The Alchemy of Abundance: A Guide to Manifesting Your Higher Purpose by Dax Fiddes - HTML preview

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The key to tuning into intuitive guidance is to be in a highly receptive state. Your spontaneous intuition is always offering guidance. However, in your everyday waking state you are mostly unreceptive to them. If you plough through your day in a busy rush, focusing on solving one problem after another, you block these signals. This is simply because your intellect is on full throttle; it overwhelms the subtle intuitive signals. You literally are not on right „wavelength to receive intuitive guidance.

However, you can practice a very simple technique in the morning or at night that will open the floodgates of receptivity. It involves accessing a special state of mind. Before we look at this state, it helps to understand the major states of awareness.


We all experience four major states of awareness, ranging from deep dreamless sleep to normal waking consciousness. Each of these states is associated with a specific „brainwave pattern that can be measured with special monitoring equipment. The following chart shows each of these states, and how many times per second, the electrical signals in your brain are cycling each second:
State of awareness Pattern Frequency

Deep, dreamless sleep Delta 0.1 – 3.9 Dreaming sleep Theta 4.0 – 7.9 Relaxed, light trance Alpha 8.0 - 13.9 Everyday awareness Beta 14 - 30

The two patterns that we are interested in here are the alpha and beta patterns. Let us have a closer look at each of them.


In this state, your eyes are open and you are processing the stimulus, making decisions and problem solving. From a few minutes after we wake up until a few minutes before we go to sleep, this is your predominant state. In this state, the intellect thrives, thoughts are pulsing everywhere and you are on ready to deal with anything that comes your way. When you record your brainwave pattern in this state over the duration of one second on an EEG machine, it looks like this:


Note the sharp peaks and valleys and the relatively large number of spikes. If you count all the peaks, you will see there are roughly thirty. It is a turbulent and stormy environment of thought impulses; intuitive messages from the Universal have little chance of penetrating.


When you drop the frequency of your brainwaves down by a half to a third, you enter the alpha state. You experience the alpha state first thing in the morning or last thing at night, when you walk in nature, listen to relaxing music or are engaged in timeless awareness. The contrast between the beta state is shown by the following EEG image:


In contrast, notice how the peaks and valleys are much smoother. There are only nine peaks, or three times slower than in our everyday beta state. When you are in this, your imagination is vivid, and you abide in clear receptivity of intuitive guidance. It is a state of „deeply relaxed alertness. It sounds like a contradiction of terms, but you are focussed, clear and capable of intense concentration in this state. You feel a serenity of mind, but you are also receptive and mentally alert. If you have ever meditated, you will be familiar with the alpha state. If you wake up to a roaring alarm clock, you shift rapidly from Theta to Beta with only moments in Alpha. Instead, it is better to think about how you feel after you awake from an afternoon nap or a natural rise in the morning.

The first thing you will notice is that your ability to visualize clear, detailed and vivid the images on the screen of your imagination is greatly improved. If you were to close your eyes right now, it would be take a lot of concentration to get even a vague image. That is because your mind is in Beta. The Philosophers Stone technique will take you into very deep alpha. The alpha state is the gateway to the Universal Mind!

The second thing you will notice about the alpha state is the time compression. In this state, twenty minutes may pass in what seems like only a few minutes. The deeper you go into low alpha, the more profound this perceptual phenomenon is.


This following technique works best when you first wake up in the morning or just before you fall asleep at night. When you are beginning, learning how to transition from high beta into low alpha during the middle of the day is very difficult. You will be able to do this once you have mastered the technique, but for now you should stick to first thing in the morning or last thing before you retire.


There are no mystical positions or uncomfortable contortions to worry about here. Sit on a chair in the shower, lie on a bed, or rest in a recliner. It really makes no difference how you sit or lay, the key is to ensure you are superbly comfortable.

In each technique, breathe deeply and rhythmically. This will come naturally when you are in the alpha state, but you will enter alpha more rapidly if you focus on your deep breathing.

Exit Routine
The alpha state is a subtle one, and external stimulus can easily bring you out. So that you can „anchor yourself more securely in the state, it helps to have an exit routine. This is simply a short phrase you say to yourself every time you leave the alpha state. I encourage you to make your own up, or you can use this one:

As I count from five to one I am leaving the alpha state. I am feeling more awake with each passing count. 5…4…3…2…1…I am now fully alert and wide awake.


1. Close your eyes
2. Focus your eyes upward on a point between your eyebrows and about an inch outwards from your brow. This eye position is a proven and popular way to increase alpha waves, but it should not feel like a strain. If this is not comfortable for you, then look downwards instead.
3. Gently squeeze the tips of your thumb and index finger on both hands together. The reason is that each time you do it you will build a stronger association between the alpha state and this positioning of the fingers. Eventually, just pressing your fingers together like this will help induce alpha more rapidly.
4. Begin your mental countdown from 100 to 1. Allow 2 or 3 seconds to pass for each number in the countdown. The best way to do this is to „hear the numbers and also to visualize them on the screen of your imagination. It is easier to stay focused this way. Once you have a hang of it, I suggest you also imagine a symbol of „The Essence as you countdown. At this rate, you will reach 0 in 3 to 5 minutes.
5. After you have some practice, you can start at 50 or even 20 instead of 100. You will know when its time to decrease your numbers as you gain experience with this state.
6. If you are doing it in bed in the morning that you buy a second alarm clock that is set 20 minutes ahead of your first alarm. The first few times you try it you will probably fall asleep!
When you practice this technique regularly, you will carry it forward into your everyday state. This is because you will be able to „drop down into alpha when you choose to. When you can do this, you enter the state of active receptivity. That is, you actively enter alpha in readiness to receive inspiration, imagery or intuitive guidance. The following diagram illustrates the difference between everyday awareness and active receptivity:

00043.jpgEveryday Awareness versus Active Receptivity

This state of active receptivity allows Universal intelligence to flow to you effortlessly, without resistance from your intellect. That is, you have both your active and passive polarities of mind working together. Achieving this harmony and integration between the two poles of your mind is the key to tapping into the flow of grace and effortless ease.


To understand the meaning of the „present moment, you must understand an important fact. The past and future do not exist! The truth is, your awareness unfolds in the present moment and it renews itself with each passing moment. Time is just an infinite series of „nows strung together, for all eternity. Each one of those „nows carries the past and determines the future.

In this framework, the past is memory and the future is anticipation. When you think about everything that you have to do tomorrow, you are anticipating. When you reflect upon what you should have done yesterday, you are recalling from memory. Either way, your awareness is not centred in the present moment. You are removed from the only moment that really exists, the „now.

The following diagram shows the very narrow slice of time that is the ever present now. If you are remembering or anticipating, you can be certain you are not in the „now.


Our ability to remember and anticipate is an exquisite gift, and it is not the problem. The problem is our propensity to fixate on events that happened in the past (memory) or those we expect to happen in the future (anticipation). You may be focusing upon a terrible thing that happened to you during your childhood or the hope of great wealth and prosperity in the future. Either way, you are projecting your awareness into the past or future, with memory or anticipation. In so doing, you shift the focal point of your awareness too. You literally anchor your mind in the past or future, and you obscure the present moment!

You have full control over where you focus your awareness. When you recall memories, it is your conscious choice to direct the focal point of your awareness upon them. Your subconscious mind will faithfully restore them into your awareness with vivid clarity. It is the same with anticipating a positive outcome or a negative outcome. It is entirely up to you! Nevertheless, substituting bad memories with better ones or negative expectations with positive ones will improve your receptivity!

To open yourself to the flow of Universal Intelligence, choose to focus your attention into the present moment. Intuitive impulses are always trying to break through, but they come up against the impenetrable barriers of memory or anticipation. The greater your presence in the „now, the more receptive you will be. Put your full focus into the „now!





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