The Ladder to Heaven by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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“We can do very little with Faith,

But we can do nothing without it.”


What is FAITH? It is



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While many people believe in God and even pray, not all of them truly have faith. What is the difference?

There are millions of people around the world who may go to their church, mosque or temple. They may even believe in their God and mumble some prayers. But not all of them are confident that their prayers will be answered. The ones who have faith are undoubtedly confident in their expectations being fulfilled. They don't just believe in their God. They have faith! This faith is the third step towards reaching destination—Heaven.

As we live, it is common for us to experience both joy and sorrow. Sometimes good things happen to us, just as we also face tragedies in our life. It is common for people to lose faith in God when disasters strike. In the beginning, these very fears and dangers cause us to pray. But when our prayers are not answered, we can lose faith in God.

The ones who have faith believe in their God despite the tragedies that befall them. They know that God is good, and he will take care of them eventually. Whatever happens, the believers who live with faith think that their God will never let them down. What does the one who has faith say to himself?

When the idea is not right, God says “NO!”

When the time is not right, God says “SLOW!”

When we are not ready, God says “GROW!”

When everything is ready, God says “GO!”

They continue praying to God and they await the magical moment when their prayers will be answered. Their faith is unshakeable and so is their belief and they pray consistently, no matter what. They are the ones who climb the Ladder to Heaven, step by step.

What is the enemy of faith? It is doubt. When negative emotions overtake a believer, these emotions can poison the life of believers and eat into their faith. Doubt can destroy both our faith and our journey to God. A believer who has true faith, eliminates doubt and lives with hope. Just like little birds grow up, the faith in believers also has a nesting phase, a phase that makes people believe in God and his commandments. Whatever scripture or religion they believe in, people who grow up to be believers, unconditionally accept the word of God and make it part of their life philosophy.

Life is a merry-go-round and we pass both happiness and unhappiness as we live. However, those who genuinely love God and believe in the power of the Divine do not let their faith waiver. They pass through the testing phase of life. It is a phase that puts their faith to test. Despite their prayers, suffering strikes them. It tests them and the ones who are weak, fall prey to doubt in the testing phase of life.

Then, there comes the arresting phase, a phase which provokes a believer who has faith to give up on God. Circumstances in life are so dismal, that although they have faith, the arresting phase destroys it. Only those whose faith is strong and unshakeable conquer the testing and arresting phase through their faith. They live life with what they consider the investing phase. They invest their time, their energy, and their faith through devout prayer with the belief that they will reach the cresting phase. The cresting phase is the phase that crosses all the other phases - the nesting phase, the testing phase, the arresting phase, the investing phase, and finally we are crowned with the reward of the Lord. We are blessed with the Divine grace - the love of God which comes from our faith in the Divine.

Where have you reached in your life? Are you a true believer in God? Do you effectively pray and communicate with the Divine? Do you live with faith or doubt? This will determine whether you are climbing the Ladder to Heaven. If you have Full Assurance In The Heart, then you will move from the third step to the next step as you climb upwards and Godwards. The next step is hope.




  • The 3rd step on the Ladder to Heaven is Faith.
  • FAITH is Full Assurance In The Heart.
  • It is not just believing and praying, but being confident about the power of God.
  • Those who have faith eliminate doubt from their life.
  • Faith builds a strong foundation in our relationship with God.