The Alchemy of Abundance: A Guide to Manifesting Your Higher Purpose by Dax Fiddes - HTML preview

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Our light, not our darkness, frightens us most.

- Marianne Williamson


In this part, you will learn about the four elements that make up your Inner Power:

² Intention
² Intuition
² Imagination
²The Philosophers Stone

Through your Inner Power, you can summon and command the vast intelligence of the metaphysical Universe. Understanding these elements is the first step to becoming an alchemist and a potent creative force in your own life. Later, you will learn how to apply them to a process called „manifesting. So what is manifesting?

Manifesting is the process of projecting things from the metaphysical world into the physical word. To manifest is to transmute thoughts into things, to bring your intentions into reality. Manifesting is the most important skill for an alchemist, and you must master it to turn your lifes lead into gold and create tremendous abundance in your life.

The important thing to know about manifesting is that there are immutable laws that govern the process. These laws do not work for some and not for others. In most cases, the cause of failure is ignorance of the underlying principles. When have a solid understanding of the underlying principles, you can confidently begin to master the art and science of manifesting. Without this grounding, you may be tempted to quit at the first hint of failure. To be certain, when properly commanded, the governing laws do not and cannot fail.

You can use these skills to create anything you desire in your life experience. It might be purely monetary and material pleasures. It might be to experience a heartfelt desire, or it may even be spiritual exaltation. There are no limits on what you can create with your Inner Power. In Part III, you will use these skills to manifest the Ultimate Intention – your Higher Purpose. There is no alternative to creating more abundance and fulfilment in your life experience than to manifest your lifes work. To manifest your lifes work, you are going to need money, resources, people and Manifesting skills allow you to intelligence of the Universal Mind to summon all of them to you and your cause.
many inspired ideas. tap into the creative

This intelligence will gladly orchestrate the fulfilment of your intentions as effortlessly as it turns gases into gold. Therefore, learning how to impress upon and tune into the subsequent guidance of this intelligence is the key to manifesting. Inner Power holds the keys to doing this, as each element has a different role in accessing, or „communicating, with the Universal Mind.

In Part IV, you will learn about a powerful five-step method for manifesting, but before we get to that, there are some fundamentals to cover.