The Master Key System: Practicing the Law of Attraction in Daily Life by Charles F. Haanel - HTML preview

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51. What are some of the effects which can be produced by electricity?

Heat, light, power, music.

52. Upon what do these various effects depend?

Upon the mechanism to which the electricity is attached.

53. What is the result of the action and interaction of the individual mind upon the Universal?

The conditions and experiences with which we meet.


54. How may these conditions be changed?

By changing the mechanism by which the Universal is differentiated in form.

55. What is this mechanism?

The brain.

56. How may it be changed?

By the process we call thinking. Thoughts produce brain cells, and these cells respond to the corresponding thought in the Universal.

57. Of what value is the power of concentration?

It is the very highest personal accomplishment which can be acquired, and the distinguishing characteristic of every successful man or woman.

58. How may it be acquired?

By faithfully practicing the exercises outlined in this System.

59. Why is this so important?

Because it will enable us to control our thoughts, and since thoughts are causes, conditions must be effects; if we can control the cause we can also control the effect.

60. What is changing conditions and multiplying results in the objective world?

Men are learning the basic methods of constructive thinking.

"This above all: To thine own self be true,

And it must follow, as the night the day,

Thou canst not then be false to any man."


Part 7

TELLS of a method by which you may construct the mold or model from which your future will emerge. It tells how you may make it grand and beautiful; it explains that you are not limited as to cost or material, that no one can place any limitation on it but yourself. It explains that in the construction of this model, there is much work to be done, that no one can do the work but yourself, but it tells you what to do and how to do it, it suggests methods and plans which if faithfully and persistently carried out will result in conditions exactly in accordance with the purpose and thought. It tells of millions of faithful helpers which will come to your aid if you are faithful in your work, and it tells why some who are apparently faithfully endeavoring to realize their ideal seem to fail. It is sometimes just as important to know what not to do as what to do.


Through all the ages man has believed in an invisible power, through which and by which all things have been created and are continually being re-created.

We may personalize this power and call it God, or we may think of it as the essence or spirit, which permeates all things, but in either case the effect is the same.

So far as the individual is concerned, the objective, the physical, the visible, is the personal, that which can be recognized by the senses. It consists of body, brain and nerves. The subjective is the spiritual, the invisible, the impersonal.

The personal is conscious because it is a personal entity. The impersonal, being the same in kind and quality as all other Being, is not conscious of itself and has therefore been termed the subconscious.

The personal, or conscious, has the power of will and choice, and can therefore exercise discrimination in the selection of methods to bring about the solution of difficulties.

The impersonal, or spiritual, being a part or one with the source and origin of all power, can necessarily exercise no such choice, but, on the contrary, it has Infinite resources at its command. It can and does bring about results by 78

methods concerning which the human or individual mind can have no possible conception.

You will therefore see that it is your privilege to depend upon the human will, with all its limitations and misconceptions, or you may utilize the potentialities of Infinity by making use of the subconscious mind. Here, then, is the scientific explanation of the wonderful power which has been put within your control, if you understand, appreciate and recognize it.

One method of consciously utilizing this omnipotent power is outlined in Part Seven.