Ten Top Traffic Secrets to Explode Your Traffic! by Laura Milne - HTML preview

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Chapter Two Guest Blogging Your Way To Success!

Guest blogging is an incredibly simple and under-used method of generating huge amounts of additional traffic. After all, by being a guest on someone else’s blog, you have access to all of their traffic and can encourage their visitors to visit your blog.

Again, here you need to rely on your content if this is ever going to work. You are going to have to be at the top of your game, both in order to get other blog owners to want you to guest blog for them but also to encourage all of their traffic reading your blog post to want to come and learn more about you! So think carefully about what you have to offer.

As well as considering your content you also need to think about what you can pitch to the owner of the blog to have them wanting you to guest blog for them. If you already have a steam of traffic to your blog then this is easy – all you need to do is offer them the opportunity to come and guest blog for you. That way, they get to benefit from your traffic and you from theirs – it couldn’t be simpler.

However, if you don’t have much traffic to offer them yet, that doesn’t mean to say that this option won’t work for you. All you need to do is to consider what else you have to offer. Start by considering what the blog owner is trying to achieve – more likely than not this is going to be a following of people who regularly come back to their blog due to the good quality content, who build up a level of trust and loyalty and who are therefore more likely to purchase products from them or to want to work with them in future.

So, now that you know what they are trying to achieve, how can you being a guest blogger for them support them in doing that? Well to begin with you are going to offer them some amazing, no holds barred content that provides some top quality information, advice and tips for their visitors. You need to put some effort in to this to make sure that this is not something that they are likely to get for free anywhere else. Give them some of your closely guarded secrets or better still, go out there and interview a big hitter and share some of their closely guarded secrets! Whatever it is, the blog owner needs to feel confident that this will really add some value for their visitors!

Secondly, you can agree with the blog owner that you will publish the post on your blog with a link back to their site. As well as the link, this will encourage what traffic you do have to check out their website. As long as you are following strategy number one and linking your posts to your social media sites too then you will be putting that information in front of many more people than with your blog alone.

You can also let the blog owner know that if they do want to guest post on your site even with its limited traffic, you will introduce them as an expert that you’ve invited to guest blog due to the amount that your visitors can learn from them. They can then post this to their own blog which will be beneficial in helping them to show their own visitors that they are a sought after expert in their industry. A huge benefit to them and their credibility and also a win for you when your visitors see that you are able to draft in experts to give them top tips and advice.

So where do you start with this? Well first of all do some research and write a list of the twenty or so top performing blogs in your niche. You can do this easily by searching on Google and seeing which blogs are taking prominent position in the market place.

Once you have your list, pull together an email for you to send to each of these bloggers. Remember, within this email you need to help them to see exactly what’s in it for them – after all they are not going to be interested in what’s in it for you! So spell this out to them in a friendly, approachable manner, remember you don’t want this to sound like a sales pitch!

Now, not everyone is going to say yes, but if even 2 or 3 out of your list of 20 bloggers agree, then you’re on your way. From here it will get much easier as you will be able to point people to other guest posts you’ve done along with some testimonials you gather from the site owners you have already worked with. In fact, in very little time you can build up a solid history that puts you out there as someone who every blogger in your niche wants to have guest posting for them.

If you aim to do 2 to 3 guest posts per month you will be amazed by the amount of traffic you can generate from this technique. Just remember to ensure that the quality remains high.

And not only will you be driving additional traffic to your blog, you will be doing some very worth well networking along the way. It makes very good sense to network with and get to know other bloggers out there. You may all be competing within the same market place but you can all achieve better results by working together than you can by working alone.