The Master Key System: Practicing the Law of Attraction in Daily Life by Charles F. Haanel - HTML preview

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101. What is inductive reasoning?

It is the process of the objective mind by which we compare a number of 114

separate instances with each other until we see the common factor which gives rise to them all.

102. What has this method of studying accomplished?

It has resulted in the discovery of a reign of law which has marked an epoch in human progress.

103. What is it that guides and determines action?

It is need, want and desire which in the largest sense induce, guide and determine action.

104. What is the formula for the unerring solution of every individual problem?

We are to believe that our desire has already been fulfilled; its accomplishment will then follow.

105. What great Teachers advocated it?

Jesus, Plato, Swedenborg.

106. What is the result of the operation of this thought process?

We are thinking on the plane of the absolute and planting a seed, which if left undisturbed will germinate into fruition.

107. Why is it scientifically exact?

Because it is Natural Law.

108. What is Faith?

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen."

109. What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law by which Faith is brought into manifestation.

110. What importance do you attach to an understanding of this law?

It has eliminated the elements of uncertainty and caprice from men's lives and substituted law, reason and certitude.


Death is but the natural process whereby all material forms are thrown into the crucible for reproduction in fresh diversity.



TELLS of numerous counterfeits and perversions by which many are led to think that something can be had for nothing. There is no royal road to success, we must give before we can get; if we cannot give money, we must give service, we must give time and thought, the Law of Compensation demands an eye for an eye. It tells how we may create the implements by which we may put into operation the laws by which we can gain access to the unlimited resources of Nature.


In the fourth paragraph you will find the following statement: "You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do."

If you concentrate upon the thoughts given; if you give them your entire attention, you will find a world of meaning in each sentence, and will attract to yourself other thoughts in harmony with them, and you will soon grasp the full significance of the vital knowledge upon which you are concentrating.

Knowledge does not apply itself; we as individuals must make the application, and the application consists in fertilizing the thought with a living purpose.

The time and thought which most persons waste in aimless effort would accomplish wonders if properly directed with some special object in view. In order to do this, it is necessary to center your mental force upon a specific thought and hold it there, to the exclusion of all other thoughts. If you have ever looked through the focusing screen of a camera, you found that when the object was not in focus, the impression was indistinct and possibly blurred, but when the proper focus was obtained the picture was clear and distinct.

This illustrates the power of concentration. Unless you can concentrate upon the object which you have in view, you will have but a hazy, indifferent, vague, indistinct and blurred outline of your ideal and the results will be in accordance with your mental picture.