The Ascension Papers Book I by Zingdad - HTML preview

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4. Scientific Proof of Oneness


Zingdad: Hi J-D.

Can we continue our exploration of the question, "Is there proof of oneness?"

Joy-Divine: Yes, of course.

As you will recall, the point of the "Veil of Unknowing" discussion was really to say that, no, we will not be able to prove that all is one. Not in the sense that we will be able to make a statement that cannot be argued or refuted. But we will be able to make some very powerful arguments which will either resonate with the reader or not. Some may wish to call these arguments "proof" in that it provides them with solid reason for what they already know to be true; others may decide to pick holes in my arguments and refute them and say they are not proof. Both of these will be valid positions and neither will exclude the other. Each reader will decide for themselves where their own truth lies.

Z: Just a moment, please. I'm not sure if I am happy with all this "your truth" and "my truth" and "all truths are valid" stuff. Doesn't the word truth imply that it is true? I mean true for everyone?

J-D: It might imply that to you. If it does, then you are going to get very stuck very fast and you are going to find yourself in non-stop conflict with yourself, your life and others with whom you engage.

I see you are struggling with this. We have already touched on it, but I will address it again and this time offer a deeper understanding.

Insisting that there is only one truth which must be valid from all perspectives is an insistence that you and everyone, everywhere must all have the same perspective. Which clearly will not happen. And worse than that, insisting that there is only one truth means that there is no room for growth and change. You are, in effect, insisting that everyone and everything in the whole universe must all have exactly the same experience of life as you. And it's worse than that; you have found, have you not, that some things you believed very strongly to be true when you were younger have, given a little time and a little life's experience, become less true for you? Other things which were not true for you then, now are. This is growth. It happens to everyone. Now, if you are insisting that everyone everywhere must share the same one truth-set with you, then you are actually insisting that everyone, including you, must cease all development and growth so that their perspective remains fixed exactly as it is! Clearly this cannot and will not happen. But those who are determined that is should be so, that they are right and that all others must agree with them, find themselves getting very angry with the world around them for its "wrongness". They often feel that they must fight with the whole world to "fix it" and make it "right" so that it will conform to their expectations. Which it never, ever will. Such beings create a world of pain and conflict for themselves which doesn't end until they themselves begin to loosen up and allow all others to express their own unique, individual truth.

You see, what you believe to be true is based upon your experiences and inputs and your thoughts about these. If you experience something, then you believe that experience to be true. So, logically, if someone experiences something else, then they will have a different belief. Now if two beings get together to discuss their beliefs about life with each other, you will find some less mature souls will, as just outlined, want to fight with each other to attempt to force an agreement. More mature souls, on the other hand, will accept that there is a difference of truths. But it is the master who will understand that another perspective is a gift being offered to them. Ask yourself, "Under what circumstances could both of these things be true?" and you begin to think like a master. Then you begin to reach for transcendent truths that allow you a greater perspective than that which you have obtained from your own experiences. Then you obtain growth not only from your experiences, but from others' too!

For example: the sky above you is blue. If I told you that it was purple, then how should you respond? Like an immature soul and tell me I am mad, deluded and wrong? Like a mature soul who might understand that I see things differently? Or like a master who might reach for a greater truth: that some skies are blue and some skies are purple, that perhaps the sky is the colour it is as a result of its gaseous make-up and that I come from another planet with a different atmosphere. Logically then, there must be all kinds of other colours of sky. "How marvellous, how exciting!" the master will conclude. How much better than having an argument!

I very much do suggest, therefore, that you come to understand that that which you believe to be true, is "your truth". It is that which is true for you, for now. Nothing more. Be willing for your truth to change. Be open to the fact that others' truths are as true for them as yours is for you. You will find this to be quite a healthy psycho-spiritual position to take. It will allow you to be flexible when dealing with others who hold different perspectives from your own. And it will allow you to be flexible with yourself as you grow and inevitably discover that what you have held to be true no longer serves you. In this way you will enable growth with a minimum of pain. It will bring you greater peace and harmony if you take this position. And it will allow you to begin thinking like a master.

You will gain a far deeper insight into the whole subject of truth in due course when you introduce your readers to our beloved associate, the being called 8. He is very well suited indeed to such a conversation. But until then, for the sake of continuing this discussion, please accept that it is my truth that each and every person has a different perspective; each holds a different set of things to be true.

Z: Okay. You have made a very persuasive case. So you are saying no-one's truth is better than anyone else's?

J-D: "Better"? That is a rather pointless value judgement. What I am saying is that anyone's truth is as valid as any other's if it serves them on the path they are travelling.

I suggest to you that your truth is the scaffolding upon which you build your reality. Some peoples' truths do not permit much scope for building. Perhaps the scaffolding is too small and restricting. Or perhaps it is structurally unsound and anything that is hung upon it threatens to collapse it. Such truth-sets will cause those who hold them much spiritual pain. By contrast, others' truths are simple, clear and strong in their structure. A great deal can be built upon them without difficulty. Such truth-sets bring a great sense of joy and a love for life to those who bear them. And so, from this description, you might think it obvious that the latter type is “better”. But there are many, many, many souls that take great pride in holding to truths that cause them pain. They hold these truths because it is right for them to do so... because what they believe is, they say, right for them. And who are you or I to tell them that they are wrong? They must decide for themselves and they must hold to that which they consider to be true. Each must, quite simply, decide what is right for themselves; what resonates in their own being and “better” does not come into it.

The reason I am here now having these conversations with you is this: I wish to share my truth-set with you. It is my deeply held belief that what I have to offer can be of great value to anyone who desires to ascend their consciousness, anyone who wishes to find self-love, love for all and inner-peace. I am here now in these conversations with you to offer my truth as that which leads to unity consciousness, to wholeness, to love, to peace and ultimately to the greatest possible joy. I think you will find that it offers you the "truth scaffolding" upon which you can build a reality which is very joyous indeed. Should it be right for you to integrate that which I will be sharing with you into your truth-set then you will come to discover in yourself a magnificent, beautiful, wondrous Self that is in a state of blissful oneness with All That Is. A powerful creator being that is totally in harmony with All That Is... with God.

I contend, from my own vast, multi-dimensional experience, that the view I offer will promote an ascension path. Yes, you can find your way to ascension via other paths. But the truth-set I offer is the path of joy and it is most certainly a happy path.

So, I offer my truth as a gift to any who might read this work. But the deal is this: you can take this gift or leave it, as it suits you. You can even take the bits you like and leave the rest. Or you can take it, try it on for a while, see if you like it and discard it if you don't. Whatever you want to do with this gift of my truth is up to you and is fine by me. But if you accept any part of this gift or the whole of it, then you are responsible for that which you accept into yourself. That which you take becomes yours because you have claimed it for yourself. And you are responsible for yourself, your truth and your beingness.

Z: Okay, thanks for the explanation. And those terms are most acceptable to me. That is how it would be and should be if we are each to act as adult spirit beings. That we create and choose for ourselves... and then take responsibility for our choices and creations. So thank you.

So, okay, I do believe I am finally ready to totally embrace the notion that we each have our own truth. That truth is a totally subjective thing, unique to each perspective.

And so, with that, perhaps we can get into the topic itself?

J-D: Good, let's do that. I said I was going to sort-of prove that God is one with All That Is, right?

Z: Right.

J-D: Well, to make an argument, it is often easiest to have a position to debate against. If I want to make the statement, "God is one with All That Is," then probably the most radically opposed position would be that of the atheist. As atheists deny the very existence of God, they therefore would not accept anything one might say about God. Right?

Z: Right. It can be quite hard to argue with an atheist.

J-D: That's right because, usually, atheists pride themselves on being very logical and rational. They don't go in for airy-fairy nonsense that can't be proven empirically. They claim that the universe can be explained without the need for a God and since there is no direct evidence for God, what the heck is everyone doing with all this religion nonsense? And their position, due to the Veil, is of course quite a reasonable one. If you insist that there is nothing beyond that which can be directly perceived by the senses, then it certainly can seem as if spiritual beliefs are just superstitious nonsense.

Z: So you can't prove the oneness of all to them, right?

J-D: Hold on. Not so fast. I have a lot of love and respect for rational people of the mind. The scientific method is a wonderful thing and has deepened the human experience immeasurably. I wouldn't want us to begin to play a whole new level of the game only to desert all our atheist friends here at this level. So there is a little surprise in store for them. You see the Veil is, and has for a while now, been thinning.

Z: What does that mean – the Veil is thinning?

J-D: It means that it gradually becomes easier and easier to penetrate the mystery. It is slowly becoming more possible to discover that there is in fact a God of which everyone and everything everywhere is an indivisible part.

Z: Whoa there! So what was all the stuff about the value of the Veil and how important it is? If it's such a hot idea then why is it going away?

J-D: Great question! And here's the answer: no matter how much you like a game and no matter how important a science experiment is, games and scientific experiments alike always come to an end. At some point those engaged with them will say, "We have got what we wanted from this, let's do something else," right? Well that is a very, very rough paraphrase of the greater situation here. This game (or experiment) that is your reality is in the midst of changing quite radically so that it can, eventually, be brought to an elegant and joyful end.

You see, the high-order spirit beings that are involved with the planning, creation and continued unfoldment of this reality are very loving beings. They love you and, in fact, they know that they are you. So, while it is ordained that the game must eventually end, they desire to give everyone in the system every opportunity that you could possibly need to awaken so that you will be ready, willing and able to leave this game before it is collapsed in upon itself.

So, as fantastically valuable a construct as the Veil is, it is also so that its usefulness is primarily in permitting those who wish to play inside this game to do so. It allows entrance into separation and it also allows you to remain there. Now, as it becomes desirable for you to awaken and raise yourself up into higher densities of consciousness and, eventually, to leave this reality altogether, so it is equally desirable for the Veil to slowly become ever more transparent now. Over time it will just get thinner and thinner until, eventually, all will simply see right through it.

Z: And if the Veil is that which makes it impossible to know oneness, then it becoming transparent will mean that it is impossible to not know oneness?

J-D: Very perceptive, yes. Oneness is the ultimate truth. So, when the Veil is transparent the oneness of all will, quite literally, be the single most obvious thing in all of existence.

When the Veil is totally removed then, for you, there will be only oneness and no more separation.

Z: You know, I had actually noticed, even in the short space of my lifetime, that the Veil is thinning. I find that there is more and more spiritual awareness “out there” in the world. More and more people seem to be awakening. And I also find it is getting progressively easier and easier for me to advance my own spiritual growth. My own ascension. Does this mean that everyone is experiencing this? Will even atheists, for example, be experiencing something similar now?

J-D: No. Not everyone approaches things as you do. All perspectives are valid, remember. And so, there is of course nothing essentially wrong with being an atheist. It is a perfectly reasonable, logical response to this reality. And an atheist, by definition, does not perceive himself to be engaged in some "spiritual path" or another. But the atheist will not be punished for taking a completely reasonable stand! Everyone must have the option to be able to choose to see the oneness and so ascend to a higher level of reality. So, how does the atheist experience the thinning of the Veil? Well, certainly, for those who base their atheism on the scientific method and empiricism, there are some interesting possibilities that are now opening up. With the thinning of the Veil, the awareness of the oneness of all now begins to enter into all kinds of previously impenetrable areas. Another way of saying this is that things that would always have remained inexplicable, now become understandable in the context of the pervading consciousness of oneness.

Z: In practical terms? What does that mean exactly?

J-D: It means that those who are truly trying to understand the material world, those who are deeply exploring the nature of matter, gravity, energy, space and light (to name a few) will begin to find ever more evidence of the eternal oneness of all.

Z: Really? How?

J-D: Well the first glimmerings have been there for a little while now. Physicists engaged in quantum mechanics are endeavouring to understand your reality by understanding the nature of matter at its smallest scale. I can heartily recommend that you find a good book on quantum mechanics. Find something that will explain all this in lay-man's terms. Or research it on this wonderful tool called the Internet. You will find yourself stunned at the discoveries and their implications. I will give you one example: these physicists, in trying to explain why minute sub-atomic particles behave as they do, have come up with a theory which suggests that no quantum reaction can occur without there being a consciousness to observe it. In other words, consciousness precedes all matter. If you take the view that the first quantum reaction in your universe occurred at the very beginning of the "Big Bang", then essentially they are saying there must have been "someone" there before the Big Bang to observe that first reaction. And it also means that, since the Big Bang there must have been a consciousness there to observe every single subatomic reaction that has ever occurred.

So then who – or what – would you propose could be that vast field of consciousness that has been able to observe every reaction that has ever, and will ever, occur right from the very, very smallest scale of what is known to humanity?

If that isn't God then it must be something very like it, right?

Z: That's fascinating!

J-D: Very. And here is another one I want to tell you about. It is something called the zero-point energy field. This was proposed by Einstein and is now pretty generally accepted in scientific circles. Essentially this is a description of the "base state" of your universe. There is a field which is everywhere, all the time. It is a field of infinite energy. But you can't normally detect it because, well, it is everywhere all the time. You can therefore only detect this field by becoming aware of the variations in it.

Z: I don't understand?

J-D: Okay, how's this analogy: if the air around is dead still and at body temperature, are you likely to be aware of it?

Z: I guess not.

J-D: You would not. But the fact of your inability to perceive it does not mean that you are not, in fact at the bottom of a massive ocean of air molecules. All around you and piled up hundreds of kilometres above you, it presses in upon you from all directions. You should be acutely aware of it pressing upon you all the time. But you are not. In great part because it is unchanging.

If there is a pressure change, then a breeze begins to stir to equalize that pressure. Then you are aware of it. If there is a temperature change and your body begins to lose or gain heat from the environment, then you feel that. You see? It is very hard indeed for you to detect something which has no variation because there is nothing to actually measure. Things that are constant cannot easily be perceived.

Z: Okay. I get that. Thanks.

J-D: So, the zero-point energy field is a field of infinite energy that is everywhere, all the time. It is there in equal quantity where there is the densest matter at the heart of a collapsed star as it is in the near-vacuum of deep space. It is everywhere and it is always infinite.

Z: But if this is infinite energy and it is everywhere, then why can't we use this to power our cars and homes? Like instead of fossil fuels or whatever?

J-D: That is certainly possible. There is a small problem and a big problem that hinders you. The small problem is to discover an appropriate technology that will allow this and the much bigger problem is bringing this technology to the fore without having certain vested interests stopping you from doing so. But this is a big kettle of very contentious fish and I don't really want to spend a whole lot of time on it now. I am actually just wanting you to understand the concept so that I can make my point.

Z: Okay. So then you were saying that there is this infinite energy field and it is everywhere all the time...

J-D: Right. Remember in our previous chat we discovered that all matter is actually just energy?

Z: I do.

J-D: Well what I want to say is that it will come to be proven that this energy, which makes up all the matter in your universe, comes from the infinite energy of the zero-point energy field. It is fluctuations (like waves or ripples) in this field that form the most basic building blocks of matter: sub-atomic particles.

The problem with this is that waves are not static. They move around. And they interfere with each other and cancel each other out.

Z: Why is that a problem?

J-D: Because it would happen so fast and so repetitively that no matter would come into being. Sub-atomic particles would appear, then disappear. There wouldn't even be a single atom in the universe. All the matter that now already does exist in the form of your body, your planet and your universe would simply dissipate into chaos and revert to the energy of the zero-point field quite quickly.

Z: Why?

J-D: Because if matter is ultimately composed of waves of energy, then what is keeping those waves from dissipating? Can you see it? If the sub-atomic particles which together make up your body are made of waves, why do those waves not simply ripple away, as waves do? Or why do the peaks and the troughs not simply cancel each other out and cause the matter of your body to dissipate out of existence? Instead of this happening, why does the matter of your body appear to remain constant?

What I am saying is that your scientists will come to understand the zero-point energy field such that it will be clear that all matter is essentially composed of complex inter-relations between fluctuations in that field. But they will be unable to understand why these fluctuations remain stable. "If it is all just energy fluctuations, why do they not fall into chaos?" will be the question. And it is apparent that they don't. Your physical body is one such energy system. And it is apparent to you that you maintain a degree of physical integrity. Your body continues to exist in the expected form from moment to moment without falling into chaos. So this might seem incongruous and confusing. But the beauty of this is in the solution; as I have said before, your theoretical physicists have already begun to talk in terms of consciousness. Well, consciousness is once again going to have to be invoked here. The one hypothesis that will resolve the problem and continue to make sense will be one which understands that the matter of your physical universe doesn't fly apart because there are blueprints for everything in your reality in a higher dimension. Quite literally this will suggest that there must be a "someone" who is creating (or imagining) every single element of your reality and holding this image (or blueprint) in their creative mind.

Z: So you are suggesting that this blue-print that exists in a higher dimension acts as a mould into which you can pour these sub-atomic particles?

J-D: No, that would not be the best analogy. It will require some more explaining before I can get to a good analogy. The first thing you need to understand is that these waves don't stand still. They flow endlessly onwards. So, rather think of these blueprints as an impediment in a stream which causes an eddy in that stream. For example, if you open a tap and watch the stream of water, and then put your finger in that stream, you can notice what happens to the stream after your finger. If you hold your finger still, there will be a "shape" to the flow of the water after your finger and that "shape" will remain fairly stable and constant. This is despite the fact that the material (the water) making up the shape is in constant flow. Do you follow this?

Z: Yes. That makes sense.

J-D: Well then let me apply that analogy. There are ripples in the zero-point energy field. These ripples cause sub-atomic particles to pop into your reality. At the most basic level, a few simple blue-prints are created which cause these sub-atomic particles to move in such a way as to become entwined in a dance. Once bonded in such a way they form together particles such as electrons and protons that, together, compose atoms. Certain sub-atomic particles, when entwined in one way, may cause an electron to form. Others, when entwined another way may cause a proton to form. It all has to do with the way these subatomic particles are caused to interrelate.

Z: That is quite difficult for me to visualise.

J-D: Yes. I am explaining things for which you have almost no frame of reference. If this really interests you then you should first go and make a study of what your scientists are saying so that we have a grounding upon which we can build. I am simply using this to illustrate a philosophical point.

Z: Okay. Carry on please.

J-D: Thank you. The point is that, even at this most basic level of reality there is an interaction between two God-like things. The one is the infinite energy field which has been called the zero-point energy field. The other is consciousness, which creates the moulds that cause the energy to form stable patterns which creates the illusion of the matter of your universe.

Z: Ah. So you are saying that, over time, for those who are avidly watching scientific developments, there will be evidence of God?

J-D: Certainly it will make them ask some very interesting questions! It will become ever more difficult not to conclude that consciousness exists independent of human brains.

Z: Okay, but now I am curious. What happens to the atoms so that they eventually become people and planets and stars and stuff?

J-D: Ah. This is a very long and complex story to get through. Seeing as it is not necessary to this discussion, as my point is already made, I will simply say that there are ever more complex blue-prints. So the first blue-prints make atomic particles. The next set uses the previous set to make atoms. Then molecules. Then more complex forms. Essentially I am saying that there are blue-prints, within blue-prints within blue-prints. The more basic a blue-print is, the more often it is re-used in other more complex blue-prints. Your body is a mind-boggling interplay of an astoundingly large number of blue-prints of all kinds of levels of complexity. The final, highest level of the blue-print is held by your body-spirit. But that too is another conversation for another day.

Z: Okay. I'll make a note to get to that. But for now I do see that you have made your point that an in-depth understanding of the matter which makes up our bodies and our reality is, as you say, an interaction between consciousness and an infinite energy field. Excellent! What's next?

J-D: Not so fast. I'm not quite done with this topic. There is another God-like understanding to be had out of all this.

Z: Okay, shoot.

J-D: Let's go back to the analogy of the stream of water. Remember I said that the stream flows past the "blue-print" and that makes a pattern?

Z: Yes.

J-D: well that means that the pattern is static but the material that makes the pattern is not.

Z: Yes. The water flows on.

J-D: Right. So what does it mean to you if I say that the "stream" of the zero-point energy field passes through you? You don't “hold on to it” and it does not reside within you. The stream of ripples flows constantly into and out of your body. The only reason there is a body there at all is because your body is the place where there is a confluence of all the blue-prints. The blue prints are steady, the energy itself is not.

Z: Okay, that is an odd thought. But respectfully... so what?

J-D: Ha! So what? I'll tell you "so what"! It means that there is no separation between your body and anything else in the universe. Your body and every other person and thing in your whole universe are all the same thing.

Z: Wow!

J-D: Yes! Let's go back to the water analogy. If you held two different forms in the water stream, one below the other, and saw two different "shapes" of eddy in the water, you would see that the shapes are different but you would not think of them as different "things", would you?

Z: No. It's all just water, isn't it?

J-D: Right. And so there is the third God-like thing that will cause the scientifically-minded a spot of wonder: it will transpire that all things are one. Nothing that you can observe is separated from anything else. It's all just different patterns in the same one thing. And that same one thing flows endlessly and continuously through everything.

Z: Wow. That's actually quite beautiful.

J-D: As above, so below and as below, so above. You see? If you are willing to truly look, you will see God in everything. But the Veil has made this quite difficult. And now the Veil is thin