The Brain Detox Diet by Greg Crawford - HTML preview

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Face your fears.

Champions of life have fears, they just face them.

Speak up when you believe something is wrong. Champions will fight for the greater good.

Don’t complain.

Champions of life don’t complain, they work through it.

Don’t hold back your love.

Champions love hard even when at risk.

Think before you react.

Champions do not let their emotions get the best of them.

Don’t do anything mediocre.

Champions give their best in everything they do. You know what your best is.

Do things for people, but expect nothing in returnever.

Champions don’t keep score.

Have balance in your life.

Champions make time for family, career, spirituality and their health.

When things get hard, fight through it and don’t quit. Champions give it 100% to the end and then fight for more.

Always look to evolve and embrace change.

Champions always look to improve and thrive under adversity.

Take the bad that has happened in your life and channel that into doing something great for yourself.

Champions use past experiences as the fuel to ignite a burning desire to succeed.

Pay attention to your input and protect yourself from who and what you listen to.

Champions fill their sub-conscious minds with positive life enhancing reinforcement.

Be more ruthless with time management.

Champions don’t waste time on nonsense but instead use their time efficiently.

Do not depend on anyone else but yourself.

Champions take control of their own lives and get the job done.

Don’t just try to get by.

Champions live with purpose and passion.

Don’t look at this list and say, easier said than done!

Champions do not look for excuses!

-Greg Crawford