Stalking the Designs of Destiny (the Trilogy) by John Axelson - HTML preview

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She shifted her position on the bench. "This is to say that momentum could take you from one plateau of knowledge to another without the break of momentum provided by climbing the overhang of application. This is a real danger, because knowledge is unlimited while the experience of the application is required for true understanding. It was from knowing of this necessary balance that the philosophies of How to Teach were developed, and the pitfall you’re heading for when you begin giving readings."


"Because you’re ego is so easily assaulted and massaged," she said, standing to stretch. "One minute you’ll be a conduit for Universal knowledge, the next your audience will treat you as the source of it, then I’ll come into room and see a green pillow lying on the floor."


(3)Clarifications: Bonnie said it’s not possible to "factually" present many of Spirit’s concepts, because physical facts are simply points people agree with, and the mere existence of Spirit was not something mankind could agree upon, let alone that they spoke to man. In addition, as our ability to comprehend some elements of the whole truth is limited, simplification is the rule. Even then, some of Spirit’s simplifications left me starring as if at an empty toilet roll.


(4)I subsequently told her that dreamed I was floating high above a beautiful, white sand beach, with a teacher guide explaining how and why we were moving energy lines, like steel beams and support struts, into specific positions to construct the physical beach down below. The sea around it seemed to be "stabilized" in place.


Chapter 67 - The Fourth Intercession

"Okaaayy…." she said, straightening her clothing. "I guess we’re doing the entire history of the world. Let’s walk—it might do us both good."

"End of the seawall and back down Marine Drive?"

"Let’s see where it takes us."

As one, we headed toward the seawall.

"We’re still building a bridge of intimacy between my experiences and purpose?"

"By awakening knowledge seeded in you throughout your personal history, yes. In time, you will know all of this as a single thought, then you will appreciate not what an emissary might know, but how much can be simultaneously available to them. Even then..."

A few strides on, Bonnie said, "We’re continuing where we left off- after the Egyptian intersession; we talked about some of this during a Saturday class."

"You know that now?"

"I feel it sitting there."

"They are thorough," I deadpanned.

Bonnie glanced my way in agreement, before saying, "So... these ancient teachers left the world, but because they had again learned How To Teach there were many who followed their practices until Abraham and his followers acted as catalysts for another beginning. In this timeframe," she continued at a slower pace, "these Speakers and their accomplished students entered into a cycle of development aimed at building a world that would be a mid-plane of activity between two points. The hallmark of the Universe’s fourth intercession into mankind’s development would be a world of mechanisms rather than mediums, purposefully designed to limit man’s ability for destruction as his nations spread across the earth. To this end, the secrets of solar power were hidden, for it was now clearly understood that mankind had chosen violence as his specialized focus. Fear again pervaded the world, and suspicion bloomed even in the face of the new prophets, David, Saul, and Solomon, all of whom were as one with their entire consciousness—with their Source."

She paused.

"At this time, these Masters and their students comprised one mass conscious, mystically focused, forming one family from a level of evolution that involved millions of years of experience. In the time of your—our Christ entity, they were known as the Essenes—as in, essence."


"As passionate students of knowledge, they were mystified that man's outward focus contained great clarity, but within their own lives man was unable to see that which was directly in front of them. The vast evidence attesting to the lack of wisdom in specializing in violence as an evolutionary vehicle was everywhere. The Masters also saw that it was useless to blame the powers that governed society, for without the public's support devastating doctrines could never have evolved. Again, the truth became startling clear: each person is an aspect of their society, so culture is something to be practiced with the discipline to do what is right regardless of whether it is convenient."

"I remember you saying that."

"During this time, the Masters devised lessons corresponding to growth-oriented vibrational frequencies, wherein the momentum of one’s acts would enhance future acts, and spark more such acts. As seen by those participating, the Hellenic philosophy was designed to hold each individual completely responsible for his or her own behavior. Judgment or prejudice against others was tantamount to declaring war on yourself and your family, since whatever it was that you gave to the world would be acted upon with the design of that momentum." She looked my way. "There is no judgment attached to the momentum of your evolutionary development by any source other than that which you program with your choices."

"Kha-lib alrea… got it," I said, recognizing this is how Kha-ib and Saa-ra had me integrate new knowledge into existing understandings; I was always supposed to be thinking, not just listening.

"It followed that to seed the future with hope," Bonnie said, "the young had to be taught and cared for in an atmosphere of love and responsibility, wherein no actions would be engaged that threatened the independence of any child or individual. So it was that the Masters developed disciplines centered on personal dignity, empathy for the conditions of the less fortunate, and a cooperative effort to hold their shared culture in reverence."

She took a deep breath, exhaled, and took my forearm to keep us in step: Bonnie sometimes slowed her pace in keeping with her efforts to draw and translate knowledge from Saa-ra. Finally, she said, "These lessons were extremely hard to teach. It took continuity and a psychological process that required the child to live up to his or her share of responsibility, not down to it. Likewise, he or she learned how to discern which responsibility belonged to them, and which rested upon the shoulders of another. Relieving anyone of their responsibility was considered to be Lessons in Debilitation, yet in the spirit of love and co-operation those in need found help and care, even to personal sacrifice, but for the right reasons. Guilt, as a weapon to facilitate one's own desires, was deeply frowned upon, and any attempt at emotional blackmail was immediately dealt with by that which they called Miserable Lessons. This is where one's responsibilities were compounded.

"They also developed an Attitude of Poverty, which is not impoverishment. It is to require little of substance, desire much, and know the difference. The reason behind this precept was that if you can be made to act for any other reason that for the right one, you are not responsible. So it was fine to acquire beautiful things—they knew these things represented their appreciation for the art of creation, and the arts of living."

She went silent for a few steps: "Through administering these lessons, teachers realized that every individual was a window to the world, with a slightly different perspective; therefore there was something to be learned from each member of the society. With the acceptance of this truth, the Lessons of Scope were added to the disciplines, and each member became both student and teacher."

"Can I ask something?"

"You may."

"You use the word disciplines a lot. I mean, I get that practicing anything can be a discipline, but when you talk about evolving mankind’s ways, it’s always about correct behavior?"

"And gathering and applying knowledge."

"One other thing: this was all done to the bring Kai-tahr’s aspects up to speed, as well—meaning Phillip in his various incarnations?"

"It was."

"Thanks, carry on."

"As each member became both student and teacher, the precept of Adopting the Standard of the student’s behavior was incorporated within the Lessons of Choice. In effect, the nature of the student’s behavior became the means through which they were taught: teachers knew through their own experiences that feelings of being betrayed by their teachers often led to poignant realizations, and yet they ruthlessly pursued the student’s freedom, by their own design, because the real betrayal was the student’s self-deceit. The teacher simply agreed with it."

I didn’t understand what she meant by adopting the standard of deceit, but it seemed that Bonnie was in up to her eyeballs in effort, and my brain was already cramping, so I let it go.

"These lessons required considerable evolutionary history, or tremendous natural ability to gather energy and store it without wasteful movements or actions. The latter type of student is very rare. The former are imbued with the catalytic energy of the moment of their birth, tuned like a tuning fork to the frequency containing their evolutionary experience in past and present terms, and orchestrated to accommodate a future intent born of their personal design. This circumstance readies them for the continuing onslaught of the unseen, which will force them into shattering self-examinations, only after which can they deal with others impeccably."


"The cosmic orchestration of even seemingly minor events, to have you see what you are like, is relentless. This applies with or without a physical teacher present, and with or without overt signs of the design of their destiny unfolding. That said, the basis of the teachings is unconditional love, so students are never given more than their capacity. However, they are given all that they can take—to the very edge of their being. The result is one of complete spiritual dexterity, ruthlessness to apply needed lessons, and total impeccability of movement and action while living within the framework of a beautiful philosophy."

"This is what you, I mean Bonnie, is becoming?"

"It is."

"Are these the stalker’s disciplines in Castaneda’s work?"

"Adjusted for the culture in which he participated, yes. Overall, the lessons of The Arts and the Disciplines became known to the Essenes as the Kabala, and as Kha-li taught these lessons his students again learned the arts of How to Teach in a new cultural arena."

"Sorry—these lessons must be written somewhere?"

"Historically, it was dangerous to put universal lessons into print for all to see," Saa-ra replied, "so many of the ancient teachings appear in coded writings some of which have already been recovered. A message may be read in one context, and yet for those who knew what the essential numerological reference points were, these writings conveyed another message. Deciphering what some of your scholars have called doodles, which appear in the margins of the Dead Sea scrolls, are codes that alter the context of the stories they appear to be telling. There are another one hundred and fifty scrolls yet to be discovered; these will shed light on the times of Christ. Some of these manuscripts were written by his own hand."

"Can you tell me something about who he was really—you know, beyond the perfection stuff?" I said.

"Perfection implies completeness, and therefore stagnation. Consciousness is ever evolving by its very nature. We will speak to that circumstance soon."

"I meant leaving out the religious stuff."

"His name was Joshua Dustani, and he was born in Bethlehem in the year 1975, by the Essene calendar. His mother was Asha, his father Levi, all of the House of Dustani—all of the House of David," she said, surprising me with these details. I had expected something vague.

"Joshua was a great scholar of his time, a teacher, and a mystic who taught among his people the Arts and Disciplines of the Mysteries. He was, to say the least, psychic, and a great healer using the energy of his being to create health among those who were afflicted. He was also a revolutionary, and no friend to religion or politics, for he saw within them greed and hypocrisy. This required him to become a skilled warrior, for such was needed in a time when their culture was occupied by a military presence governed by a leader focused in insanity; he fought if attacked."

"Not going to be an easy sell to Christians," I interjected.

She did not respond.

"May I ask another question?"

"You may."

"Jesus was said to have appeared in two places at once," I began, dancing around the ‘rising from the dead’ issue. "Was that true, or was it because people couldn’t identify him—you know, everybody had a beard and there were no pictures?"

"His ability to appear in two places was valid." Bonnie /Saa-ra paused. I thought I caught a glimpse of her stealing herself for an effort, as she said, "You have a double that simply ‘is’, as it exists in all humans. Becoming aware of it is a function of repositioning the assemblage point by stopping what you call the internal dialogue that maintains your physical focus. This also applies to the arts of Dreaming."

"So is it a dream—being dreamed by his waking self?"

"It is no less real than you, when you dreamed lessons and saw yourself in them. The double is the self."

"But not the self I know as me?"

"You cannot reason the phenomenon of the double; it is not comprehensible within this mode of cognition. That said, it is every bit the person you know as you, but the vibration of the other exists in a moment that you would perceive as sooner than the moment you believe yourself to be experiencing."


"Your view of the world is a translation enabled through perceptive mechanisms tuned to your time, and couched in relating assumptions; your world does not reveal itself directly to you. The nervous system also perceives time in a linear manner; all stimuli are required to jump a gap before you translate them into a sensation or action. Simplistically, this is how you—how we separate simultaneous events into a perceived order."

"I can see how that works."

"It follows that your view is a description that stands between you and the reality of your existence. In fact, your experiences are memories of an instant that has passed. It follows that knowing the double is the act of remembering one’s self, which can recollect every memory your body has stored from the moment of birth. This act of remembering is also within the realm of every human being, as was every miracle ascribed to Joshua. One difference of many, however, was that he could recollect two instants because, as a seer, he was not tied to the descriptions of the world you are bound by. We will pursue this within your own lessons on the dreamer and the dreamed. In the meantime, do not become fixated with the solution residing in the concept of time, for all times are simultaneous, and reason has a penchant for creating that which it does not grasp."

She didn’t smile, but I felt it.

"You once said this information is tuned to suit my predisposition for an accurate interpretation?"

"We did."

"You wanna turn the dial a bit closer to my station?"


Chapter 68 - The Christ Personalities

"I have another question." Without waiting, I said, "It makes perfect sense that if we don’t understand ourselves, or where we really are in terms of being conformed to accept crappy circumstances, we will make huge mistakes because our actions are not tuned to the underlying nature of our circumstances. But what about the mystical knowledge they had?"

"What about it?"

"I’m not sure where I’m going with this," I admitted.

"All of their mystical knowledge applied directly to practical circumstances in a physical reality. There was no disconnect for them; they knew they were conscious energy making a brief, but critical foray literally into the physical manifestation of mankind’s ideas, as represented by the metaphors of their existence."

"So they were alone in ways no one could understand, except others who were like them?"

"They were surrounded my miracles and mysteries in ways no one outside of their group could possibly understand, but we will leave the majesty of your, and their existence aside for the moment. These Masters interacted on a level that would have been incomprehensible to others had they not practiced an art called Controlled Folly." She grinned. "This is likely to become a requirement for you, because you’ve glimpsed the underlying nature of this place, and know that it’s a profoundly broader view.... but we’re getting too far ahead."

"You always are," I said.

"Let’s catch you up," Bonnie said, seizing the moment. "The first entities to manifest Portions were not acting as emissaries, as you would think of them; they were first students of physical life. All of this," Bonnie waved her arm slowly over the vista in front of us," was new to them. They evolved through trial and error, while being taught to respect their decisions as the critical point of power from which momentum raced outwards to shape their future. This meant that, regardless of which mystical experience they were acting out, the Now of what these Portions viewed as their own was an equally critical moment point that affected events beyond their view."

"What do you mean by acting out mystical experiences?"

"They were aware that any event is acted out upon its conception, in one probability or another, although its manifestation is dramatically slowed. To them this," Bonnie motioned with her hand, "is a mystical event unfolding according to the rules of physical perception. No disconnect."

"And what they viewed was a critical moment point because?"

"Their Now affected momentum across the entire continuum."

"Meaning what, exactly?"

"Their interactions applied to Portions of their Identities living in times that exist simultaneously to theirs." She paused to allow me a moment to set up this picture in my mind, before she said, "Let’s say that one Portion is an ancient Egyptian seer who chooses to exhibit restraint on her self-importance, whereas another Portion, a psychic in modern day New Orleans, desires to exhibit his assumed power and wields it unwisely. Their interactions affect each other. By force of the Egyptian having understood control, her influence would create a momentum that had a taming effect on her counterpart in his Now."

"Control over what?"

"She could not fear that a poor momentum was washing over her circumstances, and decide to wait it out, because she understood that these events were a consequence of all of her personalities, positioned in their Now, creating experiences for the benefit of their entire Identity. A poor momentum, for her, was likely something to be engaged positively for the benefit of someone in another time."

"Meaning she could be putting herself in the line of fire so to speak?"

Bonnie lowered her head, and pursed her lips in thought. Turning to me, she said, "I mean acting impeccably, which would be acting in conjunction with her other Portion’s circumstances to both of their benefits. The key to understanding this, which I think is the point you’re having difficulty with, lies in knowing where they are."

"Are you saying there is an unusual depth to their sense of positioning?"

"I am. You could say that they lived on the edge of inspirational moments of discovery, because they were aware that they were not alone—that other selves, in another times, were essentially gifting them with their insights, and their consternation, as it were." She grinned. "You look confused."

"I’m trying to imagine that kind of awareness. Wouldn’t it be confusing?"

"Think of it this way: artists have inspirational moments by regularly asking themselves ‘What will this say? or ‘How will this look?’ and allowing their imaginations to seek out answers. In an unconscious moment, when they have beaten the impetus to opine into submission, they have effectively stopped the world they know and their intentions can grasp knowledge that their other selves know."

"So when I have an inspirational moment, another self of me is helping out?"

"That too—you could also be accessing knowledge from other sources."

"Carry on."

"This core understanding of multidimensionality provided each newly manifest Portion, or personality, with a basis from which Time, itself a new concept in terms of physical matters, was understood to heighten the importance of a moment-point that involved the quest of all personalities. From here, teachers simplified the principle for the masses, as they developed The Way to Live, by saying that one should treat others as you would have them treat you. Unsaid was that you may be doing exactly that. Give us a moment."

Saa-ra soon continued. "As these Portions learned to be responsible with and for their thoughts, and so their experience-creations, it was seen by the entire Identity to be expedient to insert more personalities into the continuum, under circumstances that would best provide a balanced view of the overall challenge at hand. This mattered greatly in that unforeseeable events might provide an unwanted impetus that could lead them away from that challenge."

"So they anchored each other?"

"Much more than that: when the Identity inserted multiple portions in the same relative place and time, their individual influences were highly energetic and complimentary. Do you need an example?"

"An example is always helpful."

"From the universal perspective," she said, "let’s say that the challenge at hand for the Identity is to better understand the application of sound through the manipulation of other energies placed within the physical structure. By monitoring, and acting on specific-purpose energies…"

"Sorry—other energies in the physical structure?"

"The mechanisms through which to perceive, interpret, and create sound. Are you not a soundman?"

"Apparently not a sound man, though."

"By monitoring specific energies as guideposts, such as emotions, the Identity knows it can receive an immediate response from which to gauge the effect of any sound, or combination thereof. It then creates two Portions which, when they return, will remain distinct personalities with a purpose of their own, as the impetus of their experience offers them."

"I understand that we all are inviolate."

"They both enter into the physical plane at the same relative time and place, which will support their efforts—one into a family of musicians, and the other into a family of singers and actors. If chance does not intervene—an unforeseen probability, not a random event—they would feel propelled toward the opera or the theatre as they grew and honed their talents. If the most auspicious evolution of the quest did not occur their desire to be close to their art would accomplish the task; we will assume perfect conditions did not prevail."

"Granted," I quipped.

"Our musician finds that he cannot make enough money playing professionally, and so he stays in the family business of making string instruments, but he frequents the venues that use them. The other personality finds the rigors of opera too taxing, but finds popularity on the stage as an actor. The poor musician can afford only the back row, but his appreciation of the event does not dampen his enthusiasm at curtain call. In turn, the novice plays small parts and responds to the audience’s approval, and thusly the notice of critics who would affect his future.

"The musician, stirred by the performance, takes home with him the desire to manufacture instruments that compliment the quality of the production he witnessed, thereby contributing to its future success. His instruments eventually become known among the elite for their discerning nature, and they begin to sell well; he can now afford seating closer to the stage. The actor, spurred on by increasingly good reviews, is offered larger parts with more fluidity of expression, such as a new musical that incorporates a large string section of the finest quality. The success of one contributes to the overall success of the other, until the day arrives that our tycoon instrument manufacturer is seated front row centre for a performance led by the most popular actor of his time.

"The last scene is performed solo, dimmed lights and in theatre silence, save for the haunting tones of a single stringed instrument. The actor becomes part of the emotion, and weeps freely to the beauty of words that somehow belong to the music, the music to the audience, and the audience to the world. When the last note drifts away and he stands alone, the only sound to be heard, only by the front row, is the drop of a final tear. A moment of unimaginable beauty is realized before the audience finds the presence of circumstance to stand and applaud the ineffability of the experience.

"Backstage, the wealthy manufacturer meets with the actor—there is a hesitant moment of recognition of some ill-defined debt, and then an embrace as both speak simultaneously, one saying, ‘I would not have been so inspired were it not for your talents,’ and the other replying, ‘Without your talents I would not have been so inspired… we are as one.’ And upon their return to their source Identity they find that this is exactly true."


"The Identity has then observed the affects of sound from points of view taken from the back row to the front, and as created from backstage to centre front. He has observed the relationship between quality to clarity, and the importance of how sound was spoken, or played, to what sound is emitted. He has discovered the combination of sounds that, although perceived as beautifully ineffable and impossible to capture, inspire creativity nevertheless. The Identity has therefore found another impetus with which to create, and understanding it at its most basic form can apply his knowledge to other situations.

"This information also adds depth to the personalities’ perceptions of the ramifications of their own actions, and broadens their perspective on their relationship to everything around them. It also points out, in no uncertain terms, that not only are you your brother’s keeper, as your Christ personalities proclaimed, you may just be your brother."

"Personalities, plural?"

"Yes. There were three, as there are again. It was additionally clear to Joshua that, by the formal esoteric philosophies spoken by the elders, he was of the Universal Source subject to the same laws as the Source, and he had been taught in the same representational manner that All That Is learned of His own nature and existence. He could then see that he was not only of His image in every respect but, in a Portion, was Him. The phrase ‘We are all God’s children,’ though often spoken piously, is literally accurate, and Jesus understood this. As did his