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changing their behavioral and thinking patterns. Counseling

sessions with family members can provide additional support and


Relaxation techniques: Simple relaxation techniques, like deep

breathing, yoga, meditation and regular physical exercises help

children acclimatize their bodies to a regular routine and pattern.

This reduces muscular tension and stress, helping them to relax and

take things in a lighter vein.

Parent Training: Parents that notice changes in behavioral

patterns of their children and adolescents can seek the help of

counselors and health care providers. Books and the Internet may

provide ample information.

Laughter, Diet, Sleep, Constructive Activity, Vigorous

Exercise, Loving parents and a non-threatening environment all

contribute to reducing the level of a person's anxiety.

Medication: A very small minority of children may actually need

medication for treatment of persistent symptoms of their anxiety

disorders. This is a matter of extensive debate. Do not make this

decision lightly.

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Recent Research on Anxiety Disorders

Scientists regularly research the causes, effects, medications,

treatment and prevention of anxiety disorders.

They try to identify the role of genes in the development of such

disorders and probe into the effects of varied factors like diet,

pollution, sleep deprivation, psychological trauma and physical

stress on children in the formation and elimination of anxiety


Genes and Anxiety Disorders

Not all people that become exposed to traumas develop Post-

traumatic stress disorder. This might be because of their genetic

makeup, the child’s basic personality or the way the child was

raised, or some other factors.

The brain is the center and source of much that is not yet explained

or understood, and studies are ongoing.

What is now known is that the Amygdala and Hippocampus of the

brain play a significant role in such disorders.

The amygdala, located centrally in the brain, is the communicator

between the brain parts that receive sensory signals and those that

process the signals.

It immediately alerts the brain if there are any signals of fear or

anxiety. The amygdala also stores memories of such fears, and the

hippocampus links fear into the type of stressful or frightening

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events that caused it.

These memories remain embedded in the hippocampus.

Recent research has shown that trauma victims and patients with

similar anxiety disorders have a smaller hippocampus. This smaller

size may be the cause for broken memories of the traumatic event

and, therefore, inadequate comprehension of the event. These

disjointed memories appear as flashbacks and cause anxiety.

Other research suggests that trauma is perhaps the cause of a

smaller hippocampus, as well as the reason for disjointed memories

and flashbacks.

Progress through Research

Armed with such knowledge, scientists and researchers are trying to

devise suitable treatments for anxiety disorders. Drugs and

medications to block the fear responses in neurotransmitters may

prove to be a boon.

Similarly, research to find the means of increasing the generation of

brain cells and neurons in the hippocampus. This can increase its

size and thereby, reduce the incidence of disjointed memories

caused by traumas. It can help you understand and deal effectively

with such traumas, so that they do not adversely affect you.

Researchers are also trying to identify the cause of obsessive-

compulsive disorder and the effect of medications and therapies as

effective treatments. These patients normally display poor physical

and mental health.

Additionally, scientists are trying to identify the effects of such

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medications on adolescents and children who have hyperactivity


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Part-III: Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders

How to Know If You Have an Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is a common emotion and may increase your motivation.

Your anxious feelings about your success or survival motivate you to

perform better and bring in better results. However, this anxiety

sometimes develops into a disorder if you worry excessively and

attach unrealistic feelings to it.

Anxiety disorder is an ailment affecting more than 13% of the total

population of the United States. You may have an anxiety disorder if

you exhibit excessive intense fear, panic, stress or worry.

You remain paranoid about everything. It becomes difficult for you

to concentrate on anything, and even getting sound sleep is


You lose your appetite and are unable to relax.

Some people don’t lose their appetite but eat excessively to calm

their nerves.

Additionally, you could experience many physical symptoms;

sweating, stomach disorders, fast heart rate, body aches and

immense stress.

You may constantly feel that disaster could befall you at anytime.

Diagnosis of the Disorder

If you feel that you are unnecessarily anxious about everything, it is

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best to consult a physician. A thorough physical check-up with an

additional check-up by a mental health professional can diagnose

any actual ailment in you.

Anxiety disorders often occur in concurrence with drug addiction,

alcoholism and depression. Therefore, professionals try to assess

the actual cause of your anxiety and then provide the necessary


Medical help is better than self-analysis of your condition.

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How to Diagnosis Anxiety Disorders

Diagnosing anxiety disorders is a very daunting task. Most of the

symptoms and conditions overlap other medical conditions.

Sometimes, your anxiety attack could be the result of some other

psychological factor and you might feel that you have anxiety


If you often experience anxious feelings, consult a general

physician. The physician, after making sure that you are

pathologically healthy, may refer you to a mental health specialist.

Anxiety disorders are very similar to many neurological conditions

like depression, epilepsy and other psychological problems.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders are almost the same as ailments of

the heart and lungs, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia and diabetes.

Women often experience anxiousness during menopause. Certain

drugs that are used for treatment of diabetes, high blood pressure

and thyroid disorders cause restlessness and anxiety as side-effects.

Therefore, it is important to rule out the presence of all such

diseases or side effects of medications.

Doctors need to conduct a full physical examination. They also need

to know the full history of your ailments or any other medical

conditions. You have to give all the details. You have to tell your

habits like the use of drugs, excessive drinking or intake of caffeine.

You have to tell all your personal woes such as family disturbances,

divorce or any other stressful changes and events in your life.

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Tests and Diagnosis

Doctors use specific tests to determine the intensity levels and

frequency of occurrence of your anxiousness, like the Hamilton

Anxiety Rating Scale or the Beck Anxiety Inventory and others.

These tests rate the intensity of your symptoms. Some of these

tests consist of multiple-choice questions and answers. You can

choose to write your responses or answer them verbally. These

tests provide doctors with clues about your disorder that help them

decide the course of treatment that will be best for your condition.

The effect of most anxiety disorders depend on the duration of the

symptoms, its severity, and any other accompanying behavioral

symptoms. Scrutiny of all factors may help doctors to identify your

particular type of anxiety disorder. Laboratory tests are not

necessary for diagnosis of anxiety problems.

Normally, the symptoms of anxiety disorder need to be present for

the major part of a given six-month observation period. These

symptoms should be so intense that they affect your normal living

extensively and you are unable to lead a normal life.

You may even have to take leave from school or work.

Symptoms that may Indicate Your Particular Disorder

A few or the symptoms necessary for diagnosis of anxiety disorder

are feelings of restlessness and irritability, extreme fatigue and

tiredness, sleep disturbances with flashbacks and nightmares,

difficulty in concentration and muscular tension and aches.

Different types of anxiety disorders exhibit varied symptoms. Panic

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disorders could exhibit symptoms of intense sweating, rapid pulse

rate, choking, nausea, breathlessness, chest pain and numbness.

Specific symptoms are indicative of classifiable disorders, and have

specific treatments or remedies.

If you have agoraphobia, you would not like to venture out alone. If

you develop claustrophobia, you feel that you are suffocating in any

enclosed area. If you suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder,

you are never sure of anything and compulsively check for your

safety in your surroundings.

The correct diagnosis f your particular disorder can help you receive

the best available treatment for the correct problem so that there is

more chance that you can be free of your disorder.

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Part-IV: Prevention of Anxiety Disorders

18. Tips to Avoid Anxiety Disorders

Relax: Relaxation is a powerful tonic for your frayed nerves.

Relaxation can be in the form of –

9 Deep breathing

9 Yoga

9 Meditation

9 Muscle relaxation

Deep breathing involves taking in lots of air, holding your breath for

few seconds and then exhaling. Regular practice of deep breathing

may lower your anxiety levels extensively.

Selective yoga postures, techniques and routines exercise your

muscles while meditation helps you to control the flow of emotions

within you. You may develop higher concentration levels and can

remain calmer even in the tensest situations.

Muscular relaxation requires you to hold a single muscle, or group

of muscles, tightly and then relax slowly. Stretching muscles can

reduce muscular tension and provide relief from body aches.

Worry: Assign a particular time and place to worry about your

problems. Think of all your disturbing thoughts and try to find apt

solutions to your problems. Think and plan for the present, letting

the future take care of itself.

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Sleep: Develop a regular sleeping pattern. Go to bed and get up at

particular times. Make this your routine. That helps you to fall

asleep without anxiety. Eight hours sleep is sufficient. Do not


Exercise: Develop and practice a regular exercise pattern. This

keeps you fit and energetic, doing away with unnecessary thoughts

and anxieties. Swimming, jogging and other aerobic exercises

provide a good workout.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine and drugs. Although these relax you for

the moment, they increase the anxiety symptoms.

Confront Anxiousness: Build up your courage to confront the

feelings that lead to anxieties in the past. Deal with these thoughts

and analyze how to overcome them. This boosts your confidence

and you become more optimistic about confronting other anxious

feeling that may arise within you.

Counting: Simple backward counting from 100 to zero can calm

your tense nerves and muscles. When anxiety starts to build,

practice this technique to develop and improve your focus.

Fear Study: Study and understand the intensity of your fear and its

escalation. Accept the fear and do not run away. Instead, face it

stoically and bravely. You will soon overcome your fear.

Professional Help: Always consult your doctor or counselor for

help with dealing with your fear and anxiety problems. Anxiety may

depress or scare you, but cannot cause you any harm. This

reassuring thought helps you to overcome fear. Counselors provide

guidance to cope with your feelings and express them properly at

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the proper places. These techniques drive away your anxiety.

Identify Disturbing Thoughts and Places: While in a calm mood

and safe surroundings, analyze what causes anxiety in you.

Thereafter, try to find solutions to your anxious feelings.

If adherence to these solutions helps you overcome your anxiety,

you are on your way to overcoming your anxiety disorder.

Support Groups: Form support groups with friends and others who

have similar anxiety problems. Discussing each other’s problems

and supporting each other can build up a strong sense of support. It

also boosts your feeling of security. No matter what the disorder,

you are not alone.

Family: Your family members could provide extensive support in

your anxious moments. Talk over your problems and discuss them

with your family members. Discussing them can lift a heavy burden

from your shoulders. You feel light and happy. You do not feel as

anxious any more.

Assertiveness: Become assertive without becoming aggressive.

Say what you mean and allow others to do the same.

Aggressiveness causes tension and anxiety. Deal calmly with

problems and face facts with a cool mind. Passive and defensive

techniques aggravate anxiety disorders. Therefore, avoid these.

Self-confidence and Self-belief: Develop these virtues and you

are ready to confront any situation of fear or anxiety. Assure

yourself that you have the ability to tackle everything and come out

successful. This self-assertion and mental boost can help you

overcome all your anxieties and fears.

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Part-V: Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Treatment Options for Anxiety Disorders

It is possible to cure your anxiety disorders that occur due to

certain physical and psychological disturbances.

A proper diagnosis can help to identify the exact type of anxiety

disorder in you. This helps in administering the correct treatment.

Anxiety disorders also occur in concurrence with addictions like

drugs and alcohol.

Sometimes, different medical conditions like depression, high blood

pressure, thyroid ailments and hypertension exhibit similar

symptoms to some anxiety disorders.

Therefore, you have to disclose all your habits and symptoms to

your doctor. This helps the doctor to arrive at the correct conclusion

of your disorder. You then have to undergo treatments to cure your

other coexisting conditions before taking treatments for your

anxiety disorders.

If you have already had treatment for anxiety disorders in the past,

tell the details to your doctor before taking new treatments. Details

about medications, their dosages and side effects, therapies and the

number of sittings, or any other form of treatment is essential to

analyze their effects.

Often, any single treatment may not deliver the required result. You

may need a combination of treatments for anxiety disorders.

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Treatment Options

Broadly speaking, treatment options for anxiety disorders are

therapies and medications. You could benefit from a combination of

therapies or therapies and medications. Normally, doctors start with

a low dosage and a few therapy sessions while they observe the

effects. Then, they they increase the dosages or duration and

number of therapy sessions in accord with the results that you


Side effects of medications are a common occurrence. So, doctors

carefully watch and study the extent of side effects in anxiety

disorder treatments.

Sometimes, your body accepts the side effects over a few dosages

and they gradually reduce. If the side effects are severe or prove

problematic, your doctor will advise you to stop the medication.


Behavioral therapy: This therapy checks and controls your

behavioral actions. Different techniques help you to combat and let

go of your unwanted behavior. These behaviors are the symptoms

of your anxiety disorders. By controlling the symptoms, the disorder

is directly addressed and anxiety diminished.

Doctors prescribe diaphragmatic breathing to reduce your

anxiety levels. This type of breathing exercise involves practicing

the taking of slow, deep breaths. During your anxiety attacks, you

normally take very fast, short breaths. This leads to increase in the

rate of your heartbeats and a feeling of dizziness. The regular

practice of diaphragmatic breathing may reduces incidence of rapid

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breathing during your anxiety attacks.

Another technique that is used in behavioral therapy is exposure

therapy. Doctors expose you to the very facts that frighten and

cause you anxiety. You may feel scared of certain places and

people. Doctors ask you to confront these very places with a

support group or your therapist. This helps to alleviate your fears

and you recover from your anxiety attacks. You may face these

fears initially through tapes and pictures. Thereafter, you face the

feared situation in reality. However, you do not fear it anymore.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This behavioral therapy treatment

teaches you different reactions to your anxiety. You learn to think

differently and thereby benefit from reduction in anxiety attacks.

Normally, you experience a little dizziness during a panic attack.

This dizziness increases your anxiety levels as you feel that you are

going to die soon. You feel that you might have a heart attack.

However, doctors teach you to change the pattern of your thinking.

Doctors advise you to think that this dizziness is a temporary

phenomenon and you will soon overcome it. This change in thinking

has a huge effect on your anxiety. Your self-reassurance reduces

your anxieties and you soon feel better and relaxed. You do not feel

that people are constantly watching or judging you.

Psychotherapy: This therapy involves talking with a professional

psychologist, psychiatrist or counselor. During such sessions, these

professionals try to identify the root cause of your anxiety. It could

be due to a certain specific incident in your childhood or

adolescence. These sessions reveal the true cause of your anxiety.

Thereafter, psychotherapists suggest suitable behavioral therapy or

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Psychodynamic psychotherapy: This is a different type of

therapy treatment for treating your anxiety disorders. These

disorders occur due to certain mental conflicts. Your mind

experiences many different negative feelings like fear, panic,

insecurity and the like. All these factors unconsciously lower your

confidence levels. This therapy aims at increasing your self-

confidence and removing all negativity from your mind.


Medications do not provide a complete cure for your anxiety

disorders. However, they deliver good results in combination with

relevant therapies to improve your anxiety problems and help you

to lead a normal life. Common medications for anxiety disorders are

beta-blockers, anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants.

Beta-Blockers: These treat the physical symptoms accompanying

an anxiety attack. If you fear public places and talking with people,

a beta-blocker like propranolol can help you to keep this fear at bay.

You do not encounter any shivering or trembling.

Antidepressants: These medications are primarily in use for

treating depression symptoms. These antidepressants are also

useful for treating anxiety disorders. They begin taki