The Abundance Mindset by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Chapter 6: Law of Abundance - Know What Can Make a Difference

The law of abundance has two premises. One is the balance between giving and receiving and the other is the ability to define what we want. Without those two, we are more likely to live with a scarcity mindset. It is important to understand these premises because it is often connected to behaviors that are subtle and not necessarily obvious that they block you from accessing abundance in your life.

Giving and Receiving

In the law of abundance, it is important to understand that life is always about balance. And when we are not in balance, we are not able to manifest what we want. Balance means that you give as much as you receive. It also means that you are open to receive and open to give.

Most people who are unable to receive the abundance in their life are out of balance. Signs that you are out of balance would be:

  • You give a lot of your time and energy to others and don’t do much self-care;
  • You love giving gifts to others and are very uncomfortable when others give you something;
  • You love helping others but refuse to ask for help because you feel you are independent;
  • You always get the tab at the restaurant and you feel very uneasy when another person pays for you;
  • You love complimenting others but when others compliment you, you try to find excuses or change the subject.
  • You tend to do all the talking and might forget to ask your friend or partner how they are doing. Or the opposite, you always listen to your friend and don’t share much about your life with them.

If you find yourself in those statements, you are unconsciously telling the universe that you do not deserve to receive. You are the one who block the flow of abundance in your life because you are not open to receive simple gifts from others. You are throwing yourself off balance by giving more than receiving.

Here are other examples of being unbalanced in specific areas of your life.


When we find ourselves off balance in the area of relationships, it could be that we give too much or we take too much. Giving too much would mean that you completely forgot yourself to please others (whether it’s a love, family or friend relationship). On the other hand, taking too much would be when someone is always talking and seeking attention from others to fulfill their own needs. It would be like those individuals that tend to do all the talking when you are interacting with other people and not really being interested in how the other person is doing.


Being off balance at work would mean that you might be spending more time in the office than most. It might be that you do the roles of two people instead of one and that you always get the work done, even if that means a non-existent personal life. The opposite, when you take too much, could be that you have a sense of entitlement and won’t help others and maybe arrive at work late and take two hours lunch.


When you are not able to balance the giving and receiving aspect of your life, it might show up as too much spending or being too greedy about your savings. Some people spend way more than what is in their account and forget about saving. Or worse, some people refuse to spend money on others or donate to those who need. In the law of abundance, that is as bad as saving too much and not enjoying your financial freedom with the constant worry that you will not have enough.

The good news is that you can find balance today.

Take a moment to reflect on which aspect of your life is not aligned with the law of abundance. Make a list of where you could bring more balance between giving and receiving, try to identify ways that you can improve.


Define What You Want

Knowing what you want is so important to manifest it. Imagine that you work at an electronic store. You see a customer wandering around looking like he can’t find what he is looking for. You want to help him so you approach him and ask if you can help them finding what they are looking for. The customers say: “Yes, I would appreciate some help!” Then you proceed to ask what he is looking for. And the customer answer: “I am not sure; I was hoping you could help me finding it.” How confusing would that be for you. Where would you start? The moral of this story is that it is practically impossible for the universe to give you what you want if you don’t know what you want. People who know exactly what they want can manifest their desires. It is sometimes easier to identify what we want by focusing on a feeling. For example, you know you don’t want to be tied financially because you need to feel financial freedom. That feeling will be important because the more that feeling is present in your life, the more you will know that you are moving toward what you desire.

When you define what you want, simply start with the following statement: “I want…” That will stop you from describing what you don’t want.

A simple way to be clear in what we want to manifest is to create a SMART goal. A SMART goal is basically a statement that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Let’s say that what you want to manifest is $5,000 in your saving account by the end of the year. If we use the SMART goal approach, it would look like this:


I want $5,000 in my saving account by the end of the year.




Yes, that is achievable since it is around 417 per month which is less than what I currently spend on non-

essential items in a month.


Yes, it is relevant because this

$5,000 will allow me to make a deposit on a car that I need to go to work and make my life more



By December 31, 2020


As you can see from this example, the SMART goal will allow you to be very specific in what you want but also create a reflection that may lead you to realize that your goal might not be as relevant as it could be.

Take the time to make a list of what you would like to manifest. You can use the SMART goal to help you create a clear intention.
