Sparks for the Living by RGB and Various - HTML preview

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Magnetism exercises

Magnetic Mentality Principle – Etheric chaos is never magnetic

A further wasteful expenditure of energy is seen in haphazard and uncontrolled action of the mind.

Thought is an activity of the psychic self. Your personal energy is filled not with a thought-thing but with a thought-energy. All excessive mental activity is an injurious consumption of vital force. Real thinking is controlled direction of mental activities to a defined end. One of the best balancing methods for the mind is the level headed search for reality.

All unnecessary expenditure of energy in any given work should be avoided. It is largely wasted energy. He who desires magnetic power must conserve his forces.

Events are neutral until we add our beliefs.

When your mind is calm you feel in control. Peace of mind is a choice. When your mind is calm and your body is relaxed, your immune system and therefore your health is at a peak. When you honor your body, it is in a relaxed and alert state so that focus and concentration are possible. You will radiate that vibrancy and vitality that attracts people.

Clarity and certainty will be reflected in your appearance and speech.

Whatever makes a person more valuable to himself will make him more valuable to others. Personal improvement lifts the individual up through thoughts, ideas, impulses and by keeping the company of inspired souls.

From this habit of looking onward and upward, comes the spirit of initiative, looking for ways of betterment. It is valuable in any area of your life.


Ideas are more vital than words.

Ideas are more vital than words. Read great thoughts. For the reading of a thought will often change a whole life.

The truths divides the future of each person into three parts; possibilities, probabilities, and certainties on the positive side; and into three other parts on the dark side -

impossibilities, improbabilities, and certainties the last being certainties of life's failures.


Magnetic Food

The first demand of nutrition calls for a sufficient amount of the needed variety of food and drink. The second demand requires for digestion and assimilation The third demand is satisfied only by thorough mastication of food and free mixing with saliva prior to swallowing.

The fourth demand involves a healthy power of digestion and therefore freedom thereafter from unhappy emotions and mental and physical labor


The Magnetism of Food

Many people live to eat others eat to live. Overeating is one of the most depleting activities you can pursue. If proper foods are eaten, the development of vitality and energy is a very rapid process.


Foods that destroy magnetism.

There is a significant list of non-magnetic foods. They vary person to person, however these are the general rules;

Do not over eat at any time. Beware of excess sugar and sweets Beware of excess coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco and other stimulants. Beware of processed food.

Avoid excessively hot or cold food or drink. Minimize dressings. Avoid over cooked food.