Even though we are living in a reality with a multitude of energies, some
positive and others perceived as negative, we can move through all
experiences with love and joy. It was not God’s intention for anyone (a
piece of itself) to suffer. It is, and has always been, our mind and its
conditioning that makes experience gathering a burden. When negative
experience is seen as just more experience to gather for the whole it no
longer burdens.
By becoming detached, trusting Divine Plan and seeing all experience as
having the purpose of experience gathering, we can have a happy and
contented life.
Another thing to think about here is that every person alive is doing the
same thing. Sure, we are al doing different things in life and are attracting
different experiences, but in the big picture it al serves the same purpose.
Equality exists in all life and experiences.
Recognising and taking on this understanding to be true — that al of our
experience gathering is serving the same higher purpose — goes a long
way towards removing the burden of judgment from your life.
You should be truly grateful for what every other person does in their
lives, whether you perceive it as positive or negative, as this is making you,
as a fragment of the whole, more complete as well. Understanding this
wil help you to see al interaction with other people in a total y different
light. Each and every one of us is helping each other.
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Isn’t this absolutely amazing?!
When you truly see what purpose you are playing in the divine plan you
wil total y change the way you perceive your life. By knowing that al
experiences, and the gathering of them, are of equal value in the big
picture, you wil come to see everything that occurs and every person you
meet just as important as the other. Equality cannot help but exist in al
things as a result. There is not one experience in creation more important
than the next.
A lot of people have a lack of value in themselves due to past experiences
and conditionings. Some people feel others are better or less than they
are. These judgements are there only because of personal beliefs,
emotional scarring or society’s perceptions of how things ‘should be’.
You have incarnated into this realm with the intention of gathering
experience. You have been allocated the task of gathering a certain
amount and type of experiences. This was actually done by a higher aspect
of your soul that exists in the spirit world.
It is a little like going shopping. You write a list of what you need at the
shops and as you pick them off the shelf you tick them off your list. Once
you have al the items on your list you go home. Sometimes you are not
able to pick everything up on your list for some reason, so the missing
items go on your next list for the next time you go shopping.
Just like you, your soul has a shopping list of experiences to col ect. If al
are not gathered before you go home (back into the spirit world) in this
incarnation you wil add them to your next incarnation.
This is the same for everyone. Almost every earth-‐incarnating soul is doing
the exact same thing. You are gathering your lot (fil ing your soul’s
shopping list), everyone else is gathering his or her lot (fil ing their soul’s
shopping list), and that’s it — there is no wrong experience, only shopping.
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The exceptions to the rule are Master Starseed Souls who have put their
soul development (spiritual shopping) on hold to help the masses move
through their shopping experience, eventual y assisting them to ascend
into higher consciousness.
A key point to remember: you cannot get your life wrong.
You cannot put anything into your incarnation shopping trol ey that is not
right for you. Why? Because you have a shopping list with everything on it
that you have come for — it is not random. Also, your incarnation/s and all
other souls’ incarnations are unfolding within a bigger, divine plan.
As a result, you (in fact no-‐one) can ever get life wrong as Divine Plan is
always unfolding in a perfect way with perfect timing. There are no
mistakes in Divine Plan simply because God, who created it, cannot make
mistakes; it is not in God’s makeup.
A lot of people wonder what it is that they should be doing with their lives.
Most of us are on this continual search for ways to improve our lot and to
make things better.
Whichever perception we choose to have in our lives is really irrelevant
in the bigger scheme of things, as all is perfect.
You can never have a wrong experience — it can only be perceived that
way, and the result of this negative perception is burden. All experience
brings to you what you have come here for, so you can never make a
wrong decision. Isn’t it great to realise everything you encounter is perfect
and in accordance with Divine Plan?
It’s only the mind’s negative programming that perceives it as otherwise.
In any moment, you can choose to see the truth of this and experience
joyfulness, or choose to not recognise your divine journey and feel
burdened by your life that you perceive to be going the wrong way.
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Our minds are often the main culprit when it comes to distorting the truth
of our unfoldment. It is the mind that always likes to beat us up over our
perceived misgivings. However, al negatives are simply not true in the
bigger picture. All negatives are just distorted truths appearing as real,
which happens because of our belief in them.
When we give energy to a wrong view we create its existence in our lives.
Just because something appears real does not make it so. We can, in any
moment, dispel this non-‐truth simply by perceiving truth. I wil explain
more about this further on in the book.
I have come across many people who continually struggle to get
somewhere. They never realise that they are always exactly where they
should be. They try so hard to change their experiences to more positive
ones. But often it is this constant striving to get somewhere that gives
them the continual experience of discontentment. Al the energy that is
given to pushing away and resisting what is perceived wrong actual y
creates more of what is not wanted.
When we struggle to get somewhere we perceive that we are not where
we should be. We have a delusionary concept of being in the wrong place
or having the wrong experience. But this is a distorted view — non-‐truth
appearing as truth. You cannot get your life wrong.
What is it that makes us think we have to be somewhere else other than
where we are right now? Remember, al experience serves the same
purpose and has the same value.
So, it does not really matter in the bigger picture what experiences we
have. The important thing to remember is this: if you want to have a
positive life, then perceive al your current experiences as productive in
the bigger picture. Remember, you are doing your spiritual shopping,
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gathering al ocated experiences. When this truth can be seen negatives
then become positive and productive.
It is so important to stop and smell the roses wherever you are in life.
And there is no better place than where you are right now.
Right now, you are serving your divine purpose. What more would you
want to be doing?
Right now you are experiencing divine perfection unfolding. If your
experience of this is negative or burdening this tel s me you are not seeing
energetic truth in this moment.
If you change your negative perceptions to positive, taking the ‘bigger
picture’ view, then joy and happiness appears. Your negative experiences
become positive. When you stop attaching to outcomes and expectancies
you free your experiences up to al ow the joy of the divine to come into
your life.