Spells & Rituals for Love and Lust by Dimitri Papalexiou - HTML preview

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The Talisman of Love & Lust


The Law of Attraction, Magick, Universal Power. Can they be used to attract Love or Sexuality? Absolutely! If you use the right tools, and you desire it enough, you can!!!

Some people use affirmations that they repeat over and over to attract a partner, or to find a sexual relationship. This method usually leads to failure, frustration and loneliness. Some people use money, clothing or assets to attract a partner, this method works for a few, and not for all. A select few use ancient magick and Symbolism, Spells and Rituals to do the above, and many of them succeed! I am one of those people and I will show you the ancient magickal symbols, that I used with success, and others are now using to get great results too.

After almost 5 years of study and trial and error, I have created the ultimate Love Talisman, a combination of two magickal seals (special symbols) that, used together create awesome results. I wanted a charm that could be worn to attract love or a relationship with less difficulty, either a romantic relationship or one based on sexuality. (The users preference). One side one, you have the 4th Seal of Venus from the Books of king Solomon, this is used to attract a partner, attract love and relationships. On the second side is the Sigil of lust, used to attract more of a sexual relationship and to increase sexuality. The Talisman of Love & Lust is designed to be used for the following;

Attract more love
Increase your love-life
Find a new partner
Increase your sexuality
Meet your soul-mate
Create a new relationship
Be noticed more by others
Increase confidence
Use Universal power
Make more friendships
Multiply your contacts
Feel more lovable


Rekindle your relationship