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The Power of Visualization

Jack Canfield


00003.jpg“Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it’s possible
for you. And then close your eyes and every day for several minutes, and visualize having what
you already want, feeling the feelings of already having it. Come out of that and focus on what
you’re grateful for already, and really enjoy it. Then go into your day and release it to the
Universe and trust that the Universe will figure out how to manifest it. “Jack Canfield


Jack Canfield lived in a dysfunctional family. Both of his parents were


alcoholics. His father abused him. Jack lived with low self-esteem, but somehow


managed to become successful regardless of his upbringing. Jack graduated from Harvard. He earned a Master’s Degree in Education


from the University of Massachusetts. He went on to become a high school


history teacher.


In 1976, Jack Canfield experimented with a visualization tool, known as the


abundance check. At that time, Jack was earning around $8,000 per year and


visualized making $100,000 by writing himself a check for that amount. He taped


the check to the ceiling of his bedroom, so that every morning upon waking and


every evening before going to sleep, Jack imagined he would receive a check in


that amount.


Within that year, after a sequence of coincidental events, Jack published his


first book, One Hundred Ways to Enhance Self-Concept in the Classroom. His


earnings for that year were only a few thousand short of his $100,000 target.


Jack Canfield did not stop there. He used the same method to attract one


million dollars. In 1990, Jack shared his vision of publishing 101 inspirational


stories with his partner, Mark. The manuscript of stories remained untitled, until


he visualized the image of his grandmother’s chicken soup and remembered how


she told him it would cure anything. This book would have the same healing powers as that soup, not for the body but for the soul. The book was called,


Chicken Soup for the Soul.


In the first month, thirty-three of New York’s biggest publishing houses


turned it down. Jack and Mark’s manuscript was rejected by 140 publishers! To


make matters worse, their agent told them he could not sell the book and gave


the manuscript back to them.


In 1992, Jack and Mark attended the American Booksellers’ Association


Convention. There, they went from booth to booth talking to editors and sharing


their vision of how their book would uplift humanity by helping people open their


hearts, rekindle their spirits and give them the courage to pursue their dreams.


They left a copy of their manuscript with Peter Vegso, President of Health


Communications, Inc. who caught the spirit of the book and soon agreed to


publish it.


The first ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ books were published on June 28,


1993, and had become a Christmas favorite by the end of December. People who


bought one book returned to buy five more copies as Christmas gifts. Word of


mouth led to a great demand for the book. By April of 1994, Chicken Soup for the Soul had made some of the


bestseller lists and by September it had hit the best seller’s lists of The New York


Times, The Washington Post, Publishers Weekly and USA today, as well as five


major lists in Canada.


In 1995, Chicken Soup for the Soul won the prestigious ABBY (American


Booksellers’ Book of the Year) Award based on the books that booksellers most


enjoyed recommending to bookstore customers. Later, the book won the ‘Book


of the Year’ award from Body, Mind and Soul Magazine.


In 1996, A Second Helping of Chicken Soup won the ‘Story Teller World


Award’ for the best anthology of stories. In addition, this book was the winner of


the American Family Institute’s ‘Non-Fiction Literary Award.’


Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen hold the prestigious title of ‘The Best-Selling


Authors of the Year,’ by USA Today for both 1997 and 1998, selling more books


during these two years than any other authors in America.


With 80 million copies sold, Chicken Soup for the Soul has made


international publishing history. Jack Canfield keeps a framed copy of a million


dollar check written to him by his publisher reminding him of the law of


attraction. A great deal about the law of attraction can be learned from Jack Canfield.


The law of attraction is infinite, you can attract whatever you want if you truly


apply the feeling that you will receive it. As for Jack Canfield, he knew what he


wanted. He visualized getting it and took small steps to do it. He describes the


law of attraction as


“Think of a car driving through the night. The headlights only go a hundred
to two hundred feet forward, and you can make it all the way from California to
New York driving through the dark, because all you have to see is the next two
hundred feet. And that’s how life tends to unfold before us. If we just trust that
the next two hundred feet will unfold after that, and the next two hundred feet
will unfold after that, your life will keep unfolding. And it will eventually get you
to the destination of whatever it is you truly want, because you want it.”


How badly do you want something? It does not necessarily have to be for wealth. It could be for bringing someone home.