Tarot: Voice of the Inner Light by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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“King of the Spirits of Air”

Capricorn - Aquarius

Fire of Air


The powerful King of Swords looks us straight in the eye as he sits alone on his throne ready to dispense harsh justice or compassionate mercy. Stern judgment may await us when we face him as he is the guardian of the rational order and takes this responsibility very seriously. He holds a razor sharp sword in his right hand pointing upwards towards the heavens. His throne is decorated with butterflies and crescent Moons and an angel who whispers into his right ear. Two birds soar in the lofty heights above him. He is clothed in blue and royal purple and wears a golden crown upon his head upon which is carved the image of another angelic being. A signet ring of kingly power graces his left hand. The sky is mostly clear with only a few grayish clouds and the trees in the background appearing motionless reflecting the stern and unyielding will of this King whose sword can cleave either way when he has made up his mind – for he is the power of life and death.


Capricorn’s rationality and practicality as well as its devotion to intellect, logic, duty and responsibility blend well with the compassionate, humanitarian and higher mental energies of Aquarius in the King of Swords and strike the balance that man must find between the cold and impersonal nature of the intellect and the universal human sympathy and higher mental development reflected by the exercise of compassion in all judgments. Logic and reason cannot be the final arbiters of our actions – we must temper their impersonality with feeling.


When the will and intellect become the perfected expression of the illuminated mind they are able to act in an impartial but compassionate manner taking humanity into consideration as well as the facts and logical considerations. Perfection of the mind lies not only in the airy spheres of reason and intellect but equally in the watery depths of compassion and love.


When the King of Swords appears he may indicate yourself, another person close to you, someone who may enter your life, an aspect of your own personality or an aspect of yourself that needs to be recognized, developed or asserted. He may also represent a situation that you may find yourself in.

When Appearing Upright in a Reading

The King of Swords represents a man who holds a position of political power. Although oftentimes overcautious, he is a rational thinker and has a logical and inventive mind. Old-fashioned ideas guide his life and he can be a loyal friend or a fearsome enemy if you cross him. He represents law and authority and is an active, subtle and clever man but can be very volatile and domineering. He holds himself to the highest ethical standards and is not without compassion in his judgments but seldom lets his heart overrule the dictates of his reason and will. You are advised to be cautious in any personal dealings with him.

When Appearing Reversed in a Reading

Reversed, the King represents a crafty man of evil intent who is unscrupulous and cruel. He cares nothing for the lives or well being of others and lives with evil intention towards all. He is a man of malicious temperament who cannot be trusted under any circumstances. Beware of any close personal relationship with this man for his cunning and perversity could lead to your undoing.


“The Sphere of Wisdom”

When the Inner Light is revealed to our mind it ignites our being like a raging fire carried upon the wind, refocuses our will and reinvigorates us in the process of spiritual and physical renewal that is the second birth.