The Alchemy of Abundance: A Guide to Manifesting Your Higher Purpose by Dax Fiddes - HTML preview

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Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee, and the light shall shine upon thy ways.


- Job 22:28

The first element of your Inner Power is intent. It is the active principle of mind and resides in the domain of the intellect, or local mind.

When you intend to create something in your life, you experience it as a quality of inner conviction. You have made up your mind, enough is enough, and you are going to achieve the change you desire. This is a highly energetic state of mind, and the very act of intending ignites the engines of deliberate creation. This is because intent summons the creative intelligence and energy required for its own fulfilment.

Formulating intentions are like planting seeds into fertile soil. They already hold all the information required for expression from your mind into the physical Universe. You can intend to lose weight, build a business empire, get a new job or realize your Higher Purpose. Your job is to get clarity about your intent and allow the creative intelligence of the Universe to orchestrate its unfoldment.

The moment you truly intend to create something, you step across the manifestation threshold. You collapse possibilities into a clear and specific ideal of what you intend to create. You are certain that you are going to have it and nothing is going to stop you! In this state, you have the mental, emotional and physical energy required to break through natural resistance and begin the manifesting process.

Intention derives its power from The Law of Focus by drawing your mental energy into a focused and coherent beam of intention. Thus, a one-pointed, highly focused intention is the most powerful force in the Universe.

Intent forces your awareness upon what you intend to create and shifts it away from what you do not want. The Law of Focus is always operating to give you more of what you are focusing upon, to compel them into being.

Apart from activating The Law of Focus, intention serves another important function. It unites the three pillars of manifestation into a congruent force. These three pillars are desire, belief and expectancy. That is, you desire it, you believe you can have it and you expect to get it. The following diagram shows this relationship:









00023.jpgLevels of Intent


Broadly, you can think of any intention as serving one of the following levels of your Being:

Level: Body
Driver: Survival and reproductive instincts Manifestations: Food, shelter and sex

Lower Self
Level: Egoic (individual awareness)
Driver: Self-interest and material desires
Manifestations: Self-esteem, self-gratification, self-image, power and social acceptance

Higher Self
Level: Spiritual Self (universal awareness)
Driver: Growth, self-expression and transformation Manifestations: Higher Purpose, creative expression through unique talents and service to others

Generally, a person will only seek to manifest intentions at their own level of psycho-spiritual development. If a person is highly identified with their Egoic Self, they may not even be conscious of the demands of the Higher Self.

The key to transformational intentions, which hold the most manifesting power, are those intentions aligned with the Higher Self. To actualize your Higher Purpose is the Ultimate Intention, which we will cover in more detail later. You can manifest physical and Egoic intentions effortlessly when your overarching intentions are in alignment with your Higher Self, your Truth.


Intentions that seek to serve your Higher Self are Divine Intentions. They transcend your fragmented Ego and seek to serve others, to grow and to transform. These intentions are inspired and infused with Spirit and manifest effortlessly because they add so much value to everyone affected.

When manifesting Divine Intentions, you will herald support from everywhere because others will want to help you realize them. People will be conduits through which the support from the Universe will flow. Synchronicity, life-changing „lucky encounters and financial windfalls are part of the everyday experience of someone fulfilling intentions aligned with their Higher Self.

There is a litmus test to determine the integrity of Divine Intentions. Simply ask yourself, does my intention seek to:


² Create value, joy or fulfilment in my life experience,


AND ² Create value, joy or fulfilment in the lives of others?