Tarot: Voice of the Inner Light by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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Chief among the Mighty




A stern, unyielding and fully armored ruler sits upon granite throne which stands alone in barren and rugged terrain. He sports long white hair as well as a full beard that that hangs about a foot beneath his chin. He wears a golden crown decorated with seven precious jewels atop of which is mounted a figure eight laid on its side and he is robed in the red and blue colors of royalty. Though at peace, as is always ready to protect the kingdom he rules even if it means going to war. His throne is decorated with four rams heads, the symbol of the astrological sign of Aries from which he draws his energy, vitality and courage. In his right hand he  holds an Ankh, the ancient  Egyptian symbol  of life, and in his left hand holds a small golden globe symbolizing his dominion and authority over all in his domain and his role as the force of reason, justice, stability and order in the natural world. In the background, a mountain range rises up from the earth and at its base runs a small stream whose origin is the temple of the High Priestess. When we gaze into his penetrating eyes we perceive a disciplined intellect that is capable of both accomplishment and endurance – bringing stability and prosperity into his domain for the benefit of all those whom he serves as a ruler. The Emperor invokes an atmosphere of strong will and purpose carried out by a disciplined and controlled mind in which reason triumphs and order and stability always prevail.


Aries is the first sign of the Western Zodiac and marks the return of the solar power in the awakening of spring. It is a sign of materialization partaking of the aggressive  and  dynamic  energy of  its natural ruler, Mars, as well as the life giving fiery energy of its exalted lord, the Sun. In a literal sense, the fire of life returns to Nature in full force as the materialized Primal Will to survive, grow and prosper whose essential character is embodied in the Emperor. The sign of Aries represents the principal of activity - it is dynamic energy struggling to express itself through each unique and individual expression of the life power and in The Emperor expresses the masculine energy of benevolent rule, compassionate leadership and iron resolve.


When Appearing Upright in a Reading

Success can only be attained by an approach built on will power, strength, responsibility, courage and self control. A strong and disciplined will guided by reason will gain the loyalty and support of others and allow you to accomplish what you have to do.

When Appearing Reversed in a Reading

Weakness of will has left you vulnerable to attack by predatory forces. Success will elude you as pride and arrogance only foster tyranny and self delusion. If you do not possess the self discipline to command yourself then you will be unable to command others.


“The Path of The Constituting Intelligence”

As the executive aspect of the Divine Life Power, the path of The Constituting Intelligence brings about cosmic order and harmony in accordance with Divine Law. The light of the Executive Will dwelling within the fertile darkness radiates creative seed dreams and impregnates the loving womb which then brings forth all the forms of creation.