Tha Amazing Power of Crystal Grids by Elmarie Swartz - HTML preview

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A Special Message


My name is Elmarie; I’m a Reiki Master, Reiki and Crystal Healing therapist, life skills coach and teacher. I cannot lay claim to any knowledge gained in life and say it belongs to me. Somehow all we need to know is given to us freely. In return, we must share freely, that which has been learned and uncovered.

So often in ways I cannot explain, someone will come, offering a key to a door which must be unlocked and opened. There are many halls of learning and knowledge and there are many who come with keys to these doors. When the time is right, and when we are ready, we are shown and we are taught that which we need to know.

This book has been written with the express wish that you will get as much from the Amazing Power of Crystals as I have and therefore I have a very special request of you.


Pass this book on to anyone and everyone who you believe will benefit from this very special power and I know that in the giving you will receive that much more.
In return for your passing this book on and in the spirit of giving, I have made it possible for you to add your very own pages on to the internet keep reading and you will come across your invitation.