The Ladder to Heaven by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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“When you Trust God with your problems,

You just forget about them!”


What takes us to the next step on the Ladder to Heaven? It is TRUST.

–   Total

R Reliance

U – Unconditional

S – Surrender

T - To the Almighty

Trust doesn't come with mere words; it comes with deeds. Believers who don't doubt the existence of God start their journey to God. Then they take a leap of faith to go forward. Not only do they pray effectively and communicate regularly with God, but they also live with hope, eliminating all kinds of negativity in their life. Subsequently, they arrive at the next step.

They trust God! They surrender their life to the Almighty. They accept the Divine will without question. They rely on the Divine for anything and everything in their life. Such is the life of one who climbs the Ladder and reaches the pedestal of trust.

What is unique in trusting God? I once asked a believer, “How much do you trust God?” He replied, “I trust God 99.9%.” I then told him, “That means you don't trust God, because trust is about total reliance. It is about unconditional surrender. The moment we doubt God, even 0.1%, it only shows that we don't trust God!”

What creates trust in a believer? When a believer lives his life with God, he makes God a part of his life. His faith in God is such that there is not an iota of doubt. Therefore, he hopes without hesitation and his trust is absolute.

What is the difference between such a believer and an ordinary man? Such a believer builds his life on a rock of faith and trust. The biggest challenges of life attack him like the waves of an angry sea, like storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes, but he lives peacefully and safely in a house that is firmly built on a foundation of belief in God. An ordinary man builds his life on the sands of hesitation. Even the slightest problem sweeps his happiness away and makes him drown in sorrow and misery. Therefore, those who are climbing the Ladder to Heaven, enjoy the benefits of God's presence at every step that they live. The further they climb the Ladder, the stronger their relationship with the Divine becomes and the happier their life turns.

If I look back at my life, I lived a life of unconditional faith and total surrender. I didn't doubt God ever, no matter what circumstances unfolded in my life. For 40 years, each day of my life started and ended with prayer. My belief in God was unshakeable. There were many problems that came in my life, but they could not break my faith because I trusted God completely. I knew that God was in charge and I used to always utter the words – “Thy Will be done, Oh Lord. Not mine!” Not only did I climb this Ladder, not only did I believe and pray, not only did I have faith, hope and trust, but I also moved forward on my journey with God with the grace of my Spiritual Master who guided me at every step and helped me strengthen my relationship with God.

We all have a choice. We can choose to believe or not to believe. If we do believe, then we move forward in our journey with God. But if we don't believe in God, then who do we go to in times of distress and turmoil? It's up to us to pray or not. But if we don't pray, then with whom will we communicate our heartaches and pain? From whom will we seek miracles that will make the impossible possible? We have a choice to live with faith or to doubt. But if we doubt, how will it benefit us? It will only fill our life      with negative emotions like fear, worry, and anxiety and make us miserable. We have a choice. We can choose to live with trust by preferring hope over hopelessness. What benefits a man to live a hopeless life? Even in the worst of times, it is hope that creates inspiration in us that makes us work harder and pray for things to happen in the right direction. We have a choice to trust or not to trust. But if we  don't trust,  then  whom  can  we  rely on? To whom can we surrender our life?

Man is intelligent enough to understand that God exists. While we do not know who God is, where God is or what God is, we know that God is! It is for us to live our life believing in God, praying to God, having faith, hope, and trust. When we climb these 5 steps on the Ladder of Spirituality, then we arrive at the next step which makes our life full of bliss and joy. What is the next step?




  • The 5th step on the Ladder to Heaven is Trust.
  • TRUST is Total Reliance, Unconditional Surrender To the Almighty.
  • Trust is always 100%. We cannot trust God 99.9%.
  • Trust is about accepting the Divine will, just as it is being able to surrender unconditionally to the will of God.
  • When we live with faith, hope, and trust, our life becomes as strong as an iron pillar.