Ten Top Traffic Secrets to Explode Your Traffic! by Laura Milne - HTML preview

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Chapter Six Set Your Article Marketing On Fire!!!

I have no doubt that you have heard of and may be even use Article Marketing. Some people swear by it and some people cannot stand it. I understand the Article Marketing can really seem like hard work and for that reason most people would prefer to avoid it. It also doesn’t perform in the same way these days as it used to a few years ago. However, I do believe that Article Marketing still has an awful lot to offer. Especially with some of the following cool techniques that are going to put your Article Marketing campaign on overdrive!

So unfortunately I am not going to tell you to stop writing articles. In fact I am going to tell you to write more of them. However I am going to show you how to do much more with them – driving amazing amounts of traffic from just one piece of work!

In this industry as much as in any other I truly believe in the importance of working smarter rather than working harder. You could work every hour of every day but if you are not using your time wisely then you are going to produce very few results. That’s why from here on in we are going to join up everything we do to produce explosive results!

Articles do not have to be very long, in fact it has been proven that shorter articles tend to get more hits than longer ones. People are looking for useful information quickly and are keen to avoid any unnecessary waffle! So pitch your articles around the 300-500 word mark and you won’t go too far wrong! Now bearing in mind that within this section on Article Marketing we are just coming up for around 300 words now it shows you that an article does not take a great deal of content. In fact many blog posts out there are longer than your average article!

So here is what you do...
From now on in, every time you write a blog post I want you to turn it in to an article (obviously with the exception of the ones about what you did at the weekend!) This will take you no time at all. All you have to do is ensure that you set the scene more clearly due to the reader not already being on your blog and give a little more of a professional ending that you need to on most blog posts.

Now as we have already discussed how important your high quality content is, I’m sure you will already be thinking very carefully about what goes in to your posts. Therefore you are going to have high quality material that you can easily turn in to an article with a few lines added at the beginning, a few added at the end and a couple of tweaks in between.

Now you are going to submit your article to all of the article directories out there in the way that you would normally do (if you are not sure about this it is well worth completing some quick and basic Article Marketing training).

Once you have submitted your article this is where the magic starts! Now that you have turned your blog post in to an article you are about to turn your article in to a Powerpoint presentation. This is really easy to do. All you need to do is pull out the main text and themes in to bullets, add some images, give it a professional finish and you are ready to go. Just remember this presentation is going to be shared without any additional audio so make sure anyone watching it can decipher everything from the slides alone. Now to make sure that this is valuable in terms of driving traffic to your site you need to add in links back to your site. You can do this throughout the slides or you can choose to have an opening slide, a closing slide or both directing viewers back to your blog for more info. Again content is key here – if you are not giving valuable and useful content people are not going to want to learn more about you and what you can offer them.

Once your Powerpoint presentation is complete you need to upload it to slide sharing sites. Again you can find many of them just by looking in Google; however you can try the ones below to begin with:






So already you have four streams of traffic from one blog post! And we are not done yet! Next you are going to convert your article in to a video. You can do this either by recording yourself via webcam as you talk through your article or you can use the slides you prepared and record some supporting audio. You can use software such as Camtasia to do this. Camtasia normally offer a free 30 day trial so look them up in Google and give it a go. Alternatively Camstudio is free software that you can use. It’s not as good as Camtasia but it will certainly do the job – especially considering it’s free! Once your video is complete, upload it to all of the top video sharing sites. Just make sure that if you are uploading it to Youtube it is simply valuable content and does not include any kind of sales pitch as pitching on Youtube is a sure fire way to have your Youtube channel shut down!

Now for your next step you are going to take your video and convert it in to a tutorial. This couldn’t be easier. Just present your information in a step by step process, making it simple and straight forward for other people to follow. Remember to add links back to your site and then you can go ahead and upload your tutorial to a tutorial site and you have just set yourself up yet another traffic stream!

Now you can go back to your original article and turn it in to a PDF document. If you don’t have the software to do this you can do it very easily online by going to a site like pdfonline.com. Once you have your article in a PDF format you can upload it to a document sharing site. You’ll find loads to choose from on Google and by doing this you have just created another traffic stream back to your blog (as long as you remember to have clear links back to your blog in your document!)

Now if you want to take this another step further then go back to your original article and see if this is topic that is ripe for you to be able to further develop. If it is and you feel that you can add more content, you can go ahead and pad your article out, turning it in to a report, a guide or even an e-book. You can then make yourself a cover for your e-book and upload it to the e-book sites that we discussed earlier – giving you yet another stream of traffic from your original blog post!

So from just one of your blog posts you have done the following:

· You have posted some valuable content to your blog for your site viewers.
· You have integrated this content to your social networking sites to put it in front of more people and drive traffic back to your blog.
· You have written an article quickly and easily by making some simple tweaks and additions to your post which you have submitted to all of the top article directories which will drive traffic back to your blog.
· You have created a presentation from your article which you have uploaded to slide sharing sites with clear links back to your site which will drive more traffic back to your blog.
· You have converted your presentation in to a video which you have uploaded to the video sharing sites, generating more traffic back to your blog.
· You have converted your presentation and video in to a step by step tutorial that you have submitted to tutorial sites – generating further additional traffic!
· You have turned your article in to a PDF document which you have uploaded to document sharing sites, driving yet more traffic back to your blog!
· And if you wanted to go the whole hog you’ve padded out your original article, turning it in to a report, a guide or even an e-book and have uploaded it to the e-book sharing sites!

Wow – amazing huh? All that traffic from all of those different sources from one blog post! And ok, it’s going to take you a little more time that it would take you to write a normal blog post. And yes, this is reliant upon your blog posts being full of top quality content, but that’s a given if you want to succeed in this industry so is a very good habit to get in to! So make sure that this becomes your newest habit. The amount of traffic that you can generate from a single post really is amazing!