Soul by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What is the Soul, have you ever thought?

Or is it a mystery in which you are caught?

We all have a Soul, we seem to know

Let's realize the truth before it is time to go

It is the Soul that  makes  me  live

But, is it the one that makes me forgive?

What is the function of the Soul?

What does it do to make me whole?

Body,   mind,   heart    and    Soul

Each     has      a      specific      role

The body moves and the mind does think

The heart beats, and the Soul? I blink

I have been taught that the Soul's in me

It makes me who I am meant to be  

It is with me when I live, till I die

And then, I am told, it flies in the sky

Where does the Soul go and how? I wonder

It goes to heaven, how? I ponder

Everybody  says,  “We  have  a  Soul” 

To search for it is now my goal

My eyes and nose I can touch and feel

My mind, it wanders, my peace it does steal

Aha! Now I know what my Soul does do

It gives me life, I have got the clue

The Soul is a power that gives me breath

Without the Soul, there would be death

It comes to me just as  I  am  born

And it leaves me when life is gone

Without the Soul, I would be dead

I wouldn't talk, wouldn't eat bread

My Soul  is  alive  in  every  cell

It makes me pray and ring the bell

The Soul is energy, it gives me power

It makes me grow tall like a tower

But once it leaves, I can't even bend

And my life story comes to an end

What is the Soul? I stopped to think

So many tales that make me blink

The truth by now I am sure I know

It is Divine Life that makes me glow

What   is   our   life's   ultimate   goal? 

To  find  the  truth  about  the  Soul

Before life is over, and it is time to die 

We must find the truth, not in ignorance lie

Is   my   Soul   different   from   yours?   I   think   

I    question    and    try    to    find     the     link

Just like there is one power source in my house, I know

That makes both gadgets work and the lights glow

And  so,  there  is  just  one  life  source

It appears different, but it is one, of course!

It   is   energy   that   creates    all   life

In me, my parents, my kids, my wife

Not  just  in  human  beings  it  is 

In animals and plants, it's also this

It is this Power that makes birds fly

And everything alive on earth and sky

What is this Power, the Soul that we call?

What is this Power that is alive in us all?

To discover the truth  about  the 

Soul Is our life's Ultimate Goal

The Soul is not mortal, it is Divine

It is the Lord that lives in us

It is not yours, it is not mine

To realize this truth, we have missed the bus

We never realize that God's in our heart

He never leaves us, never goes apart

It's strange through life for Him we search

In temple and mosque and in every church

God comes to us just as we are born

He creates life and life goes on

Until the moment that He decides to leave

We are alive, we must believe

He has blessed us with body and mind

But that He's within, we never find

We live in this world, we suffer and cry

Until one day, we finally die

The body of ours returns to dust

But our actions, of course, redeem we must

Therefore, while the body remains on earth

Our mind and ego takes rebirth

As per our Karma we are reborn

Happy or unhappy, it's not by luck

The universal law makes the circle go on

Our life’s circumstances does Karma pluck

And we, like fools, think it is the Soul

That is reborn and pays the toll

Know the Soul is only the power

That gives us life every hour

As long as we live in ignorance, we return

To suffer on earth, turn by turn

Because we think we are the ego and mind

We have to go through the rebirth grind

But once we realize we are the Soul

Not the body and mind as we were told

It is then from this cycle we are free

And with our Lord forever we can be

Then there is no Karma, it is not ME

I am the Soul, now I am free

There is no rebirth, once I know the truth

If only I get to the bottom of the root

At death, I will not return to earth

My mind and ego won't take rebirth

My Soul with God will then unite

And I will become one with the light

But how should I get Liberation?

It is only possible with Realization

I must overcome ignorance of the ego and mind

Then I will be liberated, I will find

It all starts by going on a quest

And putting all my beliefs to test

When I ask and investigate, I then realize

It's when I open my 'real-eyes'

I am the Soul, I can never know

This truth I must realize before I go

After realizing the truth, as a Soul I must live

Not as an ego, that will give and forgive

I am not 'I', this is how we must start

Everything is God, in body, mind and heart

When I live as Divine Energy

It is then from the world I will be free

We think that the Soul is in us

Of course, this is true

But what we don’t know is that it’s all around us

This news is new

We have a Soul, that’s what we’re told

It gives us life and we live

But the truth is we are the Soul

Old lies we must forget and forgive

It is not easy to live as the Soul

For in the body, there is many a hole

These senses are seeking, they desire, they crave

And they take us to our mortal grave

That pours its blessings on our earthly face

But if we have the Divine grace

Then we will live on earth but be free

And when we die, merge with eternity

This is the purpose of man on earth

To escape from death and rebirth

To realize the truth, we are the Soul

And to unite with God, is our Ultimate Goal