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We are in a mess already and society played its part in getting us here. Therefore, it must play its part in getting us out of this moral decadence that this generation is thriving in without an ounce of care. I said earlier that those pushing this agenda of perversion sold it to society and society bought into it. Society was misguided to think that it is people’s right to express themselves as they want and that it should embrace, accept, and tolerate people’s choices.

Society was misguided into thinking that this was an act of love, understanding, and appreciating our differences without judging or condemning one another. Well, as I have said, it was misguided because it is none of what it believed it was doing. In reality, society was forced to watch as wicked spirits exercise their dominion and authority over our brothers and sisters; over our children, colleagues, employers, employees, leaders, rulers, friends, aunties, uncles, cousins, schoolmates, and so on. Society was and is still misguided into thinking that we are showing love when what we are doing is granting these spirits and wicked powers the right to freely carry out their desires through and in our loved ones. In other words, society was deceived into handing over those it loves to darkness and being able to live with it in the name of ‘that is who they are’.

At this point, it has become normal for society to comfortably fold its hands as these cases of perversion keep increasing. By the grace of God, I hope that by now, I have somewhat been


able to communicate effectively what the devil is doing in our generation so that society can wake up from the deep spiritual slumber it has fallen into over the years and realize we have been on the wrong side of this equation. Powers of darkness will always contend with light.

Unfortunately, darkness has masqueraded itself as a light for a long time now, so when the light comes, people interpret it as darkness. May God open up our eyes through this book to see darkness for what it is and light for what it is in our generation because we are in dire need of light.

Now, here are the things I believe society needs to do to correct this problem. Number one, it needs to call things as they are and arise from this decadence it has embraced. It first needs to shake off the guilt that has been imposed on it for not accepting, embracing, and tolerating these deviant relationships, affections, orientations, and lifestyles. Doing this does not mean that it has become wicked or intolerant. It means that it is ready to go back to moral uprightness to restore things to order as God intended. I know society is compromised in so many things, but we need to start sorting those matters out. There is nothing wrong with starting here.

Secondly, society can stop supporting bills and laws that propagate this wrong. It is not granting individuals the right to be who they want to be. Don’t you get it? It is granting demons and wicked spirits the right to run loose in our world today and take anyone they can get captive.

That is what it is doing. Lawmakers are meant to run society to an extent, and in a way, they affect the moral fabric of society. So, when bills that propagate deviant things are tabled, society should not sit quietly and fold its hands. It ought to do whatever is necessary to ensure


they do not pass those bills into law. Also, when activists rise and they need help in opposing certain bills or matters, society should back them up. A simple thing such as a signature for petitions can go a long way in sorting out our society.

Thirdly, society needs to differentiate between civilization and immorality. It is funny to note that there is now a gray area between these two. Civilization has brought society its fair share of problems. In embracing perversions, society calls itself civilized. A clear line must be drawn to distinguish between black and white. When society is advancing quickly by creating room for all manner of evil, then it is not becoming more civilized. It is simply decaying at a very fast rate.

When human social and cultural development does not consider upright living and is drawn towards the wrong things in the name of rights and freedom to express itself the way it wants, then its moral fabrics will be shredded to pieces. In no time, the coming generations will never know that once upon a time there was a way of life and conduct that was considered morally and behavioral upright. Imagine this, if this is where society is now, what will the coming generations find? It is better for a society to be considered uncivilized in light of some things, but preserve itself for future generations. Society cannot just allow anything and everything to be incorporated in the name of cultural and social advancement.

Fourthly, society needs to go back to embracing the role of the church in shaping its morality. It is a painful thing to note that society treats the church and Christianity as an interruption to life and good living. How did we get here? How did God, the creator of the heavens and earth, and everything that dwells therein turn out to be an intrusion into His creation? Society needs to wake up and give God His rightful place; the center of everything. We cannot treat God and His


ways of life as a disturbance and expect everything to be okay. The devil is out here devouring anything and everything he can get his hands on, and human beings are his priority. God has given the earth to the children of men to take care of and to rule. We cannot do so without Him, His wisdom, guidance, word, and power. Society must let God be Lord over everything and allow His ways of living to once again dominate it. The word of God is not just simple plain words, they are a way of life and life. Everyone that finds the word finds life. Our society needs to find life again. It is dead in sin; it needs to come back to life in righteousness. The time is up for the devil.



Matthew 24:37

But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be

The scriptures are so precise about the times that we will experience before the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the scripture above is one of them. The state of society will be deplorable, and as it is now, we can all agree that we are in that state. We are in the end times people, and so, we must do what we need to do to ensure that we snatch as many as we can from their way to hell.

We, Christians, have the light of life that God has committed to our trust. We know what is right and what is wrong: what is acceptable to God and what is not acceptable to Him. We should no longer live in pretense as though we do not know the will of God for mankind. We are too informed to live in ignorance of the truth because we want to accommodate our loved ones. It is of no value to us and God if we should enjoy our time with them on earth but be eternally separated from them because they are condemned to eternal damnation if they do not repent. In fact, it is not even beneficial to God that we enjoy being with them on earth because they are separated from Him because of sin.

What is unnatural and ungodly will forever remain so no matter who says otherwise. Big organizations and mighty governments can say yes to them, but as long as the King of Kings and the creator of the heavens and earth, and they that dwell therein has said no, it must remain as


so. Therefore, these unnatural affections and relationships, as well as deviant lifestyles should remain as an abomination to God and consequently to us.

As we have seen earlier, those engaging in these funny identifications, acts, and lifestyles are going against the blueprint of God for humanity. As long as God is concerned, a person can only be heterosexual, and a male or a female. Those are the confinements to how far we can go with our identities, affections, and relationships. Anything outside these three is a punishable offense to God. Knowing this, we should not have peace when the people we know and love are held in bondage by the devil because they are under the assumption that it is their will and right to be who and what they want to be, to do what they want, and to identify themselves the way they choose. While they may think they are acting on their own accord, spirits are happy to control them regardless of what they think. As long as their agenda is moving forward, they care less about what the people they use think. These spirits hate man because God loves man with all His heart. So, they do all they can to corrupt man so that God will be forced to turn away from His beloved people. But God is clever than that because He lavishly poured out His love, grace and truth that has the ability to convert people. Knowing this, the devil goes to all lengths. Let us not make the work easier for him.

For a long time, we have handed over our loved ones to the devil. The time is up for that nonsense; the time is up for the devil as long as we are talking unnatural affections, ungodly gender identifications, deviant sexual orientations, and unnatural relationships. It is time for those of us that know the truth to stand up for it, and to defend it far beyond the physical realm. Remember, in life, wars are first won in the realm of the spirit before they are won on


earth. Therefore, we need to stand tall on our knees and restore order to the lives of our loved ones. It is time to break them free from the bondage that the devil has put them in for years. It is time to shed the light of the gospel like never before to those involved firmly yet without condemnation but fulness of love; the love of Christ. Enough is enough. We must protect humanity on our feet while preaching the gospel and on our knees while superimposing the will of God and His ways.

The devil knows that every person on earth is a potential carrier of God, and when everyone carries God on their inside, he is completely finished on this earthly realm because remember, he is the prince of this world with authority because it was given to him by Adam. But as long as man is reconciled to God, he rules over satan and his cohort of darkness. Now, he cannot allow that to happen, so he is all out to keep men under his dominion. In as much as we may not be able to save everyone, we cannot fold our hands and watch in defeat. It is still day, and we must work the works of Him that sent us while it is still day. There is still grace for salvation, and we must utilize it maximally to win as many as we can to Christ. We can start by subduing the forces that rule over men in these manners.

The church must perform its responsibilities, the parents, and the society as well. What we are dealing with cannot be tackled from one side only but all available sides. These three can join hands and have one stand against these forces of darkness that are trying to turn sober living into a thing of the past. The parents must say no, the church must say no, and the society must say no. There must not be any room left that is comfortable enough for these spirits to operate from in our midst. All the mixed reactions and feelings are a gateway for these spirits to


continue their operations. We must seal every loophole and exalt the name of the Lord and His ways.

Time is moving so fast. Therefore, we must act even faster. Let us save a soul at a time. Already, there are wonderful testimonies of people who were delivered from these perverse lifestyles and unnatural affections and relationships, and they are now born again and serving the Lord.

This shows us that it can be done. Men and women can be delivered from the grip of the devil, even them that have already changed their genders. It does not matter how far gone one can be because there is no fallen state that the grace of God cannot reach, save, and restore.

Remember, you and I were once upon a time fallen from the glory of God, but here we are right now; ambassadors of Christ. Let us do our work. Time is up for the devil because we must reclaim the souls that Jesus Christ died for because they are precious to Him.



If you have read this book and are struggling with these perversions, kindly make this prayer and believe in your heart that God can save your soul. He is not mad at you because He is deeply in love with you. He created you for His pleasure and that has not changed because the devil gained an advantage against you.

The word of God in Romans 10:9-10 says,

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that

God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth

unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.

Do you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ came, died for you, and was raised from the dead by God? If you do, then make this prayer, and mean it with all your heart.

Oh Lord God, I come to you as a sinner. I confess that I have lived contrary to your word and ways of life. I denounce all forms of perversion and sin and ask for your forgiveness, Oh God.

You created me for your glory, and have loved me with everlasting love. And so, I come to you to surrender my life to your hands. I believe with my heart that Jesus Christ came and died for my sins and that you raised Him from the dead. Therefore, I confess with my mouth that He is Lord of my life and captain of my salvation from today onwards. Your word says that, If any man is in Christ he is a new creation, the old things are passed and the new has begun. I declare that I am a new creation created in righteousness and by the incorruptible word of God. I am free from all corruption, and I walk in this consciousness every day. The influence of the evil


one is broken from my life in the name of Jesus Christ. I now radiate your glory, and I live for your pleasure. Holy Spirit of God, I welcome you to take your place in my heart. Fill me with your presence. Consume my mind and will and let it all be subject to you. Move within me and through me. Guide my steps, my ways, and the meditations of my heart. Lead me always in the path of the righteous, and uphold me because you can keep me from falling. Lord, I thank you for accepting me in the beloved. I worship you and I extol you. In Jesus' mighty name, amen.

Congratulations, you are now born again.

May the peace of God, His love, grace, and mercies be with you and keep you. The prince of this world and his cohort have nothing in you anymore. You are beautiful/handsome just the way you are, and let nothing make you feel otherwise. The Holy Spirit is in control, and therefore, you are in control over who you are and what you feel because you are aligned with the will of God.

I love you and have a glorious life in Christ Jesus.










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