Speak, Hear, and Believe by Michael Dean Haller - HTML preview

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Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Amos 3:3


If you are anything like me, and I believe every human being on earth is like me, you have lived a great deal of your life in total bewilderment.  You have wondered why there is evil and troubles in the world.  You have wondered whether there was a way to control your circumstances.  How many times have you heard someone say something like this? “When things start going too good for too long, I know some trouble is just around the corner.” 


It seemed to me that something was always going wrong.  If I was healthy, I would have some financial problem.  If my finances were in good shape, I would have a health problem.  If both my finances and health were in good condition, I would have some relationship problem.  Sometimes it seemed that I was sick, broke, and without any friends, all at the same time.  There always seemed to be something going wrong somewhere in my life at any one time.  I wondered if there was a way to stop evil and troubles from impacting I life.  I wondered if there was a way to control my own selfish and self-destructive impulses.


As I read the New Testament, the Apostle Paul uses a term that indicates there is a Christian process of self-control, or should I say spirit control.  In Paul’s writings he uses a term that indicates that mature Christians should have control over his or her circumstances and control over his or her appetites and desires.  The term Paul used was, “Walk in the Spirit”.





I earnestly prayed to God, “Show me how to Walk in the Spirit Father!.”  This book is what He has shown me.


Walking in the Spirit is simply agreeing with the Spirit of God.  If you wish to walk with God, you must start by agreeing with God.  I found out that I cannot change God’s mind, but God’s spoken Word through His Holy Spirit can and did change my mind and my circumstances.  This book is a step by step treatise on how you, by speaking and agreeing with God’s Word, can begin to believe the Word of God and increase your faith.  This book explains how to Walk in the Spirit.


I hope and pray you will read it with an enlightened spirit and revelation from God.