The Master Key System: Practicing the Law of Attraction in Daily Life by Charles F. Haanel - HTML preview

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61. What is visualization?

The process of making mental pictures.

62. What is the result of this method of thought?

By holding the image or picture in mind, we can gradually but surely bring the thing nearer to us. We can be what we will to be.

63. What is Idealization?

It is a process of visualizing or idealizing the plans which will eventually materialize in our objective world.

64. Why are clearness and accuracy necessary?

Because "seeing" creates "feeling" and "feeling" creates "being." First the mental, then the emotional, then the illimitable possibilities of achievement.

65. How are they obtained?

Each repeated action renders the image more accurate than the former one.

66. How is the material for the construction of your mental image secured?

By millions of mental workers. Brain cells they are called.

67. How are the necessary conditions for bringing about the materialization of your ideal in the objective world secured?


By the Law of Attraction. The natural law by which all conditions and experiences are brought about.

68. What three steps are necessary in order to bring this law into operation?

Earnest Desire, Confident Expectation, Firm Demand.

69. Why do many fail?

Because they concentrate on loss, disease and disaster. The law is operating perfectly; the things they fear are coming upon them.

70. What is the alternative?

Concentrate on the ideals which you desire to see manifested in your life.

Man is mind, and evermore he takes the tool of thought, and shaping what he wills, brings forth, a thousand joys, a thousand ills. He thinks in secret and it comes to pass, Environment is but his looking glass.—James Allen.


Part 8

TELLS of the creative principle of the Universe, what it is, how it takes form and how it is brought into manifestation. This principle being the underlying principle of all existence must necessarily be governed by an immutable law. It tells how the character, health and circumstances of the individual are formed, and suggests methods whereby desirable conditions and circumstances may be created. It tells how and why and when the material from which your future is to emerge is secured. It suggests methods and exercises by which you may secure complete control of the power which governs in this mighty field of action. Mighty because it is the most important work which any individual can undertake. We are making our future now, to-day, when it comes we shall have to accept what is given, it will be too late to change it, but we can dominate it, control it, make it what we want it to be, and this Part explains how.


In this Part you will find that you may freely choose what you think, but the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law! Isn't this a wonderful thought? Is it not wonderful to know that our lives are not subject to caprice or variability of any kind? That they are governed by law. This stability is our opportunity, because by complying with the law we can secure the desired effect with invariable precision.

It is the Law which makes the Universe one grand pan of Harmony. If it were not for law, the Universe would be a Chaos instead of a Cosmos.

Here, then, is the secret of the origin of both good and evil: this is all the good and evil there ever was or ever will be.

Let me illustrate. Thought results in action. If your thought is constructive and harmonious, the result will be good: if your thought is destructive or inharmonious, the result will be evil.

There is therefore but one law, one principle, one cause, one Source of Power, and good and evil are simply words which have been coined to indicate the result of our action, or our compliance or non-compliance with this law.


The importance of this is well illustrated in the lives of Emerson and Carlyle.

Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony; Carlyle hated the bad, and his life was a record of perpetual discord and disharmony.

Here we have two grand men, each intent upon achieving the same ideal, but one makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law, the other makes use of destructive thought and therefore brings upon himself discord of every kind and character.

It is evident therefore that we are to hate nothing, not even the "bad," because hatred is destructive, and we shall soon find that by entertaining destructive thought we are sowing the "wind" and shall reap the "whirlwind."