Soul by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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It takes a lot to realize the truth about the Soul. But if we contemplate the Soul Power within, we may be blessed to realize the truth about the Soul. Each human being has over 30 trillion cells and each cell, from head to toe, is alive and has the power of the Soul in it. The human body is a machine beyond comparison. If we discover how each part of our body works, we will be surprised at the true power of the Soul. Let's take our eyes for instance. It is with the power of the Soul that we can see. The moment there is no life in the eye, we become blind. If we take out our eyes and keep them on the table, can they see? They become disconnected from the Soul Power that is in us.

Each of our senses is powered by the Soul. We hear and we smell. We taste and we touch because we are blessed to be alive. If the power that gave us life left, all our senses would become 'sense-less'. Even our organs function so meticulously because of the power of the Soul.

Just imagine the power of the heart. It is said to provide so much energy in our body that it can drive a truck for 30 kilometres every day. We breathe over 20,000 breaths each day. This needs a very powerful energy to make it possible. One gets flabbergasted when they get to know that we have several billion skin cells just as we have billions of neurons in the brain. All these are powered by the Soul. Each human body is said to have over about 40 billion blood vessels. How can such an amazing body remain alive and live? It is all because of the Soul Power. Without the Soul Power, our brain that is said to hold information of about one quadrillion or one million billion bits, would stop functioning and make us a vegetable! Think about it! It is the Soul Power that makes us think, not just a few thoughts, but up to 50,000 thoughts a day. This is no mean task. Food for thought! If there was no Soul, could the mind think? Could the body move and work if there was no Life Energy inside?

Without the power of the Soul, our muscles, our joints, our bones would be lifeless and incapable of any movement. We walk and talk, we sing and play, all because of the power within. But we don't stop and ask that if we take out our heart and keep it on the table, would it still function the way it does inside our body? No! It is the Soul Power that makes the heart beat and if the heart fails, large sophisticated machines need to be connected to our body to keep it pumping blood to all the parts. Some human beings take pride in science and consider it to be a great achievement when they fix an artificial heart, or other organs to make the body function. But can we give back life to a dead person, once the Soul departs? We human beings are far from realizing the true power of the Soul!

By now, at least we know what the Soul is not. It is not the physical body, not even the mind and ego. It is the life power, the energy that is within us. It is the Soul that gives energy to the 8 billion people alive in the world. It is not 8 billion different Souls, as some of us may think. It is one power that enlivens all of humanity. Not just humanity, it is the very life in animals, birds, fish, and even plants. The Soul exists in every living being. That is what makes us mortal. We live and we die! But the Soul is immortal. It is a power that gives life.

While it is not so difficult to comprehend this Soul Power, it becomes difficult to equate this Soul Power to everything in nature that has energy. The Sun glows, the water flows and the breeze blows. What causes this power? We may argue that this power of nature is different from the Soul Power in human beings. We may also argue, only more vehemently, that the Soul in a human being cannot be the same Soul in a butterfly, a bird or a tree. How can the human Soul be compared to these ordinary living beings?

Humanity is slowly coming to terms to realize that the Soul is a Universal Power. There is no difference in the Soul that is in me or in you. The Soul in you and the Soul in me is capable of giving us the same power to live. We do not realize that the same power is present in all other living beings too. In every animal, insect, bird, tree and plant there is the same power. The mystery of the Soul continues to baffle us and until we ponder on this power, we will not overcome our ignorance and realize the truth about the Soul Power. Chinese or Japanese, Indians or Americans, we all have the same Soul. However, we are like that little child who went to the park and asked the man who was blowing gas into the balloons. The child was fascinated as the man filled helium gas into a red balloon, then tied it to the tank, making it sway in the wind. He then tied a yellow balloon, a blue balloon and went on till he had all colours including white to attract the children in the carnival. The intelligent child walked up and innocently asked him, “I don't see a black balloon up in the sky. If you fill a black balloon, will it also fly and blow in the wind?” The gas balloon man laughed and replied, “Of course, it will. It is not the colour of the balloon that matters. It is what is inside it that matters.” We, like that innocent child, remain ignorant of the truth that the Soul Power in all of us is the same Universal Power.

When will man realize the truth about the Soul Power? The first modern solar power cell was patented by Russell Ohl as recently as 1946. Till then, man knew of the power of the sun but was unable to tap it. Man could see water flowing and experienced the power in it. But the first modern water turbine began in 1882 when the British American Engineer, James Francis developed it. Today, we use coal to create power, but it was said to be first used only in 1880. It is not that man is ignorant about the different types of power, but man has slowly and steadily started tapping into every possible power available. It was as early as 1698 when the first steam engine was invented.

Today, man has become an expert and powers not only jet planes into the sky and submarines under the ocean, but he also propels space crafts into outer space. But man has to go within and discover the power that makes him live. Man gives power to the train and the plane, but he has not discovered the power that comes to his brain.

The difference between all the other types of power discovered by man and the power of the Soul is that the Soul Power is ‘Life’. It is the only power that gives us energy to live. There is something special about the power of the Soul, but somehow this has escaped man's attention and he is so busy discovering everything else that he has forgotten to realize the power of his Soul.

We human beings are blessed with a Divine Power, a power that not only makes us breathe and live, but it also makes us think and give. The Soul Power creates emotions and feelings that man is unsuccessfully trying to create in a robot. Man has been blessed with a power that makes him believe that he can make the impossible possible, but man doesn't realize that without the Soul Power he is nothing.

We human beings experience different states of consciousness. When we are awake, the body and mind are conscious. When we sleep, the body is not conscious, but if the mind dreams, our subconscious is alive. When the mind also sleeps, neither body nor the mind is conscious and we experience a feeling of peace in deep sleep which makes us say, “I slept like a log” when we wake up. If we notice we experience the waking state, the dream state, and the deep sleep state. We are neither the waker nor the dreamer nor the sleeper, but the superconscious power that experiences these three states.

It is the power of the Soul that makes man conscious of who he is. It lets man remain awake with body and mind and it is this very Soul that lets the body sleep as it continues to power the mind as it dreams subconsciously. The moment the Soul departs, man loses all his power. He loses his power to be conscious, awake and aware. Without the Soul, man becomes nothing. Man has be