Soul by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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So, what is the Soul? If the Soul is not the body, and not the mind, does it exist? After overcoming all the myths about ghosts, heaven and hell and ‘Soul hunting’, what have we eventually realized is the truth about the Soul?

Soul is a Power. It exists in each one of us. In fact, it exists even without us. But our existence brings about what the Soul in us is. Our journey of life starts with the Soul and ends with the Soul. Our physical journey from birth to death is empowered by the Soul. Without the Soul, the body is nothing. It cannot grow from a zygote to an embryo and be delivered on earth. The Soul is the power that makes the body live, breathe, eat, grow and reproduce. It is the Soul that is driving the entire life cycle. When the Soul leaves, the body dies.

Is that all? No! When the Mind, Intellect, Memory, Ego - MIME is reborn to settle its past action or Karma, it is once again the Soul that makes it happen. The Soul is the power involved in our life process but is not a part of our life that we experience on earth. It is only a source of power.

The Soul that powers you, me, and the entire universe is the same source of power. It is one Divine Universal Power. It is omnipresent—present everywhere. It is not different for different people. Your Soul is not different from my Soul, just like the power in the bulb, the air conditioner, and the television is the same power, although the gadgets are different.

Going one step further, if we are blessed, we realize the truth that everything is a manifestation of the Soul. Because of the Soul, we appear and when the Soul leaves, we disappear. The Soul is the cause, we are just effects. The Soul is the one Universal Power that manifests as everything.

Where does the Soul come from and where does it go? The Soul doesn't come and go. It is there everywhere like air in the atmosphere. We inhale and exhale air and it seems that the air comes inside us and goes outside. But air is everywhere. So is the Soul!

Due to our ignorance, we don't realize we are the Soul. This makes us live and suffer as the body. It makes us suffer as MIME - Mind, Intellect, Memory, Ego that is reborn again and again. The moment we overcome our ignorance and realize the truth that we are the Divine Soul, we are liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth and we are united with the Divine.

We must be absolutely clear what the Soul is not. Just like we have an individual body and our own Mind, Intellect, Memory, Ego - MIME, we don't have an individual or separate Soul. The Soul is one. And when we say that we have a Soul, we need to rethink because we don't have a Soul—in fact, WE ARE THE SOUL. Because we are embodied creatures, we start believing that we are the body, mind, and ego which in reality is just a manifestation of the Soul. Just like a gold ring is nothing, it is just a manifestation of gold - if you remove the gold, there is nothing. So it is with us. We exist because of the Soul. Without the Soul, there can be no existence.

Once we are clear about the truth of the Soul, we will stop believing the myth, “My Soul is different from your Soul.” We will also overcome the fantasy that there are 'good' Souls and 'bad' Souls, that our Soul will experience either bliss or suffering by going to either heaven or hell. These are fairy tales, and if one realizes the truth, these beliefs will disappear like mist in the morning sun.

Because of our mind, the rascal, which is our biggest enemy, we fantasize about the Soul appearing as a ghost. Although, we may have just cremated or buried our elderly parents or grandparents, the mind forces us to believe that they still exist, either somewhere hidden on earth or somewhere up in heaven. The moment we become clear that the Soul is everything and is everywhere, and we are just like waves that appear from the ocean and go back into the ocean, we will overcome these fancy myths. Once the wave merges with the ocean, we cannot go back and capture it. So it is with the Soul.

The Soul causes our journey on earth based on our past actions and along with our present actions, it will decide the next birth on this humongous stage called the earth. We are like puppets that come and go, but once we realize the truth about the Soul, we will be liberated and will become one with the Divine.

The Ultimate Truth is this—we are the Soul! It may seem like we have a Soul, and there is no doubt that the Soul gives power to each of the over 30 trillion cells of the human body. But the truth is that we are that very power that we think we have. We think we have a Soul, but we forget that we are the Soul. We think we are the body and mind, but in reality, we are neither of the two. We are the Soul that manifests as the body and mind.

What is this power that we call the Soul? We now know that the Soul is everywhere, but what exactly is this power? Those who realize the truth infer that the power that is the Soul is nothing but the Divine that appears as the Soul to us human beings. We human beings have a limited comprehension. We cannot comprehend beyond this. We are not gifted with that sense. But, if we are fortunate and are blessed with the grace of the Divine, we will realize the profound truth that we are the Soul. The Soul is nothing but the Divine. Ultimately, we are all manifestations of the Divine.

The moment we overcome the myth about the Soul and realize the truth, we will start our journey which will lead us to living as the Divine Soul, our Ultimate Goal!

