The Brain Detox Diet by Greg Crawford - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


Now that you started your brain detox, you should be able to use your inner strength and focus to stick with any healthy diet. Im going to introduce you to a way to eat and look at food differently. This will enable you to stay lean all year round stress free. Food should be viewed as a way to nourish your body and give it the proper nutrients to perform. Most people can’t maintain their diet because it becomes too stressful and this causes them to backslide. Dieting should not be stressful, it should be a way of life. The diet you choose to follow should fit your lifestyle.

Ive been coaching clients for a long time and have come across many different ways to lose weight and drop body fat. Every time I hear the question, what diet works the best? I can’t help but say to myself The one that you can stick to.

There are a hundred different diets and theories out there as to which is the best for having a lean body. And theyre ALL good! They ALL can work at getting you leaner. So for you, it has to be the best one for YOU. That one YOU can stick to. THE STRESS FREE DIET.

So what does this mean? That you can do the hamburger and french fries diet and still lose weight? NO! It means if eating 5-6 small meals a day is going to stress you out to the point of giving up, than thats not for you. Getting the same nutrients in 4 meals might be more your speed.

If trying to never eat grains again is going to cause you to binge than thats not for you. Eating grains at the right time (like meals after intense workouts so your body doesn’t store it all as fat,) may be what helps you succeed.

Its all about giving your body what it needs at the right times in the right amounts and nothing more. You have to choose a diet that makes sense for you and that you will be able to maintain over a period of time. Dieting to lose weight or lean out is about consistency, not tr