Psychic attacks are a realm phenomenon. When you don’t understand the power of thought waves or the power of energy you may dismiss psychic attacks as new age mumbojumbo. However as more people are becoming open to the mental sciences more and more people are aware of their need for psychic protection.
There are many types of psychic intrusion. A person can be under the deliberate influences of someone whose intent is to direct their lives in a path that will only benefit the person who is doing the influencing. There are also those who send psychic attacks to cause severe harm to others. Adding to this are those people who use the psychic realm to always get access to what is going on in your life. Whether you believe in psychic influence or not will not stop it from working on you. Choosing not to believe in it only makes you an open target for attacks.
Whether you know it or not in some way you are already under attack. Is there tension in your home or your workplace? Are you going through a serious battle with someone who seems to have it in for you? If so then read on!
What you will find in this eBook is a great deal of information regarding psychic attacks. What you will also find are a few stories of people who have encountered psychic attacks or those who have been witness to psychic attacks.