The Origin of Life and the Transmutation of the Human Race by The Light In The Dark Place - HTML preview

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Now let's move to the pentagon element which embodies the pentagram, a 5-pointed star.



To begin, we must understand that the Bible refers to us as stars.



Here is an example in the scripture of Daniel 12.



The word 'stars' is the Hebrew word H3556 כּוֹכָב kôkâb and is defined in the Strong's Concordance as a star (as round or as shining); figuratively a prince.


In this diagram, we can physically see how a 5-pointed star represents a prince.




(The term 'shining star' or 'prince' makes a lot of sense when we think about the fact that we are sparks of light and ultimately, angels that got cast down into mortal flesh).




This tattoo provides a great example. It is an outward manifestation of this truth that we are stars, princes who were cast down out of heaven to be born into the dimension of the flesh.


The upside-down 5-pointed star is the symbol for the church of Satan.




(Remember, we already established directly from the Bible that the flesh is contrary to the Spirit of God and it was originated by the serpent who is Satan).






This symbology is even on clothing brands throughout our society!




The Bible states in Psalm 146:9 "The LORD preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down."




After developing in the womb, the natural and most common way for a baby to be born into this world is upside down.


Did you know, that another term used to describe the womb is: the matrix?