The Ladder to Heaven by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Even as an 8 year old child, I used to visit God in the temple. I was devout in my belief and used to fast every Monday to please my God. As a child, I had faith, hope, and belief that one day I will go to heaven.

We all want to go to heaven. We all want to become one with our Lord. Whether we are Hindus who call God, Bhagwan or Muslims who refer to God as Allah or Christians who pray to the Heavenly Father, we all pray to God for a reason.

Some people pray because they are helpless. They have no choice. They are suffering in misery and pain. Thus, they pray to God to save them. Others are fortunate and while they are not suffering, they have desires and aspirations, and they go to God with folded hands to make their dreams come true. Most of the world prays to God, barring a few who are atheists - they don't believe in God or they are agnostics - they are not sure about the existence of God. The rest of humanity prays to a God, a power who is the Creator and the preserver of this universe.

While we pray to God, calling God by different names, the vast majority of humanity believes in God and aspires to go to their God in heaven one day. Some hope to see their God in a Divine Vision while others wait to be liberated and to be united with God after death. It doesn't matter what our religion is, there is a way to reach God. There is a Ladder that can take us to Heaven.

Religion is only a kindergarten to Spirituality. It teaches us the basics about God and helps us start our journey to heaven. But Spirituality is a university. It helps us graduate in the subject of theology and makes us realize the truth about God, helping us with the Ultimate Goal of God- realization, Liberation, and Unification.

In my journey, I have experienced all the steps of the Ladder to Heaven. I have been blessed to realize several truths about life. This book is an effort to help genuine seekers of God to climb the Ladder to Heaven. It shows a way to God-realization as we pass through self- realization, overcoming the ignorance that we live with.

Come, let us start this journey!