The Abundance Mindset by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Chapter 9: Practical Ways to Implement Today - Make It a Daily Practice

In this chapter, we will learn about simple things you can do today to bring more abundance into your life.

Be Mindful

Being mindful is our ability to be aware of the present moment. It is one of the key techniques we can use to attract more abundance into our life. By being in the present moment, you are able to not worry about the future or simmer on the past. Normally, when we are in the present moment, we recognize that at that moment, we are safe, well and can have access to inner peace. To practice being in the present moment, you can simply observe your surroundings. Take a minute to notice what you see, what you smell, what you hear, what you feel and what you taste. This will help you let go of the past and stop worrying about the future.

Focus on What You Want

Most of us have the tendency to think of situations that we don’t want to see happen. For example, let’s say that you are trying to increase your financial status. You have applied for three jobs. It’s been two days and you haven’t received any words from the places you’ve applied for. You will likely start focusing on the fact that you don’t have an update from the companies. This way of thinking is the downfall toward negative emotions. On the other hand, you have the ability to switch your mindset and focus on something that you want. For example: You have applied for three jobs and you will manifest the one that is best for you.

Show Gratitude

A scarcity mindset is a mindset where we perceive that we don’t have enough. To shift your mind to an abundance mindset, you have to recognize the good in your life. A great way to do so is to take the time, every day, to write down three things you are most grateful for in your life. You can also take the time to tell people around you why you are grateful to have them in your life. Whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you tenfold.

Reducing Expectations

Having expectations is not always a good thing. It can limit you in the opportunities that surrounds you but also bring disappointment. By reducing your expectations, you allow more opportunities to show up and also become more easy-going and at peace with whatever happens in your day.

Change Your Vocabulary

One last thing is that an abundance mindset is more likely to exist in an environment where the word “can’t” doesn’t live. The word “can’t” is not useful and serve one purpose, to limit your growth. If you catch yourself using that word, try to redirect yourself to something more empowering. When you say “I can’t do it,” go back to rephrase by stating what you can do. For example, the sentence “I can’t be happy with him” would become “I can choose to be happy now” or “I can’t pay off my credit card” would become “I can stop using my credit card.”