Ten Top Traffic Secrets to Explode Your Traffic! by Laura Milne - HTML preview

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Chapter Five Tutorials - Your Simple Step By Step Approach To Success!

In my experience this is a massively under-used traffic approach! A lot of people do record tutorials, e-courses and videos and upload them to their site but not many people are making the most of the tutorial sites out there. You probably have content that you could upload straight away!

Your tutorial can be in whichever form you choose. It may be a simple written tutorial; it could be a presentation or a video. The choice is yours. All you need to do is pull your tutorial together and upload it to the tutorial sites out there. In turn people will search those tutorial sites for information they need and on downloading your tutorial will see the regular links back to your site that you use throughout it. A great way to generate more traffic.

Very much like all of the other approaches that we have discussed, it is vitally important here to ensure that your content is top quality. If you put poor quality tutorials out there that offer little guidance or useful information then people are not going to come back to your site for further information about you and to see what else you have to offer. You need to use this opportunity to draw the viewer in and leave them keen to learn more about you and from you. So even if you do have some readymade content, double check it first and really consider the value you are adding. Remember, where ever possible you are aiming to exceed your viewers’ expectations. So if it’s not quite up to scratch, tweak it, add more content, give away a few more secrets and insider tips and tidy up the presentation. After all, this could be your first impression on many people – you want it to be a good one.

Have a good look around out there for tutorial sites to choose from. You will find that some are very specific so you will need to find one that accepts tutorials within your niche. A good generic one that could try to begin with is tutorialized.com. Try to find a few others that also fit your niche and then begin uploading your content.

A good approach to take with your tutorials to drive even more traffic is to split your tutorials in to more than one part. You can upload part one to tutorial sites and then have part two available on your own site.

As long as you ensure that you are producing a top quality tutorial that provides a lot of value, viewers will be so keen to watch part two that they will head straight over to your site there and then to watch it, especially if you have made it clear throughout part one just how much value they are going to get from part two!

So this very simple method is not only very quick to set up and get started with, it can also be a great approach to use in getting people straight over to your site!