Tales of a Poor Poge by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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Who are you in my dream?
A Goddess Queen?
You say, “Let us love,”
And give this dream some touch.

Night fantasy yearns for flesh
And when we are done you say,
“That will be ten dollars, please.”

The dark seeds begin to grow.

I wish to give love as a man.
I touch. You’ll touch.
Two souls will become a whole.
Dark hole where I lie, curled like a viper.

Sometimes lover, sometimes man

Comes and then quickly dresses to go.

Another evening we lie together.
Our bitter glory feeds my sickness.

My hot river flows into your emptiness

And knows no voice of warmth,
Only the voiceless pain of our bare

And cold union.
Used flesh as dough in my fingers

Painted lips as ice on my breast.
You and I are as slaughtered whales

Butchered upon the water,
Our faces awash with blood,
Not knowing why we died.

I know you now, in my dream.
You are the Dark Queen.
Our harsh grief is but laughter for you.

Saying you love and not loving;

Saying you care and not caring;

Empty words and empty touches.