGHT HERE. The best time of your life, RIGHT NOW.

Give up the judgments, the fault-­­finding, the criticism, the separateness, the disbelief, the lack, the fears… and with giving all that up… you will receive an infinite wellspring of abundance, joy, peace, bliss, love, acceptance and delight, right now.

 As soon as you give up all that, you immediately connect with your Invisible Source of Power and Abundance.


 Little things you may find are the things that delight you the most.

“As you focus on what you delight in about who you are, and what you are, you flow such a unique vibration of pure creative life force to the Universe, that in order to reward you for fueling it’s creativity, it begins to create for you far more than you ever dreamed of creating for yourself. It flows back to you in waves upon waves of ecstasy. Delight is the Universe’s source of ecstasy and creativity. By giving it to yourself, you are reflecting it back to the Universe.” ~ Isis

 One of the things you’ll discover about falling into a state of DELIGHT with yourself, is it becomes effortless to appreciate and feel deep, profound gratitude for everything around you. Which in turn, begins unfolding more miracles and good things for you in a myriad of ways. DELIGHT then becomes your invisible, unlimited source for loving kindness, gratitude and a desire to share all that delights you with others.

 This in turn, teaches you about how effortless LOVE really is.

 On top of all this, -­­ it feels really good to delight yourself in yourself!

As a bonus…. you are rewarded in unlimited ways by the Universe simply for cultivating more of this high vibrational driving force that the Universe uses to expand and create! All just for being DELIGHTED in yourself!

 You start to feel more gratitude and more appreciative which then triggers you to want to make and create delight for others, which in turn, becomes a well-­­spring of good vibes and abundance for you. The universe rewards those who fuel it and power it with a wellspring of DELIGHT.

 Suddenly, before you know it, you’ve fallen head-­­over-­­heels in DeLightFULL Love with yourself and the rest of the Universe. This feels so amazing! It’s inexplicable.

 That reason alone is worth playing with what truly delights you… AND it is an absolute crucial step to the spontaneous fulfillment of your heart’s desires.

 If you really believe there’s something really blocking you from delighting in, loving or accepting yourself fully, you may want to read my book, DELIGHT, schedule a coaching session with me, or join DeLight University and learn more about how to clear your own path to effortless, DeLightFULL Living.

 When you find something blocking yourself, come back to your heart, ask yourself this:

Would you hold this against someone else that you loved dearly and unconditionally? Is it really that big of a deal breaker if you have less than six months to live? Would you really hold it against them on your deathbed?

 My guess is that there really isn’t anything that huge that you can’t eventually forgive and let go. Cut yourself that same slack dear one. You deserve it. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness, acceptance, and release.

 You are complete. You are whole and perfect, just as you are.

Spontaneous Fulfillment of Your Desires Is All About DELIGHTING Your Heart & Spirit, First.

 One of my favorite things to do when I notice something about myself that I might not normally embrace is to wrap my arms around myself and say


 Especially if it’s something that makes me unique, stand out, or something that most people might think is “off”, “quirky”, or “weird”.

 I’m an etherealist. Basically, my form of experimenting with DeLight in life is to take the ethereal and make it real.

Meaning I spend about 80% of my life in the ethereal realms of light and operate my life with a clear vision of what I want to co-­­create in the world around me.

 I am co-­­creating a world of delight, a world of unlimited abundance, acceptance, love, peace, bliss, intentional, deliberate partners that want to operate on a plane of unlimited possibilities to create from within.

 Things that don’t align with that model of my reality, I choose not to respond to. This makes me “weird”, “quirky”, or even appear to be “lacking compassion” because of my focus. The reality is, however, I am deeply compassionate and understanding, but I choose not to invest myself in another person’s victimhood or their drama. My job is to snap people out of their comas and back into the radiant DeLight of Life itself.

 For example, I don’t often “respond” to the world on a timeline model that others operate within. It bothers some people that I don’t immediately respond to their immediate, urgent emails, texts or “emergency” phone calls. I don’t