The Abundance Mindset by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Chapter 2: The Difference Between a Scarcity Mindset and an Abundance Mind

There are two types of mindset that was coined by the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey. These are a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset. The scarcity mindset is more about focusing on what we don’t have and our limits. Meanwhile, an abundance mindset is about creating opportunities and believing that there are enough resources for everyone to benefit.

A person with a scarcity mindset will be absorbed with what is missing in one’s life. In that situation, the mind becomes busy worrying and stops us from accessing what we want from life. A scarcity mindset will focus on limitation and manifest obstacles which can seriously limit our success.

When you limit yourself with your beliefs and actions, you are not open to receive or recognize the abundance that surrounds you.

For a scarcity mind, there is never enough. The person wakes up in the morning thinking they didn’t have enough sleep or won’t have enough time to accomplish all the things that can be accomplished that day. No matter what it is, the scarcity mind is set on acknowledging what is not available.

Think of your life. Which area do find yourself focusing on what you don’t have? What limits do you place on yourself? Which area of your life (love, relationships, finances, work, etc.) do you apply a scarcity mindset?


The other side of the medal is the abundance mindset. With that mindset, we realize that there is enough in this world for everyone to receive. You let go of negative feelings like jealousy, envy or pity for yourself and take matters in your own hands. You move from being a victim in your life to a leader. In addition, you don’t focus on the limitation but you recognize the good things that are already present in your life and set your intention to manifest more of what you want. With an abundance mindset, the person gets up thinking that they will make time to rest in the afternoon and then make a list of what can be accomplished in the day. It’s about what is possible or about what is available in the present moment.

Think of what you currently have in your life. Make a list of the things, situation or people that make your life rich. What are you grateful for in your life? What do you appreciate about yourself?


Now that you know a little bit more about the two mindsets, you can start applying behavior change and thinking style that match what you want. The more you will be aware of your mindset, the easier it will be to shift toward an abundance mindset. In the next chapter, you will learn about the benefits of making that shift and what you can expect by bringing more of an abundance mindset into your life.