The Magnet in You! by Saturna Brown - HTML preview

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Using the Magnet

00009.jpg“All we are is the result of what we have thought.” Buddha


When it comes to understanding how to use one’s magnet or the law of


attraction, Esther Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) explains the process in the


following three steps:


1. ASK: Start off with what you are grateful for and then ask. Visualize it
as if you already have it.


2. ANSWER: The universe will do that for you. It will rearrange itself to
make that happen for you. Anyone who accomplished anything did not know how they were going to do it. They just knew they were going to
do it. You will not know. It will attract to you. You will be shown the


3. RECEIVING: You must bring yourself in the alignment of what you are
asking for. When you are in alignment to what you want you feel
wonderful. That’s what passion is or joy. If you are feeling despair or
anger, that is not in alignment. Go with your good thoughts and it will
manifest for you.


When I believed that Andrew’s autism was something he would always live


with, that was a determining factor in creating a state of hopelessness. He had no


future! I wanted to believe that he could work around his disability. I WAS


WRONG! His neurologist told us that no one knows enough about the human


brain to know what one can or can not do. Those words did not really offer any


hope for Andrew having a future, unless one read between the lines. Eventually,


the neurologist’s statement would become a deciding factor in using the magnet


with me. No one knew enough about autism to know what caused it. I believe


that it was caused by toxins, such as mercury in the vaccine. Since I believed this, I needed to know of a way to remove it from his body. I focused on finding a cure


for Andrew for several months. I had a positive feeling that I would find it. I had


heard about people finding unbelievable information on the Internet. One day I


came across an article about the government using spirulina and sound waves to


remove mercury embedded in the ocean’s floor. I conducted my own research


into learning more about spirulina. I felt very confident that the answer to


Andrew’s condition could be reversed if he took a daily supplement of spirulina. I


learned that spirulina is a natural toxic eliminator and that it would remove


mercury from one’s system. There was no research about reversing signs of


autism by taking supplements of spirulina. Yet, I had an overwhelming feeling


that this was the answer I was seeking.


In January 2007, Andrew began taking a daily supplement of spirulina from


NOW Foods. I chose this company, because it felt right to me after reading about


their company. I took the supplement, too. Four months later, I began to notice


changes in Andrew. His communication skills improved along with his ability to


focus. He appeared calmer. As for me, I know longer live with gingivitis. No


more deep cleanings for me! In August 2007, Andrew petitioned the college to allow him back on


probation. His college advisor strongly recommended that Andrew request for


accommodations and auxiliary aids. Andrew refused. He said he did not need


them! Furthermore, the advisor informed Andrew he could only return on a part


time basis. Andrew did not say anything. He knew he would register as a full-time




It has been three semesters and Andrew has maintained all As. To share


his story with others, I wrote the following book, Green is the Cure: Everything


You Wanted to Know about 504 Plans, IEPs, Hidden Disabilities and What the Hell


is in the Food.


In order to tap into using one’s magnet, I recommend being healthy. I


continue to take a supplement of spirulina everyday. I am able to focus better


and do not spend time sweating the small stuff. In other words, spirulina helps


with stress, besides being a good toxin eliminator. I do not take any prescriptive


drugs. I seldom get sick and when I do it does not last that long. I know that as


long as my body is stress-free, it will continue to be disease-free. I would


recommend spirulina to anyone. It truly is a gift from Mother Nature. I purchase spirulina from This online warehouse of


natural health products (more than 12,000 different products) offers the best


value online. First time customers can use the coupon code BER298 for taking


$5.00 off their total purchase price.


Below is more information about spirulina:


Spirulina is a single-celled blue green algae that contains 10 vitamins, 8 minerals, and 18 amino
acids (essential and non-essential.) It contains a complete protein of 65-71%, that is 12-15 times more
protein than steak and is 5 times easier to digest than meat or soy protein. It has been found to help
reduce weight, and help with many allergies, visual problems (my youngest daughter who suffers with
glaucoma has low ocular pressure readings by consuming this food source), carbohydrate disorders,
anemia and many other disease conditions. It also has many beneficial enzymes.
Spirulina is the world’s highest beta carotene food, reducing long-term health risks.
Splrulina beta carotene is ten times more concentrated than carrots. So even if you don’t eat the
recommended 4 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day (most people eat only 1-2, including
French fries), get your natural beta carotene insurance from spirulina to help support your body’s
Spirulina has a rare essential fatty acid that is a key to health.
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) in mother’s milk helps develop healthy babies. Studies show nutritional deficiencies can block GLA production in your body, so a good dietary source of GLA can be important.
Spirulina is the only other whole food with GLA.
1. Fortifying: Spirulina boosts resistance and activates the body’s natural defense mechanisms. You
feel stronger and are better able to cope with the pressures of everyday life. IN OTHER WORDS, IT
2. Restoring: Spirulina compensates for deficiencies in the diet and stimulates the metabolism. Your
physical condition improves noticeably and you recover faster after exertion.
3. Cleansing: Spirulina promotes the body’s natural cleansing processes. You feel better, more
cheerful, and you have more energy. MAYBE, THAT’S WHY I NO LONGER HAVE GINGIVITIS. MAYBE,
Additional Facts about Spirulina:
Several years ago, the National Cancer Institute announced sulfolpids from blue-green algae like
spirulina were remarkably active in test tube experiments against the AIDS virus.
In 1993-95, research showed natural polysaccharides in spirulina increased T-cell counts, strengthened the immune system and raised disease resistance in chickens, fish and mice. The animal feed industry is
embracing spirulina as a new probiotic to replace overused antiobiotic drugs in animal feeds. In 1994, a
Russian patent was awarded for spirulina as a medicine for reducing allergic reactions from radiation in
the Children of Chemobyl, the rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulfolipids, glycolipids and polysaccharides.
Its deep green color comes from its rainbow of natural pigments-chlorophyll (green), phycocyanin (blue)
and carotenoids (orange) –that harvest the sun’s energy. Easy-to-digest so nutrients are absorbed
Tests done by NASA found spirulina to be an excellent, compact space food for astronauts (1 kg. of
Spirulina is equivalent to 1000 kgs. of assorted vegetables).
International health organizations have hailed Spirulina as one of the "Greatest Superfoods on Earth".
Spirulina Contains:
8 essential amino acids
Isoleucine (4.13%)
Leucine (5.80%)
Lysine (4.00%)
Methionine (2.17%)
Phenylalanine (3.95%) Threonine (4.17%)
Tryptophane (1.13%)
Valine (6.00%)
10 Non-essential amino acids
Alanine (5.82%)
Arginine (5.98%)
Aspartic Acid (6.34%)
Cystine (0.67%)
Glutamic Acid (8.94%)
Histidine (1.08%)
Proline (2.97%)
Serine (4.00%)
Tyrosine (4.60%)
8 Minerals
Potassium (15,400 mg/Kg)
Calcium (1,315 mg/kg)
Zinc (39 mg/kg)
Magnesium (1,915 mg/kg)
Selemium (0.40 ppm)
Iron (580 mg/kg)
Phosphorus (8,942 mg/kg)
Pyridoxine or B6 (mg/kg)
Biotin (0.4 mg/kg)
Cobalanin or B12 (2mg/kg) B12 is one of the most difficult of all vitamins to obtain from a plant source. Spirulina contains 250% more than beef or liver
Pantonthenice Acid 11 mg/kg)
Folic Acid (o.5 mg/kg)
Intositol (350 mg/kg)
Niacin ( 118 mg/kg)
Riboflacvin or B2 (40 mg/kg)
Thiamine or B1 (55 mg/kg)
Tocopherol or v E (190 mg/kg)
Carotenoids Produces Vitamin A
Beta-carotene Xanthophylis
00010.jpg“Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve.” W. Clement Stone


No matter what you want, it’s much harder to manifest it, if one’s magnet


is tarnished. Keeping a stress-free body is the necessary key in bringing yourself


into the alignment of what you are asking for.


Taking spirulina relieves stress and can be purchased for a lower price at Use the coupon code BER298 to get $5.00 off your total


purchase price as a first-time customer.


In conclusion…


00011.jpgI wanted to share this with you about the other side. On August 5, 2008,


my mother, Amy, passed away. A year and almost one month after my father had


gone to the other side. Around Christmas time, I dreamed about her. She was


sitting in a rocking chair. I asked what she was doing here. I was present when


she passed away. I was present when she had her wake. I was present when her


coffin was sealed.


Mother looked up at me and said, “Anything is possible….don’t you know




Immediately, I woke up. I sat up in bed and whispered, “Yes, anything is




This book is dedicated to my father, Morris Brown, and to my mother, Amy


Brown. Below is the only book my mother wrote. This book contains her wisdom


and memories.


00012.jpgPersonal email:




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