The 12 Secret Keys to a Fulfilled Life by Trevor Gollagher - HTML preview

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are creating.

By focussing on something you are trying to get rid of, you give it lots of

energy and empower it. This wil in effect only make it harder to shift.

Believe it or not, but one of the best ways to shift anything at al in life is

to allow it to be there. When you allow, you don’t restrict energy

movement. If the experience you are trying to get rid of is negative it wil

quickly dissolve into a positive Truth. Why? Because movement is a

quality of divine consciousness, and consciousness is a vibration of Truth.

All Divine Truth is positive, loving and supportive. Consciousness wil

actually flush the negative non-‐truth away.

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Looking at it another way, why would you ever want to push anything

away from your life? Remember, all experiences you have serve your

purpose as a human. You are just a soul existing in a human suit to gather

energetic experiences; all experiences have a positive, divine purpose. If

the experience appears as negative it is that way because you made it

negative, through a false view of Truth.

The last of the energetic poisons to look at is Control.

Control, just like attachment and resistance, creates restriction in energy

flow. Restriction of flow only causes more burden and hardship. Our

endocrine glands are put under enormous amounts of stress when we

restrict flow. To maintain homeostasis (optimal functionality) our

endocrine glands rely on receiving energetic nourishment from our

chakras. This can only be achieved if the energy channels that supply this

nourishment are open and free flowing. When we control our lives we

hinder the free flow of energy to the glands. This starves them of

nourishment and eventual y the glands are not able to produce the right

amount of hormones at the right time. This ultimately leads to il ness on

some level.

We often control because we do not believe our lives are unfolding

accurately. We perceive our life as not being the way it should be. As a

result, we try to control its unfoldment to make sure we get it right. We

do this because we do not understand the truth about the perfection of

Divine Plan and its unfoldment. We control because we are either fearing

getting our life wrong or we are holding onto something that we feel

makes us complete.

Everything in existence is unfolding in accordance to Divine Plan. Divine

Plan is the outward flow of God’s conscious intention to create and be

enriched. I wil let you into a little secret — God’s plan has no mistakes.

God could not make a mistake in anything it does, even if it tried. The

energy of ‘wrong’, or ‘failure’, is not in its makeup. Remember, you can

only ever create what you are. God is the pure essence of true

unconditional love and can only create or experience from this vibration.

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It is absolutely impossible to get your life wrong. It can only ever appear

as though it is because we keep trying to fix it.

Stop fixing and allow!

We have a belief, due to past non-‐truthful conditioning, in imperfection.

Because of this distorted belief we spend our lives trying to make perfect

something that is already perfect.

Perfection is perfect; it does not need fixing or changing. It just needs to

be experienced for what it is — perfection.

If we actually got out of our own way and detached and al owed our lives

would natural y be joyful. Al stress and worry would disappear. Why?

Because we, and al of our experiences, are a part of a Divine Plan that

holds no negatives. Negative experience is a result of non-‐truthful beliefs

and conditionings.

A short word on spiritual consciousness

Universal consciousness is the spiritual energetic flow that brings to you

everything you seek and desire. Universal consciousness can also be seen

as a continual outpouring of God’s intention. It is vital to allow this

energetic flow to move in and through your life unhindered.

You can look at spiritual consciousness as water flowing down a river.

Attachments, resistance, control and repressed emotional issues create

dams. When this occurs, spiritual consciousness and al of its qualities and

gifts cannot flow to you and the result can be unhappiness and il -‐health.

The natural state of divine consciousness is one of continual movement.

To be in alignment with it requires that you stay in a state of non-‐

restrictive al owance. Repressing issues and energies stops this from

occurring and that is why it is so important to openly and joyfully embrace

all experiences. Embrace them, but allow them to move in and through

you without attachment, control or resistance.

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Most past conditioning is not in alignment with al owing the free

movement of Divine Truth and as a result imprints and clogs natural

energy flow in the body. To be in flow you have to allow all non-‐truthful

and truthful energies to disperse and move through. Once again, you

cannot resist, attach or control.

Because the majority of your life is based and structured on non-‐truth,

this is not always easy. In fact, most of what your life is based on has to

change. However, a positive spiritual life is al about energy movement.

The more you create, the more you come into alignment with Truth and


Any opportunity to create energy movement should be embraced,

regardless of whether it makes you feel uncomfortable. Remember, God

and/or Consciousness is always in a constant unhindered state of

movement/al owance.