The Most Common Attackers are not always who you may think. One psychic who deals with spell casting has all some of the most unusual candidates requesting attacks on others you may not imagine. Mothers wanting to harm their daughters or daughter inlaws; wives wanting to put a curse on their husbands or their husband’s mistress for cheating; coworkers who were trying to get back at other coworkers for getting a raise or for simple office tension; men wanting to trap certain women in their lives. The list of request has no bounds or rational order. Too many people hold seething rage, anger and jealousy towards those whom they see as a threat, even though that threat may be an imagined one.
The most common attackers are always those you know and they are not always people you easily assume. The most dangerous attacker are the people who smile to your face but inside their sole intention is to cause you sever grief and they do that by launching strong energy attacks.
Those who launch psychic attacks are motivated by self hate. They are often people who are unhappy with the way their life is going, don’t know how to change their circumstances and become violent when they see what they want happening to someone else.